Title: Introduction to Adapting to Change
1Introduction toAdapting to Change
2Adapting to Change in What?
- Change inside the organizations youll work for
- Changes in strategy (how your company competes)
- Changes in ____________________________
- Changes in product or service offerings
- Changes in production/service delivery technology
- Changes in ___________________________
- Changes in culture (core values and beliefs)
- Changes in ______________________________
- Strategic change key driver of other changes
- Youre going have to deal with a lot of
organizational change
3Why do Organizations Change?
Internal Forces
External Forces
4Pervasive Forces for Change
- Internal forces for change
- Failure to achieve key elements of organizations
mission - Financial and otherwise
- Changes in ___________________________
- Different leaders have different perspectives
- New leaders are looking to make their mark early
- Changes in ___________________________
5Pervasive Forces for Change
- External forces for change
- Mergers and acquisitions
- De-regulation (and other regulatory changes)
- Increased influence of institutional investors
- Premium on short-term financial results
- Technological innovation Revolutionary products
- Widespread use of PC
- Rise of the Internet
- Change in _________________________
- Innovations in ways of competing
- E-commerce
- Globalization of competition
6Whats this Got to Do with You?
- Youll be entering the workforce during an era of
rapid, fundamental change - Being able to deal effectively with frequent,
significant change will be essential to having a
successful career - You better be able to cope with change
- You better be able to lead change
7Elements of Adapting to Change
- Coping with change Session 1
- Session 1
- Recognizing that were living in a period of
rapid, fundamental change - Stress management (Chapter 15)
- Leading change Sessions 2 5
- Session 2 Challenges of leading change
- (Chapter 13)
- Session 3 Communicating vision for change
- Session 4 Organizational culture and culture
change - (Chapter 14)
- Session 5 Power, politics, and change
8Nerds Video
9Managing Stress
10What is Stress?
- Stress persons psychological and physiological
reactions to situation that is personally
threatening - Stressor environmental threats that cause
_________________________ - Stress reactions get people ready to respond to
11Why is Stress Management Important?
- Organizational costs
- 1) Absenteeism, attrition, lost productivity,
medical expenses, etc. - 300 billion per year
- 2) Increased alcohol and drug abuse
- More accidents, errors, declining effectiveness
- 3) Increased aggression and sabotage
12Why is Stress Management Important?
- Individual costs
- 1) Health impairment
- 50 to 75 percent of all illness is stress-related
- 2) Job burnout
- Feeling of exhaustion
- Arises when person experiences too much pressure
and to few sources of satisfaction from a
particular activity - 1 in 3 people consider quitting their jobs
because they fear burnout
13Stress and Performance
- Inverted-U relationship between stress and
performance - Low performance associated with
- Too little stress
- Too much stress
- Peak performance is at moderate levels of stress
143 Skills for Coping with Stress
- 1) Become aware of stress symptoms
- 2) Determine ____________________
- 3) Engage in ____________________
15Recognizing Stress Symptoms
- Physical symptoms
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Elevated blood pressure
- Psychological symptoms
- Too many to list
16Recognizing Stress Symptoms
- Warning signs
- Constant fatigue
- Recurring headaches
- Inability to sleep
- Compulsive eating
- Chronic worrying
17Identifying Sources of Stress
- Organizational stressors
- High stress occupations
- Low control
- Time pressures
- Heavy responsibilities
- Threatening/unpleasant physical conditions
18Identifying Sources of Stress
- Organizational stressors (continued)
- Job role
- Work overload
- Role ambiguity
- Role conflict
- Interpersonal relationships
- Working for a boss you dont like
19Identifying Sources of Stress
- Personal stressors
- Family problems
- Health problems
- Personality susceptibility
- Type ____ personality (time urgency,
20Identifying Sources of Stress
- Environmental stressors
- Economic uncertainty
- Political uncertainties
- Technological change
21Identifying Sources of Stress
- Change routinely causes stress
- Even positive change
- Life Change Unit Scale
22Constructive Coping
- Two kinds of coping
- Problem-focused
- Emotion-focused
23Problem-Focused Coping
- Individual coping strategies
- Changing jobs
- Seeking help
- Managing time
- Developing resiliency
24 Time Management
- 1) Planning
- 2) Organizing
- 3) Directing and controlling
25Time Management
- 1) Planning
- Determine your values
- Who are you? What do you want?
- Determine your goals and objectives
- Goal hierarchy
- Lifetime
- Intermediate
- Short-term
- Prioritize goals and objectives
26Time Management
- 2) Organizing
- List activities that support goals
- Prioritize activities
- ABC system (urgency and importance)
- Schedule activities
- Horizontal scheduling
- What to do over the next week or month
- Vertical scheduling
- Things to do today
27Time Management
- 3) Directing and controlling
- What is most effective use of my time now?
- Pareto principle (80/20 rule)
- 80 of activities are trivial (20 of important
results) - 20 of activities are critical (80 of important
results) - Identify critical activities
- Concentrate time on high impact activities
- Capitalize on personal productivity cycle
28Time Management
- 3) Directing and controlling (continued)
- Avoid procrastination
- Recognize reasons for procrastination
- Unpleasant task
- Overwhelming task
- Unclear goal
- Unclear task
- Fear of failure
- Fear of change
- Tendency to over-commit
- Addiction to cramming
- Overcoming procrastination
- See Exhibit 15-8
29Time Management
- 3) Directing and controlling (continued)
- Minimize disruptions
- Delegate?
30Problem-Focused Coping
- Developing personal resiliency
- People respond differently to stressors
- Hard to control aspects of resiliency
- Extroversion
- Locus of control
- Less hard to control aspects of resiliency
- High self-esteem?
- Social support
- Health maintenance
31Emotion-Focused Coping
- Many stressors cant be completely managed or
eliminated - Emotion-focused strategies
- Recreation
- Relaxation
- Meditation