Title: Some beautiful theories can be carried over
1Studying Nanophysics UsingMethods from High
Energy Theory
- Some beautiful theories can be carried over
- from one field of physics to another
- -eg. High Energy to Condensed Matter
- The unreasonable effectiveness of
- Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
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3Renormalization Group
- Low energy effective Hamiltonians sometimes
- have elegant, symmetric and universal form
- despite forbidding looking form of microscopic
- models
- These effective Hamiltonians sometimes
- contain running coupling constants that
- depend on characteristic energy/length scale
4Bosonization Conformal Field Theory
- Interactions between nano-structures and
- macroscopic non-interacting electron gas can
- often be reduced to effective models in
- (11) dimensions
- -eg. by projecting into s-wave channel
- This can allow application of these powerful
- methods of quantum field theory in (11) D
5- Another way of seeing the influence of
- High Energy Physics on Condensed Matter
- Physics is to look at some academic
- family trees
- -eg. Condensed Matter Theory group
- At Boston University
6Ed Witten
Lenny Susskind
Eduardo Fradkin
Xiaogang Wen
Claudio Chamon
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8D-branes in string theory
Boundary conformal field theory
Quantum dots interacting with leads in
9The Kondo Problem
- A famous model on which many ideas of RG
- were first developed, including perhaps
- asymptotic freedom
- Describes a single quantum spin interacting
- with conduction electrons in a metal
- Since all interactions are at r0 only we can
- normally reformulate model in (11) D
10Continuum formulation
- 2 flavors of Dirac fermions on ½-line
- interacting with impurity spin (S1/2) at origin
- (implicit sum over spin index)
- ?eff is small at high energies but gets large
- at low energies
- The Kondo Problem was how to understand
- low energy behaviour (like quark confinement?)
11- A lattice version of model is useful for
- understanding strong coupling (as in Q.C.D.)
12- at J?? fixed point, 1 electron is
- confined at site 1 and forms a spin
- singlet with the impurity spin
- electrons on sites 2, 3, are free
- except they cannot enter or leave site 1
- In continuum model this corresponds
- to a simple change in boundary condition
- ?L(0)?R(0)
- (- sign at ?0, sign at ???)
13- at J?? fixed point, 1 electron is
- confined at site 1 and forms a spin
- singlet with the impurity spin
- electrons on sites 2, 3, are free
- except they cannot enter or leave site 1
- In continuum model this corresponds
- to a simple change in boundary condition
- ?L(0)?R(0)
- (- sign at ?0, sign at ???)
14- A description of low energy behavior
- actually focuses on the other, approximately
- free, electrons, not involved in the singlet
- formation
- These electrons have induced self-interactions,
- localized near r0, resulting from screening
- of impurity spin
- These interactions are irrelevant and
- corresponding corrections to free electron
- behavior vanish as energy ?0
15- a deep understanding of how this works
- can be obtained using bosonization
- i.e. replace free fermions by free bosons
- this allows representation of the spin
- and charge degrees of freedom of electrons
- by independent boson fields
- it can then be seen that the Kondo interaction
- only involves the spin boson field
- an especially elegant version is Wittens
- non-abelian bosonization which involves
- non-trivial conformal field theories
16Boundary Critical Phenomena Boundary CFT
- Very generally, 1D Hamiltonians which
- are massless/critical in the bulk with
- interactions at the boundary renormalize
- to conformally invariant boundary
- conditions at low energies
- Basic Kondo model is a trivial example
- where low energy boundary condition
- leaves fermions non-interacting
- A local Fermi liquid fixed point
17bulk exponent ?
exponent, ? depends on universality class of
Boundary layer non-universal
Boundary - dynamics
18- for non-Fermi liquid boundary conditions,
- boundary exponents ?bulk exponents
- trivial free fermion bulk exponents
- turn into non-trivial boundary exponents
- due to impurity interactions
19simplest example of a non-Fermi liquid
model -fermions have a channel index as well
as the spin index
(assume 2 channels a is summed from 1 to
2) -again J(T) gets larger as we lower T -but now
J?? is not a stable fixed point
20-if J?? 2 electrons get trapped at site 1 and
overscreen S1/2 impurity -this implies that
stable low energy fixed point of renormalization
group is at intermediate coupling and is not a
Fermi liquid
21using field theory methods, this low energy
behavior is described by a Wess-Zumino-Witten
conformal field theory (with Kac-Moody central
charge k2) -this field theory approach predicts
exact critical behavior -various other
nanostructures with several quantum dots and
several channels also exhibit non-Fermi liquid
behavior and can be solved by Conformal Field
Theory/ Renormalization Group methods
22the recent advent of precision experimental techni
ques have lead to a quest for experimental
realizations of this novel physics in nanoscale
23Cr Trimers on Au (111) Surfacea non-Fermi
liquid fixed point
Cr (S5/2)
- Cr atoms can be manipulated
- and tunnelling current measured using
- a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope
- (M. Crommie)
24STM tip
25Semi-conductor Quantum Dots
26controllable gates
.1 microns
dots have S1/2 for some gate voltages dot ?
impurity spin in Kondo model
27These field theory techniques, predict, for
example, that the conductance through a
2-channel Kondo system scales with bias voltage
non-Fermi liquid exponent -many other low energy
properties predicted
28-the highly controllable interactions between
semi-conductor quantum dots makes them an
attractive candidate for qubits in a future
quantum computer
29the Boston University condensed matter group,
which Larry Sulak played a vital role in
assembling, is well-positioned to make important
contributions to future developments in
nano-science using methods from high energy
theory (among other methods)
30Semi-conductor Quantum Dots
dots have s1/2 for some gate voltages
31- 2 doublet (s1/2) groundstates
- with opposite helicity
- ?gt?exp?i2?/3?gt under Si?Si1
- represent by s1/2 spin operators Saimp
- and p1/2 pseudospin operators ?aimp
- 3 channels of conduction electrons
- couple to the trimer
- these can be written in a basis of
- pseudo-spin eigenstates, p-1,0,1
32only essential relevant Kondo interaction
(pseudo-spin label)
- we have found exact conformally
- invariant boundary condition by
- 1. conformal embedding
- 2. fusion
33We first represent the c6 free fermion bulk
theory in terms of Wess-Zumino-Witten non-linear
? models And a parafermion CFT O(12)1 ? SU(2)3
x SU(2)3 x SU(2)8 (spin)
(isospin) (pseudospin) C3k/(2k) for WZW
NL?M C9/59/512/56 SU(2)8 Z8 x U(1) C7/5
1 12/5
34- We go from the free fermion boundary
- condition to the fixed point b.c. by
- a sequence of fusion operations
- Fuse with
- s3/2 operator in SU(2)3 (spin) sector
- s1/2 operator in SU(2)8 (pseudospin)
- ?02 parafermion operator
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