Risen Indeed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Risen Indeed


that he was raised on the third day. according to the scriptures, and that he ... He was seen in Jerusalem and Galilee. He appeared over a period of forty days ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Risen Indeed

Risen Indeed
  • Luke 2413-35

It is true! The Lord has risen and has appeared
to Simon. verse 33
Jesus really died was really buried really rose
from the dead
Paul to the Corinthians For what I received, I
passed on to you as of first importance
that Christ died for our sins according to the
scriptures, that he was buried, that he was
raised on the third day according to the
scriptures, and that he appeared to
Peter, and then to the Twelve 500 of the
brothers at the same time then he appeared to
James, then to all the apostles, last of all to
me as to one abnormally born. 1 Corinthians
Jesus really died according to the scriptures
Tanakh Prophecies (Old Testament) Psalm 221-2,
6-8, 15-18 Isaiah 4916 506/7 Isaiah 5214
535-8 Zechariah 1210
Jesus really died
Wacky Theories He only swooned He faked his death
fled to Egypt (with the Governors help)
Crucifixion (Latin crucifare to
torture) designed by the Persians (a stick
sharpened at both ends) (the god
Ormuzd) utilised by Assyrians,
Scythians, Thracians, Greeks Jews, perfected
by Romans
The whipped up crowd cries Crucify.
The Roman Prefect tries to stem the hounds, the
baying, saying
Why ? What crime? I do not find him Guilty. I
Still Crucify! is all their cry.
will have him flogged. Your inexplicable,
despicable displeasure duly logged. I
Crucify! they louder cry.
do hereby wash my hands. I crucify your
king. Let him be led away to die.
But tell me truthfully, now tell me
Alan R Garner Easter 2009
Six Trials Roman Flogging Carrying the
Patibulum Nailing of hands and feet Piercing of
the Pericardium Crurifragium not needed
Extra-Biblical Records Jesus, having been
accused by Jewish leaders, was condemned to the
cross by Pilate. Josephus (Antiquities) Christ
suffered the death penalty during the reign of
Tiberius by sentence of the Procurator (Prefect)
Pontius Pilate. Tacitus (Annals) Jesus the
man who was crucified. Lucian of Samosata
(Passing of Peregrinus)
Jesus was really buried according to the
Tanakh Prophecies (Old Testament) Isaiah
539 assigned a grave with the wicked and with
the rich in his death Hosea 62 After two days
he will revive us on the third day he will raise
us up that we may live before him.
Jesus was really buried
Burial (a sacred duty for Jews) first burial
laid in family vault for one year second burial
ossilegium bones in niches or ossuaries Curse
on the land if left up overnight Strict rules
about burying strangled/executed versus
burnt/stoned victims. Different graves. 20 tomb
entrances round 80 square.
Burial on the day of death decay set in by the
fourth day (Lazarus) Here, concern of the women
to find the body as it was already the third day
after death. Jewish belief that soul hovered
around the body for three days and then left
really dead. Seven days of mourning inside
tomb. Body wrapped in a sheet or shroud (sindon)
or cloths (othonia) with a napkin (sundarion) to
be packed with spices against decay.
Jesus really rose from the dead according to the
Tanakh Prophecies (Old Testament) Psalm1610 You
will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you
let your Holy One see decay. Isaiah
539-10 Though the Lord makes his life a guilt
offering, he will see the light (of life) and be
Resurrection Jews looked for a resurrection at
the end of time (Daniel 121-3) A life after
death having slept in Sheol Judgment for
all Punishment for some Reward for
others Judgment for what was done in the
body They were not looking for individual
resurrection before that time, which is why
Jesus reference to the THIRD day made no sense
to them. (Eleven references in Scripture to
third day)
Resurrection Jews had come to use resurrection
as a metaphor of the restored Israel. (Ezekiel
37) Christians used resurrection as a
metaphor for baptism and holy living. (Romans
6) No Jew looked for a resurrected
Messiah Messiah was not supposed to die.
Resurrection Christians came to believe in life
after life after death Absent from the body
Present with the Lord At the last trump dead
in Christ meet with the living in Christ (1 Thess
4) At the last trump the dead will be
raised imperishable and we will be changed.
The perishable clothes itself with the
imperishable, the mortal with immortality.
Resurrection Today you will be with me in
Paradise Today is Friday but Jesus isnt raised
until Sunday. Why does Jesus wait till the Sunday
to come back he was spiritually alive again
the moment he died if resurrection is purely
spiritual why wait till Sunday? An evidence of
life after life after death? So where is Jesus
on Saturday the earthly body is in the tomb but
I think Christ is harrowing hell. And why does
the angel roll back the stone not to let Christ
out but to let the disciples in.
Jesus really rose from the dead
Resurrection Some wacky theories Fraud Theft
when? by whom? how? Wrong Tomb
Resurrection Some very wacky theories
Gas Twin Earthquake Crack Ghost Mass
Jesus really rose from the dead in a body he
didnt enter the tomb as a man and leave it as a
Cognitive Dissonance - the natural 20th century
destination of the Deism of the
Enlightenment the spiritualisation of
the resurrection e.g. Don Cupitt

The evidence for a bodily resurrection
Witnesses Pauls list omits the women
why? Female evidence inadmissible in court?
() Luke says their words seemed like
nonsense. (medical term for babbling of insane
mind) But why did Jesus first appear to Mary
Magdalene (all four Gospel accounts) Mary the
Mother of Little James (Synoptics) Salome
(Mark) Joanna plus one (Susanna?) (Luke) For
that() very reason? A new society? Because
they were around the cross?
Resurrection Jesus was seen by individuals and
groups He ate food with them He walked along a
road with them He broke bread He was both
visible and audible He bore the scars of his
crucifixion He could be touched and handled He
lit a fire cooked food for the disciples He
taught them in great detail about himself He was
seen in Jerusalem and Galilee He appeared over a
period of forty days He climbed a mountain before
The importance of a bodily resurrection
1 Corinthians 1512-23 if no resurrection Christ
has not been raised to life, our preaching, our
faith is useless, we are false witnesses about
God, our sins remain unforgiven, the dead in
Christ are lost, our way of life is futile.
1 Corinthians 1535-49 what kind of
resurrection think of it like a seed sown in the
ground perishable body becomes
imperishable dishonourable body becomes
glorious weak body becomes powerful natural body
becomes a spiritual body spiritual two types
of adjective in Gk. here, spiritual refers to the
animating principle of not the composition of the
body new life for the mortal body not away from
the body a transformed physicality.
1 Corinthians 1550-57 what kind of
resurrection Just as we have borne the likeness
of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness
of the man from heaven flesh and blood cannot
inherit the KoG we will all be changed the
perishable must clothe itself with the
imperishable the mortal with immortality
The importance of a bodily resurrection Seven
Stanzas for Easter John Updike
Seven Stanzas at Easter
Make no mistake if he rose at all it was as his
body if the cells dissolution did not
reverse, the molecules reknit, the amino acids
rekindle, the church will fall.
It was not as the flowers, each soft spring
recurrent it was not as his Spirit in the
mouths and fuddled eyes of the eleven
apostles it was as his flesh ours.
The same hinged thumbs and toes, the same valved
heart that pierced died, withered, decayed,
and then regathered out of his Fathers
might new strength to enclose.
Let us not mock God with metaphor, analogy,
sidestepping transcendence making of the event
a parable, a sign painted in the
faded credulity of earlier ages let us walk
through the door.
The stone is rolled back, not papier- mâché, not
a stone in a story, but the vast rock of
materiality that in the slow grinding of time
will eclipse for each of us the wide light of day.
And if we will have an angel at the tomb, make
it a real angel, weighty with Max Plancks
quanta, vivid with hair, opaque in the dawn
light, robed in real linen spun on a definite
Let us not seek to make it less monstrous, for
our own convenience, our own sense of
beauty, lest awakened in one unthinkable
hour, we are embarrassed by the miracle and
crushed by remonstrance.
John Updike
Nooma Shells
Risen Indeed
  • Luke 2413-35
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