Title: Modern History of the Church Part I
1Modern History of the Church Part I
- Historical Events Leading Up to
- Vatican II
2Historical Events in the Church 325 to 1564
- First Ecumenical Council of Nicea 325
- Council of Constantinople 381 382
- Council of Trent 1545 - 1564
316th to Early 20th Centuries
- Political Philosophy of
- Thomas Hobbes 1588 1679
- Immanuel Kant 1724 1804
- Jeremy Bentham 1784- 1832
- Jean Jacques Rousseau
- 1712 - 1778
416th to Early 20th Centuries Continued
- Georg Frederick Hegel
- 1770 1831
- Arthur Schopenhauer
- 1788 1860
- John Stuart Mills 1806 - 1873
- Karl Marx 1818 - 1883
516th to Early 20th Centuries Continued
- Frederick Engles
- 1820 1889
- Frederick Nietzsche
- 1844 1900
- Marx Engles - Lenin
6Historical Events in the Church 1869
- Vatican Council I 1869
- Pope Leo XIII and
- Rerum Norvarum
719th to Mid- 20th Centuries
- Berlin Conference 1869
- First World War 1914 - 1918
- Rise of Communism and Nazism
- Depression (Crash of Wall Street) 1920s 1930s
819th to Mid- 20th Centuries
- Rearmament
- Second World War
- Holocaust
- Yalta Conference 1945
- Use of Atomic Bomb 1945
919th to Mid- 20th Centuries
- United Nations Formed 1946
- Marshall Plan 1947
- Independence
- India, Africa etc.
- China
10Historical Events in the Church 1962 - 1965
- Vatican Council II
- 1962 - 1965
11Vatican Council II
- Conciliar Documents
- Seven Principles of
- Catholic Social Teaching
- Missio ad Gentes
12Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
- 1. Life and Dignity of the
- Human Person
- 2. Call to Family, Community,
- and Participation
- 3. Rights and Responsibilities
- 4. Option for the Poor
- and Vulnerable
13Seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
- 5. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of
Workers - 6. Solidarity
- 7. Care for Gods Creation