Title: D' T' Wahl
1D. T. Wahl
- Comparing NOGAPS and COAMPSTM
- with In Situ Data
- Primitive Equations
- Sigma Pressure Levels
- Hydrostatic vs. Non-hydrostatic
- Satellite Data Processing
- Boundary Conditions
- Steps to obtain Numerical Forecast
- Product Distribution
- Model Output Statistics
- Model Tendencies
- Cruise Data
- Discussion
- Conclusion
3Short Review of NWP Fundamentals
4Primitive Equations
Courtesy of COMET http//www.meted.ucar.edu/
5NOGAPS - Sigma Pressure Levels
Courtesy of COMET http//www.meted.ucar.edu/
6Hydrostatic vs. Non-Hydrostatic
- Hydrostatic (NOGAPS)
- Assumes hydrostatic equilibrium
- (PGF Gravity)
- Good for global and synoptic features
- Non-Hydrostatic (COAMPS)
- Define a reference state and the perturbations
from that state - Good for mesoscale modeling as they account for
vertical motion and accelerations, rather than
inferring them from continuity.
7NOGAPS Satellite Data Processing
- Atmospheric Variational Data Assimilation System
(NAVDAS) for converting satellite data into model
input. - NAVDAS comprises the data quality control and
analysis elements of the new NOGAPS data
assimilation system. It is a three-dimensional
Variational (3DVAR) analysis scheme. -
- NAVDAS is a process by which satellite
observations are converted to usable parameters
and produces data from the surface to .1 mb. - Within the NAVDAS both satellite and conventional
data are further checked for quality and for
consistency with neighboring observations and the
model short-term forecast - This process of quality control is referred to as
buddy checking.
8COAMPS Satellite Data Processing
- Multivariate Optimal Interpolation System (MVOI)
with a six-hour data assimilation cycle. -
- When quality checking data, a first guess of
the initial conditions is taken from either a
previous COAMPS forecast or the NOGAPS forecast
and is interpolated onto the COAMPS grids. - These first guess fields are then updated with
real data. It is important to point out that
this system of quality control depends on using
prior models that are of good quality (MetEd,
2006). - Conventional data are subjected to quality
control by the same process as NOGAPS and NOGAPS
quality control checking system
9Boundary Conditions
- Characteristic of all models
- Lower boundary
- Terrain height
- NOGAPS uses ½ degree Global Land One-kilometer
Base Elevation (GLOBE) - Ocean surface
- Land roughness
- Upper boundary
- Where to stop modeling (4 to 7 mb)
- Characteristic of regional models
- Lateral boundary conditions
- Supplied through coupling with a global or
another regional model
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11Steps to Obtaining a Numerical Forecast
- Data collection
- Quality control
- Data Assimilation
- Forecast Integration
- Post-Processing of Forecast Fields
- Distribution of the Product
12Numerical Weather Prediction Model Process
13Data Collection
- Observations are assembled from
- ship and buoy reports
- surface stations
- aircraft
- rawinsonde upper air soundings
- satellite derived products
- etc.
- Data cuts occur hourly -- observations from the
previous hour are collected and prepared for
input into the models.
14Quality Control
- This is the step in which the validity of the
individual observations is checked. - Observations are screened for errors, redundancy,
and consistency with the previous forecast.
15Data Assimilation
- The purpose of data assimilation is to turn
irregularly spaced observations into a regularly
spaced grid of values from which the model can be
run. - The first guess is blended with incoming
16Data Assimilation
- Non-simple interpolation
- Use balance relationships to introduce dynamical
consistency into the analysis. - Scales of motion that the model cannot resolve
are filtered out. - Errors with each type of observation are known
and weighted accordingly based on instrument use
and historical accuracy.
17Forecast Integration
- This is the step in which the model analysis is
integrated forward in time.
- Numerical filters and smoothers are applied to
the raw numerical output to eliminate any high
frequency noise in the model fields that is not
removed by damping already in the model. - This is where the forecasted model variables are
interpolated from model coordinates to map
coordinates or numerical guidance.
19Product Distribution
- Generation of charts
- Dissemination of charts
- Output used by other models
- ocean wave models
- sea ice models
- ocean circulation models
- ocean thermodynamics models
- tropical cyclone models
- aircraft and ship-routing program
20Model Output Statistics (MOS)
- This is a statistical approach to forecasting,
which eliminates model biases and systematic
errors. - Based upon long term model performance statistics
and climatological observations are kept (all
stats, no physics).
21FNMOC Model Tendencies
Models characteristics and tendencies are track
every week and as they change, they are posted
at https//www.fnmoc.navy.mil/PUBLIC/
22NOGAPS Tendencies
- Complex lows are merged into one at the extended
forecast periods. - Developing oceanic lows are slightly
under-forecast and are slow to deepen through 72
hours. - Mature oceanic lows are 2-3 mb over-forecast and
are slow to fill. - Surface winds associated with deepening (filling)
lows are under-forecast (over-forecast).
23COAMPS Tendencies
- Synoptically performs as well as other models on
the mesoscale it frequently out performs other
models. - The strongest feature is its ability to capture
localized winds and small scale effects. - Does not do well over open ocean.
24Cruise Data
25Cruise Data Plot
261200 24 JAN 06
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291800 24 JAN 06
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320000 25 JAN 06
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351200 25 JAN 06
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38Cruise Data Plot
- Data sparse area.
- We had very little significant weather almost
no clouds. - Quality of satellite data is moisture (clouds)
dependent - (Remember back to Remote Sensing).
- 88 of observational input is derived from polar
orbiting or geostationary satellites. - 12 come from ship observations, dropsondes,
pilot balloons, and rawinsondes. - NOGAPS uses NAVDAS an improved translator of
satellite data vice COAMPS MVOI.
- NOGAPS out performed COAMPS during our cruise
(agrees with model tendencies). - Both models over forecasted the winds by 5 to 20
m/s. - Both models forecasted the winds up 50 degree
north that the rawinsonde indicated - Both errors likely attributed to lack of
atmospheric moisture (clouds). - The trends of the model output was correct.