Title: Effective Hamiltonian for High energy QCD
1Effective Hamiltonian for High energy QCD
- Yoshitaka Hatta
in collaboration with E. Iancu, L.
A. Stasto, D. Triantafyllopoulos
Ref. hep-ph/0504182
2Beyond the B-JIMWLK equation
Problems with the B-JIMWLK equation found
MuellerShoshi, IancuTriantafyllopoulos)
A number of attempts to modify/improve the
B-JIMWLK equation
Connection to statistical physics problem
Dipole model in large Nc
(IancuTriantafyllopoulos, Mueller,ShoshiWong,
LevinLublinsky, Levin)
Projectile wavefunction approach
Combination of the CGC formalism and the
effective action approach
3B-JIMWLK Whats missing?
The B-JIMWLK equation assumes
A dilute projectile scatters off a dense target.
Gluon recombination
4Effective action approach
Lipatov, VerlindeVerlinde, Balitsky
5From the effective action to the
A rule of thumb
Kovner Lublinsky
6Construction of the effective action
The total gauge field
Coulomb gauge light-cone gauge
classical semi-hard soft
7High density regime JIMWLK Hamiltonian
Start with
in the background Coulomb gauge,
( )
8Low density regime BREM Hamiltonian
Start with
in the background light cone gauge,
dual to JIMWLK
c.f. Kovner Lublinsky
9The general case full effective action
Start again with
in the background light cone gauge,
(Same as the BREM case)
zero curvature in the ( ) plane
10Two-dimensional effective theory of Wilson lines
is invariant under
, i.e., is self-dual.
- The effective action approach is a powerful
method to - construct an evolution Hamiltonian at
high-energy. - The full effective action is self-dual, and
reduces to - JIMWLK and BREM in
appropriate limits. - Quantization of the full effective action.
12Hilbert space of the BREM Hamiltonian
The commutation relation implies that the
charges are noncommutative
The observable is a product of the charges with
specified ordering. The BREM Hamiltonian,
together with the commutation relation, give
unambiguous evolution equations.