Title: Stray field of GLDc
1Stray field of GLDc
- Yasuhiro Sugimoto
- June 10, 2008
- _at_ECFA08
2Agreement after TILC08
- A maximum stray field of 200 G at 10 m in Z and
yoke outer radius 50 cm -
Can we achieve it ?
4Without MUO gap
5With no gap between rings
6Gap partially filled with Fe
t12.5 cm Fe between 25/40 cm Fe slabs
7Gap partially filled with Fe
t15/30 cm Fe between 25/40 cm Fe slabs
8Gap partially filled with Fe
t15/30 cm Fe between 25/40 cm Fe slabs 1cm gap
9Gap partially filled with Fe
t15/30 cm Fe between 25/40 cm Fe slabs 1cm gap
10Gap partially filled with Fe
t15/30 cm Fe between 25/40 cm Fe slabs 1cm gap
Gap between EC and barrel is reduced from 3cm to
11Gap partially filled with Fe / 4T
t15/30 cm Fe between 25/40 cm Fe slabs 1cm gap
Gap between EC and barrel is reduced from 3cm to
- In order to achieve the requirement for the stray
field of lt200 G at RgtRdet0.5m, - Much more Fe should be used
- or
- Gaps between rings should be partially (gt50)
filled with Fe - For 4T, still more Fe is needed to suppress the
stray field