Title: The Call Center Industry: Comparing Union, Nonunion,
1The Call Center IndustryComparing Union,
Non-union, Offshore Workplaces
- Rosemary Batt, Ginny Doellgast, Hyunji Kwon
- Industrial and Labor Relations School
- Cornell University
- Ithaca, NY 14853
- May 12, 2005
2Todays Talk
- How is the industry changing and what does it
mean for the CWA? - How does the union affect CSR work?
- Pay benefits
- Skills and training
- Work organization
- Outcomes, such as turnover, job stability
- 3. What are the implications for union strategy?
3Industry Changes Telecommunications
- Decline in traditional union regulated sector
- 98 of local communications in 1984
- 60 in 1998
- 35 in 2003
- Growth of unregulated local access (1998-2003)
- Wireless subscribers up by 73 million customers
- High speed data access up by 68 million circuits
4Employment Change in Telecoms 1998-2003
5Telecom Regulatory Environment
of Company Revenue That Goes to Taxes
6Service Quality by Industry Segment
of Customers Satisfied with their Service
7Industry ChangesThe Call Center Industry
- Rapid Growth in
- Non-union in-house centers (banking, airlines)
- Non-union subcontractors (Sykes, Converges)
- Non-union offshore providers (Philippines, India)
- CWA working in a much broader arena
- Across different industries in the U.S.
- Across national boundaries
8What Difference Does the Union Make?
- International Call Center Survey
- Four types of centers
- Union in-house
- Non-union in-house
- Outsourced
- Indian offshore
- Four dimensions of work
- Pay levels
- Skills, training
- Work organization
- Outcomes such as turnover
9Quality Scorecard
10Annual Pay Levels (US )
11Years of Education
12Days of Initial Training
13Weeks to Become Qualified on Job
14 Who Rely on Scripted Texts
15 Discretion with Customers
16 Use of Problem-solving Groups
17 Time Electronically Monitored
18 Supervisor Monitoring
19 Annual Turnover
20 With Less Than 1 Year Tenure
21Quality Scorecard
22Quality Scorecard
23Quality Scorecard
24Quality Scorecard
25Quality Scorecard
26Opportunities for Strategic Action?
- Union competitive advantage
- Highly skilled committed workforce
- Good jobs with low turnover
- High quality service
- Union challenges Low-cost competition
- In telecoms uneven playing field
- In call centers globalization