Title: Organische Chemie 1A
1Organische Chemie 1A Prof. dr. Floris Rutjes
2Organische Chemie 1A
Docent Prof. dr. Floris Rutjes UL 354, tel.
53202, rutjes_at_sci.kun.nl Werkcollege
assistenten Pieter de Witte Bas Gruijters Boek
Maitland Jones, Jr., Organic Chemistry, 2nd
Ed. Aanbevolen Student Version (antwoorden op
vragen uit het boek)
3Organische Chemie 1A
- Hoor- en werkcolleges worden door elkaar heen
gegeven - Per week vijf college-uren en een tutoruur
- Tutoruur heeft andere opzet met open vragen
- College wordt gegeven met PP slides
- PP files worden uitgereikt als dictaat
- Zijn ook na te lezen op de website
http//www.kun.etc - Belangrijke aankondigingen betreffende dit
college zijn hier ook te vinden.
4What is organic chemistry ?
- Virtually anything around you.....
- Raincoat (polymers)
- Duo Penotti (food chemistry)
- After shave (flavor and fragrance industry)
- Paracetamol (against your hangover)
- Medicines (pharmaceutical industry)
- EPO, anabolic steroids
- Etcetera, etcetera.......
5History of Organic Chemistry
- 1828 synthesis of urea (Wöhler)
- 1995 synthesis of brevetoxin B (Nicolaou)
6Recent Nobel Prizes (1990)
From the Boston Globe, on October 18, 1990
Harvard professor E. J. Corey earned the Nobel
Prize for chemistry in 1990 for his work
simplifying the formulation of complex
pharmaceuticals. Elias James Corey was a whiz
kid from Methuen who wrote his doctoral thesis in
four weeks, earned a PhD at age 22 and was made a
full professor at 27. Yesterday, at 62, he won an
award that friends and colleagues said was years,
even decades, overdue the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry. His hobbies? Prof. David A. Evans, a
fellow chemistry professor at Harvard, put it
bluntly, "Chemistry. He works seven days a week."
7Recent Nobel Prizes (1996)
Buckminsterfullerene, C60
- The serendipitous discovery of a new form of
carbon in 1985 uncovered a fundamentally
different structure of closed carbon cages, which
were to become known as fullerenes. - 1996 Nobel Prize for chemistry to Curl, Jr.,
Kroto and Smalley.
8Het belang van natuurstoffen
The tropical frog Epipedobates tricolor is the
original source of the chemical epibatidine. It
has no natural enemies because a single tiny frog
contains within its skin enough frightful
chemistry to rub out a water buffalo!
Inspired by the intriguing properties of
epibatidine, Abbot researchers started to
synthesize analogues with potentially less side
effects. One of them was ABT-594. It proved to be
as effective as morphine, significantly less
toxic than epibatidine and, in addition, appeared
to be non-addictive. This is because it does not
act through the opioid receptors.
9Another example desogestrel
- Active component in oral contraceptives (Organon)
- Synthesized in a 20 step procedure on ton scale
10 Doel van college OC1A/1B
- Begrijpen van de structuur op atomair en
moleculair niveau - Verklaren van eigenschappen van moleculen op
basis van hun elektronische structuur - Verklaren en opstellen van reactiemechanismen
- Voorspellen van de reactiviteit van functionele
groepen - Kennismaken met een aantal basisreacties
11Atoms and Atomic Orbitals
- The Basis is the Periodic Table of the Elements
12The octet rule
- Atoms prefer to have completely filled shells
so-called noble gas configuration - Na prefers to be Na, Cl prefers to be Cl_
- Elements of the second row can host 8 electrons
13Lewis structures
- Lewis structures are structural formulas showing
all valence electrons - Count the total of valence electrons, divide
them over the molecule following the octer rule
14Electronegativity chart
H 2.3
Be 1.6
Li 0.9
B 2.1
C 2.5
N 3.1
O 3.6
F 4.2
Na 0.9
Mg 1.3
Al 1.6
Si 1.9
P 2.3
S 2.6
Cl 2.9
K 0.7
Br 2.7
Rb 0.7
I 2.4
- The electronegativity increases from left to
right and from bottom to top in the periodic
15Formal charge
- The amount of valence electrons present
determines the formal charge of the atom
16Stabilization by delocalization
- Both structures are mesomeric or resonance
structures - All s-bonds remain in tact
- Shift p- and free electron pairs, but obey the
octet rule
17Structure vs Reactivity
- Mesomeric structures can be invoked to explain
the reactivity of functional groups
19The structure of methane
- The 2s and the 3 2p orbitals of carbon are
mathematically combined to form four equivalent
sp3-hybridized orbitals
20The CH-bond in methane
- Overlap with the 1s orbitals of hydrogen
generates a stable CH-bond a so-called s-bond - Dissociation energy ca. 104 kcal/mol
- 2s 2px 2py gives three sp2 hybridized
orbitals - Orbitals are in the same plane with angles of 120
- Combination of the 2s and the 2p orbital leads to
2 sp hybrid orbitals - Both are in a linear orientation (bond angle 180
23Homolytic vs Heterolytic Bond cleavage
- For homolytic cleavage of the H-H bond, the
required energy is 104 kcal/mol. This is called
the bond dissociation energy - Note the different arrows !
24Ionic forms of carbon (2.4)
- What is the 3-dimensional structure of
carbocations and carbanions ?
25The carbocation
- A carbocation is sp2-hybridized, with angles of
120 degrees between the substituents - Orthogonal to the plane, there is an empty
26The carbanion
- The carbanion is sp3-hybridized, with the lone
pair occupying one of the sp3-orbitals
27The methyl radical
- Similar to the carbocation, the methyl radical is
sp2-hybridized with an electron in the p-orbital
perpendicular to the plane. - Make problem 2.9
29Rotational freedom
30The Newman projection
31Energy of the conformations
- Make problems 2.10 and 2.12
33Conformations of butane
34Conformations of butane (II)
36Isomers of pentane
38Start from the longest C-chain
41Behavior of alkanes
- The most important interactions in alkanes are
Vanderwaals interactions
- Make problems 2.27, 2.28, 2.33 (no names), 2.40,
2.41, 2.42