Title: Larry G' David
1Larry G. David
- Professor Emeritus
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- University of Missouri
- Columbia, Missouri
2- Role and Responsibilities of College Deans and
Department Chairs in Program Assessment
3Program Assessment Experience
- Faculty Member for 35 years.
- Department Chair for 12 years.
- Refused to take an Interim Dean Job
- Been involved with program assessment since 2000
- Program Evaluator for Industrial Engineering
since 1990 with over 20 visits - EAC Team Chair for 7 years
4Brief History of Program Assessment
- Really started in late 1990s with ABET Criteria
2000-Outcomes Based Assessment - Criteria 2000 started in engineering about 2002
- Other accrediting agencies copied the concept
- Many programs now using assessment methods
5Why Program Assessment?
- Program Improvement
- Implement changing technology
- Satisfy demands from governmental agencies for
6Terms I find on King Fahd University Web Pages
- Mission
- Vision
- Educational Goals
- Educational Objectives
- Guiding Values
- Objectives
- Goals
- Aims
- These terms do not mean the same for all
programs. - For successful program assessment for all
University programs, these terms must be defined
and be the same across all programs. - Faculty will have to be involved in this
definition but the responsibility will be with
the Deans and Program Chairs.
8Definition of Program Assessment Terms
- Deans and Program Chairs should strive to
determine a common definition of these assessment
terms. - Perhaps form a committee and examine the meaning
of these terms and find a consensus definition - Web does show some programs with assessment
9Sample Programs With Assessment Committees (Web)
- Mathematics
- Electrical Engineering
- I am sure there are others
- Every program should have a person in charge of
assessment - Every college should have some advocate for
10Requirements for Successful Program Assessment
- All academic programs must participate
- Programs must have some type of mission statement
or objectives - Programs must have learning outcomes
- Assessment requires measurement or assessment of
learning outcomes - Must establish benchmarks or target values
- Must review and act on data resulting from
11Requirements For Successful Program Assessment
- All academic programs must participate
- Not sure how many programs at KFUPM currently
participate. - From website all programs appear to have some of
the elements
12Requirement for Successful Program Assessment
- Programs must have some type of mission
statement or objectives - Use common terminology. Suggest educational
objectives since many of your programs will be
seeking ABET accreditation - Definition What do you expect your graduates to
be able to do about 4 years after graduation?
13Mission Statement Continued
- Should be measurable
- Should uniquely describe your program
- Should be on your website so potential students
can see - Deans and Chairs should provide leadership in
development - Faculty should play a role in the determination
of these objectives - Faculty should play a role in the modification of
these objectives
14- Scanned KFUPM website looking for statements
about what graduates of programs were suppose to
be able to do after graduation. - Here are some examples of what was found.
15Example of Mission Statement
- Architecture Found in message from chairman. To
become the premier school of architecture in the
region, producing architects who are will versed
in programming, design, and project management as
well as in the application of information
technology and knowledge system in the field of
16Accounting and MISObjective and Educational Goals
- Objective Be a department of highly qualified
instructors dedicated to preparing our students
to entry level opportunities and long term career
success in accounting and MIS. - Educational Goal (b) To provide students with
the skills necessary to apply their knowledge in
organizations and businesses in which they are
17How do we determine career paths of your
- Ask your graduates with use of surveys. Found
some examples of surveys on KFUPM website. - Determine from your employers what they want your
graduates to be able to accomplish after a few
years. Use surveys or better to use focused
visits of some type. I see some of your
employers near here!!
18Determination of Program Objectives
- Program faculty must have input
- Make use of college and program advisory
committees - Every program has customers or constituencies.
They must have input.
19Why Advisory Councils?
- Need input on determining what your graduates
should be able to do about four years after
graduation. - Alumni will be able to tell you what skills are
missing - Employers will be able to tell you over time what
skills are required of your graduates
20Advisory Councils
- Deans should have advisory councils which include
alumni and employers - What did I find on web
- 1. College of Science has Advisory Council.
- 2. College of Environment Design has advisory
council. In Arabic and could not read. - 3. I am sure there are some that I missed
21Advisory Councils
- Programs should have advisory councils made up of
alumni, employers, and for some service programs
such as chemistry, physics, and mathematics
perhaps faculty from programs that use their
services. - Scanned the web and did not find very much
information on program advisory councils but I do
know some exist.
22Advisory Councils for ABET Accreditable Programs
- Almost mandatory but not required in criterion
but will surely be mentioned by program
evaluators - Councils do not have to be large but should
contain employers and alumni and some employers
could be alumni
23Program Objectives Suggestions
- Determine a common term to use. Since many of
KFUPM programs can be accredited by ABET I would
suggest Program Objectives - Deans and program chairs must take the lead in
establishment of objectives - Once established put on KFUPM website and define
what you mean my program objectives. Make sure
they are easy to find on websites.
24Suggestions Continued
- Once established, these objectives do not change
that often - May change as technology changes. Reading your
news from last visit, the Kingdom is trying to
establish more of a manufacturing base. This
could change the program objectives of some of
your programs.
25Suggestions Continued
- These educational objectives must be periodically
evaluated and this evaluation should eventually
lead to program improvement. - Develop an evaluation scheme using surveys of
graduates, alumni, and employer visits.
26Programs Must Have Learning Outcomes
- Marketing and Management Educational Goal
Statement Provide students with the skills
necessary to apply their knowledge in the
organizations and businesses in which they are
employed. - 1. What are these skills???
- 2. Implies that students acquire these skills
in their program of study - 3. How do you know if students really know
these skills??
27What are Outcomes or Program Skills
- Outcomes are skills that a student should know at
the time of graduation. - ABET specifies this minimum set for engineering,
engineering technology, and computer science. - Other programs should develop this set.
28Role of Deans and Chairs in Determination of
Program Skills
- Deans and chairs must take the lead to have
programs determine this set of skills - Assessment of these program skills is the heart
of any assessment program. - Assessment requires measurement and target levels
- Assessment leads to program improvement
- No matter how good your program is, there is
always room for improvement.
29Program Chairs Do Not Overburden Your Chairs With
- Things to Avoid
- Do not try to assess skills (outcomes) in every
course - Select key courses for assessment
- Do not attempt to develop special tests just for
assessment - Use data you already have available. I found
lots of available data when I visited Industrial
Engineering in May that was not being used.
30- 5. Do not assume that just because you have the
required skills in a course that all students
will master these skills. Providing courses with
the skills is a process. - 6. Grades in courses are not a good assessment
31Senior Design Course
- All programs should consider some type of senior
design course that requires the use of most
courses in the program curriculum. Deans will
have to push this concept. - ABET requires this course and many other
assessment agencies are doing the same or will
add soon - This course is an excellent place to assess
32Assessment Should Lead to Improvement of Programs
- You may have to add additional courses as
technology changes. Look at the rapid changes
that have taken place in the last 20 years or
less. - Chairs, you may have to make changes in some of
your courses. For example add more writing and
communication skills.
- Program assessment is continuous and should not
be based upon the timing of any accreditation
visit. - Warning to programs visited in November by ABET.
Do not say thank goodness they are gone and we
can relax until they come back again. Continue
the assessment processes and keep improving them
and improving the programs
34- Accreditation criterion from agencies changes
over time. The Dean should be responsible for
tracking these changes and making sure programs
are following the most current criterion - Keep checking the web each year and make sure
your college programs adapt to the changes
35Final Thought
- Deans and Chairs can only lead. The real
responsibility of program assessment lies with
the faculty of that program. You must convince
that program assessment is important and always
be a strong avocate. - Remember that Deans and Chairs were probably
once faculty.
36My Email Address
- davidfbref_at_hotmail.com