Title: Recent results on saturation and CGC
1Recent results on saturation and CGC
- Kazunori Itakura
- Theory Group, KEK
Stained glass by M. Chagall (1964) at United
Nations in New York
- Introduction/Motivation
- Basic questions, Important experimental
results - High energy limit of QCD
- Color Glass Condensate
- The Balitsky-Kovchegov Equation
- A fresh look at the equation from the
statistical physics - (The Logistic equation and the FKPP
equation) - Recent Progress in Phenomenology
- Deuteron-Au collisions at RHIC,
predictions for LHC - Recent Progress in Theory
- Beyond the BK equation
- Summary
- Basic questions/problems which we want to
answer/understand - What is the high energy limit of QCD ?
- If it indeed exists,
- - Is it different from the ordinary picture of
hadrons ? - - Is it already seen in experiments ?
- - What is the evidence for it ?
- - Can we treat it in weak-coupling techniques ?
- asltlt1, in scatt. with high Q2, or at
high temperature/density - What is the information of nucleons relevant for
- high energy scattering ?
- instead of static information such as
mass, radius at rest, etc
4Important Experimental Results
- Deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at HERA
- ? Steep rise of F2 (and gluon density) at
small x
Q2 qT2 transverse resolution x p/P
longitudinal mom. fraction
High density gluons appear at small x high
energy scatt.
5Important Experimental Results
Hadronic cross section at high energy (total
cross sec. for pp)
Including cosmic ray data of AKENO and Flys eye
6High energy limit of QCD
Keys many gluons, unitarity, universality
A universal form of matter at high energy
? Color Glass Condensate (CGC) !!
High density ! occupation number 1/as at
created from frozen random color source, that
evolves slowly compared to natural time scale
Gluons have color
7The Balitsky-Kovchegov equation
A basic equation for the CGC
Balitsky, Kovchegov, Braun
Derived from QCD by using
resummation w.r.t. (as ln s)n strong
gluonic field in the target
A nonlinear differential equation, solved
numerically with/without impact parameter
in coordinate/momentum space
analytically in some separate kinematical
8Global energy dependence
Exponential growth is tamed by the nonlinear term
? saturation ! Initial condition dependence
disappears at late time ? universal !
9Reaction-diffusion dynamics
Munier Peschanski (2003)
With a reasonable approximation, the BK equation
in momentum space is rewritten as the FKPP
equation (Fisher, Kolmogorov, Petrovsky,
Piscounov) where t Y, x ln k2 and
u(t, x) NY(k).
Well-understood in non-equilibrium statistical
physics including directed percolation, pattern
formation, spreading of epidemics
FKPP logistic diffusion
u1 stable
Logistic reaction part, transition
from unstable to stable states
Diffusion expansion of stable region ?
Traveling wave solution
t gt t
take the 2nd order expansion of the BFKL kernel
around its saddle point
10 Saturation scale Geometric scaling
Fact 1 For a traveling wave solution, one
can define the position of a wave
front x(t) v(t)t .
Fact 2 At late time, the shape of a traveling
wave is preserved, and the solution is only
a function of x vt.
11Phase diagram of a proton as seen in DIS
QS2(x) 1/xl grows as x ? 0 as(QS2) ltlt 1
weak coupling
Extended scaling regime
Higher energies ?
Non-perturbative (Regge)
1/x in log scale
Parton gas
Q2 in log scale
Fine transverse resolution ?
12Recent progress in phenomenology
13Phenomenological applications
- Au-Au at RHIC
- Deuteron-Au at RHIC
- p-Pb and Pb-Pb at LHC (predictions)
- High Energy Cosmic Rays
14Deuteron-Au at RHIC
- Going forward in p(d)-A collision corresponds to
probing nuclear wavefunction at smaller x - Nuclear modification factor (Brahms)
If RdAu1, d-Au is just -
a summation of pp -
(up to iso-spin effect)
q, g
Cronin enhancement at h0, suppression at h3.2
Lots of studies in the CGC framework (see a
review by Kovchegov Jalilian-Marian)
- Qualitative behaviors consistent with
predictions of CGC. - Cronin peak ? multiple Glauber-Mueller
scattering (McL.-V. model) - High pt suppression ? due to mismatch between
evolution speeds - of proton nucleus. Nucleus
grows only slowly due to saturation. - Quantitative results also available
15Deuteron-Au at RHIC
- Running coupling effects evaluated
Iancu,KI,Triantafyllopoulos - DGLAP improvements on the projectile side
(deuteron) necessary - Averaged x2 in 2?1 kinematics is 10-3
for RHIC y3 (private communication) -
Dumitru,Hayashigaki,Jalilian-Marian ? see talk
by Jalilian-Marian
- Various observables show suppression due to
saturation. - EM probes dileptons, photonsJalilian-Mari
- qqbar (meson) production
Blaizot,Fujii,Gelis,Venugopalan,Kharzeev,Tuchin -
? see talks by Fujii Lappi - Jet azimuthal correlations disappear due
to mono-jet production. -
- Other approaches.
- Standard nuclear shadowing (NLO Leading Twist)
with 2?2 process -
Vogt,Guzey,Strikman,Vogelsang - Parton recombination ? identified particle
dependence Hwa,Yang,Fries - Re-scattering effects with factorization
formalism of pQCD Qiu,Vitev
? Need more detailed investigation to be
16Phase diagram with numbers
From the CGC fit Qs2(x)(10-4/x)0.25
x in log
Extended Scaling BFKL
Parton gas
Q2 in log
17CGC at LHC
LHC vsNN 14 TeV for pp, 5.5 TeV for
PbPb For the same pt, Qs2(LHC) is increased by
a factor of 3 than Qs2 (RHIC). Qs2(LHC) 3 --
10 GeV2 Number of gluons in the saturation
regime increases. ?
Effects of saturation will be more visible!!
mid forward
18Recent progress in theoryBeyond the BK equation
19Beyond the BK equation
- The complete picture of high energy scattering in
QCD will contain - Pomeron 2 gluon exchange, C-even state
- Odderon 3 gluon exchange, C-odd state
- Reggeon quark-antiquark exchange,..
- and interaction among them
The BK equation -- multiple exchange of P, and
P-merging PP?P ? Need to go beyond the
BK equation !!
In order to correctly describe the interaction
among them, one needs to modify JIMWLK
Hamiltonian so that it contains P-splitting
P?PP . This allows one to have Pomeron loops.
20Beyond the BK equation
- Small-x physics beyond the Kovchegov equation,
Mueller and Shoshi, Nucl.Phys. B692 (2004)
175-208 - Universal behavior of QCD amplitudes at high
energy from general tools of statistical physics,
- Iancu, Mueller, and Munier, Phys. Lett.
B606 (2005) 342-350 - A Langevin equation for high energy evolution
with pomeron loops, - Iancu and Triantafyllopoulos, Nucl.Phys.
A756 (2005) 419-467 - Extension of the JIMWLK Equation in the Low Gluon
Density Region - Mueller, Shoshi and Wong, Nucl.Phys. B715
(2005) 440-460 - Non-linear QCD evolution with improved
triple-pomeron vertices - Iancu and Triantafyllopoulos, Phys.Lett.
B610 (2005) 253-261 - In pursuit of Pomeron loops the JIMWLK equation
and the Wess-Zumino term - Kovner and Lublinsky, Phys.Rev. D71 (2005)
085004 - From target to projectile and back again
selfduality of high energy evolution - Kovner and Lublinsky, Phys.Rev.Lett. 94
(2005) 181603 - Duality and Pomeron effective theory for QCD at
high energy and large Nc - Blaizot, Iancu, Itakura,
Triantafyllopoulos, Phys.Lett. B615 (2005)
221-230 - High energy amplitude in the dipole approach with
Pomeron loops asymptotic solution - Levin, hep-ph/0502243
- Effective Hamiltonian for QCD evolution at high
energy - Hatta, Iancu, McLerran, Stasto,
Triantafyllopoulos, hep-ph/0504182, see also
Keep an eye on this subject !!
- High enegy limit of QCD is the Color Glass
Condensate - - high density gluonic matter which shows
- ? saturation of gluon distribution
(non-linearity), - ? unitarization of scattering amplitude,
- ? universal (insensitive to initial
conditions) - ? provides natural interpretation of
geometric scaling - All of these are confirmed by the close analogy
with - the FKPP equation for
reaction-diffusion dynamics. - CGC can be compared with experiments
- ? small x data in DIS at HERA
- ? suppression of RpA in deuteron-Au at
forward rapidity - Theoretical framework under re-construction
- new direction BEYOND the BK equation
- We are now approaching the complete description
of high energy scattering in QCD.
22Thanks to
- My collaborators (chronological)
- Larry McLerran, Edmond Iancu, Elena
Ferreiro, - Yuri Kovchegov, Derek Teaney, Stephen
Munier, - Dionysis Triantafyllopoulos, Yoshitaka
Hatta, - Jean-Paul Blaizot
- My colleagues (possible future collaborators,
alphabetical) - Adrian Dumitru, Rikard Enberg, Hiro
Fujii, - Francois Gelis, Arata Hayashigaki,
Tetsu Hirano, - Jamal Jalilian-Marian, Dmitri Kharzeev,
Cyrille Marquet, - Al Mueller, Yasushi Nara, Robi
Peschanski, - Gregory Soyez, Kirill Tuchin, Raju
Venugopalan, - and all the people who are interested in
CGG !!
23Backup slides
24Pomeron Loops
- Necessary ingredient for the complete description
of the high energy limit of QCD - The BK equation describes
- multiple exchange of BFKL Pomerons and
fan diagrams (merging)
BUT, not the opposite Pomeron splitting
diagrams ? asymmetric under the
exchange btw projectile and target
Need to supply Pomeron splitting to obtain a
Lorentz inv. description !
- a new concept duality btw proj. target ?
related to fluctuation (BK is the mean field
approximation) - Modification to BK (and JIMWLK) done ?
stochastic FKPP equation
- The BK eq. is for the hard Pomeron two
reggeized gluon exchange -
even under the charge
Perturbative QCD ? hard Odderon 3 reggeized
gluon exchange in C-odd state, obeys the BKP
equation Bartels,
Kwiecinski-Praszalowicz Recent progress
New description of Odderon in CGC
- Can define relevant C-odd operators for
dipole-CGC 3quark-CGC scatt. - Reproduce the BKP equation in the linear regime
- In the dipole-CGC scattering, nonlinear effects
kills the Odderon.
A big step towards the description of n-reggeized
gluon exchange !!
26Geometric scaling
Observed in HERA DIS at small x and moderate Q2
The saturation scale from the data is consistent
with the theoretical results
Extended Scaling regime
Geometric scaling approximately exists even
outside of CGC!! ? Scaling window
27Geometric scaling with fluctuation
Inclusion of Pomeron loops ?
Stochastic FKPP equation Iancu, Mueller, Munier
Geometric scaling is strongly violated by the
- Numerical analysis
- by R.Enberg et al.
- Geometric scaling is
- still valid for not so small x
28More about deuteron-Au _at_ RHIC
pt spectrum in the CGC
Jalilian-Marian quark production LO GRV98 for
deuteron IIM param. (the CGC
fit) FF(LOKKP) K factor
Kharzeev-Kovchegov-Tuchin quarkgluon
production Valence quark distribution KKT
param. FF(LO,KKP) nonpert.Cronin
Dumitru-Hayashigaki- Jalilian-Marian Quark
gluon production DGLAP for deuteron FF(LO
KPP) LO CTEQ5 with K factor KKT param.
x- and DGLAP evolution