Title: Rheology Fundamentals
1Rheology Fundamentals
- Continuum
- Stress
- Strain
- Ideal Solids
- Ideal Liquids
- Non-Newtonian Fluids
- Visco-elastic Behavior
3Continuum Approach
- What is a continuum?
- What is continuum approach?
- Eulerian method of description
- Lagrangian method of description
- Stressforce/unit area
- Tensile
- Compressive
- Shear
- Body and surface forces
- Simple and isolated stresses
- Tensile
- Compression
- Shear
- Stress vector
- Shear and normal components
Fluid element
The stress vector at the point on the surface is
given by
6Stress Tensor
- Stress tensor
- Numbers of unknowns
- Sign convention
- Stress in static fluids
- Hydrostatic pressure
- Stress in dynamic fluids
- Pressure and viscous stresses
- Invariant of stress tensor
- Principal stresses
Total stress tensor
Extra stress tensor or Viscous stress tensor
or Dissipative stress tensor
7Viscous Stress Tensor for a Newtonian
Incompressible Fluid
- When you apply an external force to a body,
you either cause a rigid body movement and/or you
cause a change in shape. In rheology, we are
interested in the description of the change in
shape. - Change in shape is the change of distances
between points within a continuum and is a
geometrical concept.
9Concepts used to Describe Deformation
- Compressible and Incompressible materials
- Lagrange and Euclidian Approaches
- Translation
- Rotation
- Linear and angular deformation
- Rate of deformation
- Velocity
- Acceleration
- Velocity gradient
- Vorticity
- Strain
- Average strain
- Strain tensor
- Rate of change of strain tensor
- Principal strain
- Strain is the absolute amount of distortion which
occurs, expressed as a fraction of an original
dimension of the unstressed sample. Strain is
dimensionless. - Tensile strain
- Compressive strain
- Shear strain
- Rate of strain
11Relation Between Force and Deformation
- Relation for ideal solids
- Relation for ideal fluids
- Relation for viscoelastic materials
- Constitutive equations or rheological equations
of state
12Important Deformations in Rheology
13Ideal SolidsHooks Law 1676
14Ideal LiquidsNewtons Law
The resistance of which arises from the lack of
slipperiness originating In a fluid, other things
being equal, is proportional to the velocity by
which the parts o f the fluid are being separated
from each other. Isaac N. Newton (1687) From
Rheology Principles, Measurements, and
Applications By C. W. Macosko, 1994, VCH
Publishers, page 65
15Visco-elastic Behavior
- Elasticoviscous fluids
- Viscoelastic solids
- Creep
- Relaxation
- Material models
Ludwig Boltzmann
16Voigt (Kelvin-Voigt) Model for Viscoelastic
Spring Elastic Modulus Force) ? (Position)
Dashpot Viscosity Force ? (Speed)
17Maxwell Model forViscoelastic Behavior
James Clerk Maxwell 1831-1879
18Non-Newtonian Behavior
- Bingham body
- Yield stress
- Psudoplastic behavior
- Dilatancy
- St. Venant body
- Apparent viscosity
- The power law or Ostwald model (Ostwald de Walle)
- Time-dependent behavior
- Thixotropic
- Rheotropic or anti-thixotropic
- Chapter 1 of your text book
- Rheology Study of Flow by George Smoluk, SPE
Journal, Vol 27, 1971. - Chapter 5 of Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by
Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard, 6th edition, Wiley - Rheology Study of Flow, G.R. Smoluk, SPE Journal,
Vol. 27, December 1971, pages 19-30 - http//www.rheologyschool.com/rheology_glossary.ht