Title: Face Recognition
1Face Recognition
- Last Time 50-60 success rate
- Margin of error very small
- - 450 or less is a match
- - greater than 450 not a match
3Industry Update
- Industry Update
- - Visionics Corporation (VSNX)
4Industry Update Contd
- - Viisage Technology Inc. (VISG)
5Data Acquisition
- Digital Camera
- - 150 images Amir, Brian, Josh, Kevin, Ming,
Raghavan, Tom, Vinesh - - 200 images unused
- - Final Analysis Amir, Josh, Kevin, Ming,
6Data Acquisition Contd
- Adobe PhotoShop Pre-Processing
- - color dodge where necessary
- - crop
7Data Acquisition Contd
- Video Camera w/ IR Filtering
- - unsuccessful
8Problems with Previous Algorithm
9Problems with Previous Algorithm
- Different Length Neckline - large cost
- - disturbs alignment
10Problems with Previous Algorithm
- Edit Cost
- Curve Matching Not Aligned
11Finalized Algorithm
- Pre-Processing
- a) Convert To Gray Scale
- b) Binary Threshold
- c) Centroid
- d) Filter Noise Using Connected Regions
- e) Fill Region Up Until Contour
- f) Crop Image Area
- g) Normalize
- h) Fill Border To Black
- I) Save to .bmp File
12Finalized Algorithm Contd
- Convert .bmp to .pgm
- Isolate Largest Contour
- Profile Curve
- Curve Matching
- Compute Euclidean Costs
- Parse Data to Extract Costs
13Finalized Algorithm Contd
- Good Alignment - DPMatchVis
14Finalized Algorithm Contd
- Computing Euclidean Cost
- 1) readMapFile
- 2) readRaphC
- 3) registerCorrespondence
- 4) rotateTranslateContour
- 5) euclidean distance
- plotRegisteredContours
- Mean, Median, Standard Deviation
- Higher Dimensional Analysis
15Results Unedited
16Results Unedited Contd
- Correct Match 22/37 or 59.46
- Without Tom 12/27 or 44.44
17Results Unedited Contd
- Threshold 10 34/37 Correct, 64/361 False
18Results Nose
19Results Nose Contd
- Correct Match 6/17 or 35.29
20Results Nose Contd
- Threshold 12 - 13/17 Correct, 40/119 False
21Results Planar vs Planar
22Results Planar vs Planar
- Correct Match 30/75 or 40
- Without Kevin 29/60 or 48.33
23Results Planar vs Planar
- Threshold 9 71/75 Correct, 155/420 False
24Results H.D. Planar vs Planar 1
- Correct Match Across Rows 8/10 or 80
- Correct Match Down Columns 9/10 or 90
25Results H.D. Planar vs Planar 1
- Threshold 8 9/10 Correct, 6/50 False Positives
26Results H.D. Planar vs Planar 2
- Correct Match Across Rows 7/10 or 70
- Correct Match Down Columns 9/10 or 90
27Results H.D. Planar vs Planar 2
- Threshold 6 9/10 Correct, 1/50 False Positives
28Results H.D. Planar vs Non-Planar
29Results H.D. Planar vs Non-Planar
- Correct Match Across Rows 1/10 or 10
- Correct Match Down Columns 4/10 or 40
30Results H.D. Planar vs Non-Planar
- Threshold 8 6/10 Correct, 9/50 False Positives
31Results H.D. Planar vs Planar Aberrations
32Results H.D. Planar vs Planar Aberrations
- Correct Match Across Rows 4/16 or 25
- Correct Match Down Columns 6/16 or 38
33Results H.D. Planar vs Planar Aberrations
- Threshold 9 9/16 Correct, 13/80 False Positives
34Results Analysis
- Summary
- Planar vs Planar
- - Individual vs General Threshold
- When does the system fail?
35Future Work
- Fiducial Point Extraction
- - Scale-Space Approach
- - Andrew Williss f2D utility from Sharp package
36Future Work Contd
- Invariance occlusions, articulations,rotations,
- aberrations in facial
- Ross Cutler, Face Recognition Using Infrared
Images and Eigenfaces, April 1996. - Thomas B. Sebastian, Philip N. Klein, Benjamin B.
Kimia, Alignment-based Recognition of Shape
Outlines, 2001. - Zdravko Liposcak and Sven Loncaric, Face
Recognition from Profiles Using Morphological
Operators, 1998. - Zdravko Liposcak and Sven Loncaric, A
Scale-Space Approach to Face Recognition from
Profiles, 1999.