Title: International%20Action%20Plan%20Follow%20Up
1International Action Plan Follow Up
2- Mandate and Preparation
- The conveners of renewables 2004 (the German
Federal Ministries BMU and BMZ) invited REN21, to
co-ordinate the follow-up and carry out the
reporting on the implementation of IAP Actions. - IAP Follow Up activity was adopted by REN21 SC
meeting in Beijing November 2005.
3- 3. Disclosure and Publication Policy
- REN21 Secretariat is making the (edited) reports
received available on-line continuously on the
website www.ren21.net - Secretariat has prepared a first Interim Report
in print for the occasion of the 14th Session of
the United Nations Conference on Sustainable
Development (CSD), 1-12 May 2006, in New York
(first distributed to SC members) - Updated on-line Interim Report to be prepared for
June 2006, two years after renewables 2004
44. Status of Reporting April 27, 2006.
- Response Rate
- Continued effort in reminding is successful
- Sent first contact in early March. By 27 April
2006, Partners for 83 Actions had responded,
bringing the response rate to 42 percent. - Should guarantee that by June 2006, two years
after the Bonn conference, significantly more
than half of the Actions will be reported on. - Will consider further steps to increase
effectiveness of this process
54. Status of Reporting April 27, 2006.
- Structure of response
- Most regions of origin (of the leading Partner)
and target (where the Action is implemented) are
represented in the current sample, except North
America, from where reports have been announced - All categories of actor types, i.e. governments
(including regional and local governments),
international organisations (including
international financial institutions),
non-governmental organisations, research bodies,
and the private sector have shown strong
participation in this reporting initiative. - Responses are also relatively evenly distributed
among the different types of Actions. - All categories have been covered, though
unevenly. The sample of responses received can
be considered fairly representative for all of
the Actions put forward in the IAP.
6- Structure of response
- Regional
7- Structure of response
- Actor type
8- Structure of response
- Type of Action
9- Structure of response
- Type of Action
Absolute numbers of responses and committed
Actions Research and Development 19 out of 35
Information and Awareness 12 out of
33 Policies 12 out of 41 Financing 11 out
of 17 Capacity Building 11 out of 25 Deployment
10 out of 26 Multiple categories 8 out of 20
105. Status of Implementation According to Reports
- Implementation status reported
- Most (75) reports show that the commitments are
being or have been implemented. They are either
completed (18) or underway (57). - Others are still under preparation (23)
- Only 2 percent of IAP commitments reported on
have been abandoned.
115. Status of Implementation According to Reports
- Within the Actions
- More than average (75) implementation rate is
reported for Actions in the categories financing
and RD, - Average in policy, awareness building and
multiple (combined) - Sub average in capacity building and deployment
- Projects with wind or biomass component higher
reporting percentage, and often exceeding
12- Implementation status reported
- Type of Action
135. Status of Implementation According to Reports
- Policy
- Reporting is advanced on policies which include
targets (5 out of 9) China, France, Japan, UK
and Northern Ireland (2 different commitments),
Australia announced report - all are in implementation, 3 already approved
- Reporting is slower on other policy Actions (7 of
32) China, Ethiopia, Germany, Iran, Turkey,
Uganda, Pacific Islands - here also implementation is general however
completion rate is lower. - Note in category Multiple, reports were received
from countries like Pakistan and Egypt which
also include policy targets and measures
145. Status of Implementation According to Reports
- Finance
- 11 out of 17 Action (set up financing schemes) s
have been reported on (65) - 10 of them are in implementation one under
preparation - Significant new programmes by EIB, KfW,
- WB commitment accomplished
- Private sector financing
155. Status of Implementation According to Reports
Example Pakistan Alternative Energy Development
Board Goal Target of 10 RE electricity by 2015,
via implementing policies, fiscal incentives,
public awareness, strengthening institutions
Rural electrification target 50,000 villages
electrified Results so far - Legislation
enacted - 104 MW going on line in the next six
months interim target of 800 MW (5) by
2010 - 8,000 rural people with modern energy
services via installation of 182KW micro RE Key
Lessons 1) Governments must lead the way in
order to attract private capital 2) Off-grid
rural RE needs proper training and awareness to
achieve acceptance and proper implementation
167. Integration in UN CSD Process
- REN21 activities during UN CSD
- Partnership presentation (May 04, 2006), with
Rajendra Pachauri and Stephen Sawyer - Participation in JREC side event (May 08),
Secretariat - REN21 stand (May 09)
- Partnerships in Practice Interactive Discussion
Session Working in Collaboration Partnership
networking and relationship building May 09 (300
430 PM) - Joint side event with REEEP (May 10), with
Ministers UK DEFRA Germany BMU Egypt Mexico - Distribution of print version of First Interim
Report - Updated flyer informing on issue papers
17- Thank you for your attention