Title: Study Abroad_Slide Show
1Study Abroad How To Get From Here... ...To There
2Explore Your Options
3Why International Education?
- Why Not?
- Personal Growth
- Enhance Cross-Cultural Awareness
- New Academic Experience
- New Perspective on World Affairs
- Career Opportunities
- Fun/Travel/People
4Where to go?
- SA Service Providers
- Arcadia CEA
- IFSA Butler University
- IES Institute for International Education of
Students - ISA International Studies Abroad
- API Academic Programs International
5Study Abroad Service Providers
- Staff work with host institutions
- Health and accident services
- Overseas staff
- Pre and Post Departure Services
- Transcript and credit conversion
6Arcadia Center for Education AbroadGlenside, PA
- Australia
- England
- Equatorial Guinea
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- New Zealand
- Scotland
- Spain
- Wales
7Institute for Study AbroadButler
UniversityIndianapolis, IN
- Argentina
- Australia
- Chile
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- England
- Republic of Ireland
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- N. Ireland
- Scotland
- Spain
8Institute for the International Education of
StudentsChicago, IL
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Chile
- China
- Ecuador
- England
- European Union
- France
- Germany
- Ireland
- Italy
- Japan
- The Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Spain
9International Studies AbroadAustin, TX
- Argentina
- Australia
- Chile
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Italy
- England, U. K.
- France
- Mexico
- Spain
- Wales
- Multi Country Mexico, Argentina and Spain
10Academic Programs International San Marcos, TX
- France
- Italy
- Republic of Ireland
- United Kingdom
- Hungary
- Poland
- Spain
- Mexico
11Additional Opportunities
- Exchange Programs
- Japan
- Spain
- Great Britain
- Short Term Programs offered by Bryant Faculty
- Study Tours are currently being explored by
Bryant Faculty - Internships Abroad
- Study Abroad Office
- Trained Peer Advisors with personal experience
- Guidance and Direction on Financial Issues
- Coordination with Professional Academic Advisors
- SA e-mail saoffice_at_bryant.edu
- Phone ext 6209
13Things to Consider
- Goal
- Cost
- Location
- Program
- Term
- Summer
- Internship
- Language
- Housing
- Excursion opportunities
14When Can I Go Abroad?
- Start as early as Sophomore Year 2nd Semester
- 95 in junior year
- Now more variance
- Planning ahead is the key!
15How Do I Start Applying?
- Inquire at the Study Abroad Office
- See an Academic Advisor about course requirements
abroad - Discuss your options with faculty
- Stop by Financial Aid with any questions
- Application process with Milissa Silvia
- Pre-Departure meeting
- Study Abroad Orientation
16Application Process
- Forms
- Deadlines
- GPA Requirement
- 3.0 cumulative
- Good Social Standing
- References
- Passport other credentials
- Financial Aid
- Res. Life
17Financial Aid
- Bryant Tuition and room rates are charged
- All billing fees are handled through Bryant
- Financial Aid and scholarships travel with you
18Any Questions?