Title: Chapter 14 Developmental Disorders
1Chapter 14Developmental Disorders
2Nature of Developmental Psychopathology An
- Normal vs. Abnormal Development
- Developmental Psychopathology
- Study of how disorders arise and change with time
- Disruption of early skills can affect later
development - Developmental Disorders
- Diagnosed first in infancy, childhood, or
adolescence - Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Learning disorders
- Autism
- Mental retardation
3Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder (ADHD)
An Overview
- Nature of ADHD
- Central features Inattention, overactivity, and
impulsivity - Associated with numerous impairments
- Behavioral
- Cognitive
- Social and academic problems
- DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Symptom Types
- Inattentive type
- Hyperactive type
- Impulsive type
4ADHD Facts and Statistics
- Prevalence
- Occurs in 6 of school-aged children
- Symptoms are usually present around age 3 or 4
- 68 of children with ADHD have problems as adults
- Gender Differences
- Boys outnumber girls 4 to 1
- Cultural Factors
- Probability of ADHD diagnosis
- Greatest in the United States
5ADHD Sean
6The Causes of ADHD Biological Contributions
- Genetic Contributions
- ADHD seems to run in families
- DRD4, DAT1, and DRD5 genes have been implicated
- Neurobiological Contributions
- Smaller brain volume
- Inactivity of the frontal cortex and basal
ganglia - Abnormal frontal lobe development and functioning
- Precise neurobiological mechanisms remain unclear
- The Role of Toxins
- No evidence that allergens and food additives are
causes - Maternal smoking increases risk
7The Causes of ADHD Psychosocial Contributions
- Psychosocial Factors
- Can influence the nature of ADHD
- ADHD children are often viewed negatively by
others - Constant negative feedback from peers and adults
- Peer rejection and resulting social isolation
- Such factors foster low self-esteem
8Biological Treatment of ADHD
- Goal of Biological Treatments
- To reduce impulsivity and hyperactivity
- To improve attention
- Stimulant Medications
- Reduce core symptoms in 70 of cases
- Examples include Ritalin, Dexedrine
- Other Medications With More Limited Efficacy
- Imipramine and Clonidine (antihypertensive)
- Effects of Medications
- Improve compliance in many children
- Decrease negative behaviors in many children
- Do not affect learning and academic performance
- Benefits are not lasting following discontinuation
9Behavioral and Combined Treatment of ADHD
- Behavioral Treatment
- Involve reinforcement programs
- To increase appropriate behaviors
- Decrease inappropriate behaviors
- May also involve parent training
- Combined Bio-Psycho-Social Treatments
- Are highly recommended
- Superior to medication or behavioral treatments
10Learning Disorders An Overview
- Scope of Learning Disorders
- Academic problems in reading, mathematics, and
writing - Performance substantially below expected levels
- DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Reading Disorder
- Discrepancy between actual and expected
achievement - Performance significantly below age or grade
level - Cannot be caused by sensory deficits
- DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Mathematics Disorder
- Achievement below expected performance
- DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Disorder of Written
Expression - Achievement below expected performance in writing
11Learning Disorders Some Facts and Statistics
- Prevalence of Learning Disorders
- 5-10 prevalence in the United States
- Highest in wealthier regions of the United States
- About 32 of these students drop out of school
- 5-15 prevalence for reading difficulties
- School experience tends to be generally negative
12Uneven Distribution
Figure 14.2 Uneven distribution. The highest
percentages of schoolchildren diagnosed with
learning disabilities are in the wealthiest
13Treatment of Learning Disorders
- Requires Intense Educational Interventions
- Remediation of basic processing problems
- Improvement of cognitive skills
- Targeting skills to compensate for problem areas
- Data Support Behavioral Educational Interventions
14Pervasive Developmental Disorders An Overview
- Nature of Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Problems occur in Language, Socialization, and
Cognition - Pervasive Problems span many life areas
- Examples of Pervasive Developmental Disorders
- Autistic disorder
- Aspergers syndrome
15The Nature of Autistic Disorder An Overview
- Autism Significant Impairments
- Social interactions and communication
- Restricted patterns of behavior, interest, and
activities - Three Central DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Features of
Autism - Qualitative impairment of social interaction
- Problems in communication
- 50 never acquire useful speech
- Restricted patterns of behavior, interests, and
16Autism Christina
18Autistic Disorder Facts and Statistics
- Prevalence and Features of Autism
- Affects 1 in every 500 births
- More prevalent in females with IQs below 35
- More prevalent in males with higher IQs
- Occurs worldwide
- Symptoms usually develop before 36 months of age
- Autism and Intellectual Functioning
- 50 have IQs in the severe-to-profound range
- 25 test in the mild-to-moderate IQ range
- Remaining test in the borderline-to-average IQ
range - Reliable indicators of good prognosis
- Language ability and IQ
19Causes of Autism Early and More Recent
- Historical Views
- Bad parenting
- Unusual speech patterns
- Lack of self-awareness
- Echolalia
- Current Understanding of Autism
- Medical conditions Not always related with
autism - Genetic component is largely unclear
- Neurobiological evidence of brain damage
- Substantially reduced cerebellum size
- Psychosocial Contributions Are Unclear
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22Aspergers Disorder Part of the Autistic
- The Nature of Aspergers Disorder
- Show significant social impairments
- Restricted and repetitive stereotyped behaviors
- May be clumsy
- Often quite verbal
- No severe language and/or cognitive delays
- Prevalence of Aspergers Disorder
- Often under diagnosed
- Affects about 1 to 36 persons per 10,000 people
- Causes of Aspergers Disorder Are Somewhat
23Treatment of Pervasive DevelopmentalDisorders
Example of Autism
- Psychosocial Behavioral Treatments
- Skill building - chaining, shaping
- Reduction of problem behaviors
- Target communication and language problems
- Address socialization deficits
- Early intervention is critical
- Biological and Medical Treatments Are Unavailable
- Integrated Treatments The Preferred Model
- Focus on children, their families, schools, and
home - Build in appropriate community and social support
24Mental Retardation (MR) An Overview
- Nature of Mental Retardation
- Disorder of childhood
- Below-average intellectual and adaptive
functioning - Range of impairment varies greatly across persons
- DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR criteria
- Significantly sub-average intellectual
functioning - Deficits or impairments in present adaptive
functioning - Must be evident before the person is 18 years of
25DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR Levels of Mental Retardation
- Mild MR
- IQ score between 50 or 55 and 70
- Moderate MR
- IQ range of 35-40 to 50-55
- Severe MR
- IQs ranging from 20-25 up to 35-40
- Profound MR
- IQ scores below 20-25
26Mental Retardation (MR) Some Facts and
- Prevalence
- About 1-3 of the general population
- 90 are labeled with mild mental retardation
- Gender Differences
- MR occurs more often in males
- Male-to-female ratio of about 1.61
- Course of MR
- Tends to be chronic
- Prognosis varies greatly from person to person
27Treatment of Mental Retardation (MR)
- Parallels Treatment of Pervasive Developmental
Disorders - Teach Needed Skills
- To foster productivity
- To foster independence
- Educational and behavioral management
- Living and self-care skills via task analysis
- Communication training Often most challenging
- Community and Supportive Interventions
- Persons with MR can benefit from such
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