Title: Welcome to Roesch Library
1Welcome to Roesch Library
- EDA 551
- Fall, 2002
- Heidi Gauder
- Government Documents Librarian
2EDA 551 Research
- Contrary to popular belief, not everything is on
the Internet - Library provides wealth of materials not
accessible by any search engine
- Around about Roesch Library
- Remote authentication
- Research strategies
4Part 1 the parts of Roesch Library
- Specific points of interest
- Reference
- Circulation
- Current Periodicals Area
- The Library Web site
5Reference Room
- 25 workstations Access to all electronic
library products - 2 laser printers
- Free printing!
6Reference Services
- Open 7 days a week
- Phone 229-4270
- Appointments for in-depth help
7Getting Help
- 2nd floor of the library
- Recent unbound journals
- Older bound issues
- Copies .05 apiece
9Circulation Services
- Borrowing privileges for graduate students
- UD books 200 books for 56 days
- OhioLINK materials 200 items for 21 days
10What is OhioLINK?
- Statewide Consortium
- 31 million books
- Shared borrowing
- Access to electronic resources
- Databases
- Full-text journals
11Study Rooms
- Study Rooms, Individual or Group Circulation
desk has the keys -
12Library Web sitelibrary.udayton.edu
13UD Online Catalogflyers.udayton.edu/screens/opa
14OhioLINK online catalog
- If Roesch Library does not own a book, can get a
copy from another Ohio school - Does not work for articles
15Access to articles roesch.udayton.edu/research/ar
- 130 databases
- Some provide articles, some provide only
citations to articles - Most available off-campus
16Part 2 Remote Authentication
- Although they are on the Internet, library
databases not readily available - If you want to research from home or work, you
must authenticate first
17Remote Authentication
- Not needed if anywhere on campus
- Use if you have AOL, MSN, Erinet, etc
- Works better in Netscape or Explorer
- AOL users minimize browser, open up Netscape or
18Remote Authentication
- Requirements
- Valid University of Dayton ID
- Computer must be set to accept cookies
- Questions, see
- library.udayton.edu/faqs/howto/connect_remotely.ph
Used by some Web sites as a way of storing
certain information about a user The cookie
is stored on your hard drive so it can be
retrieved as required by the associated Web site
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25Part 2 Research strategies
- Before you log on
- Synonyms
- Boolean operators and, or
- Selecting a database
- What are you looking for?
- Finding relevant databases
- Using a database
- Subject headings
- Keyword vs. Subject searching
26Getting started the search statement
- Databases very literal--Only math not
mathematics or mathematical - Phrases problematic--more words, more limitations
- Less words more results
- More words less results
27How to avoid bad searches Start with a good
- Consider synonyms
- Add Boolean operators
- Use the database options (more later)
- The terminology you use may not be what others
use - Examples
- sofa or couch or davenport
- case study or survey or interview or
questionnaire - Join synonyms together with or
29The terms and or are Boolean operators.
- OR
- Database will look for at least one term
- More results
- Example Pepsi or CokeEither term sufficient
- Joins multiple terms or concepts together
- Fewer results
- Example dogs and cats Both words must be found
30Using or
Hispanic or Latino or Mexican
31Using and
Topic Computers in the classroom
32Why not computers in the classroom?
- Database does not understand natural language
- Join separate ideas with Boolean operators
- Computers and classroom
33Boolean operators Nesting
- If you have multiple ands ors, use
parentheses to separate the functions - Just as in math equations
- Useful for complex searches with multiple ideas
- Placement of parentheses makes a difference
34Boolean operators Nesting
- Results in ERIC database
- (math or mathematics) and anxiety 938 records
- math or (mathematics and anxiety) 10905
records - math or mathematics and anxiety 10905 records
35Practice Session
36What are you looking for?
Research Articles -- Scholarly works
37What does scholarly mean?
- Scholarly ARTICLES will
- Provide evidence of research
- Footnotes or list of works cited
- Be frequently refereed
- Judged suitable for publication by other scholars
- Contribute additional knowledge to the field
- Analyze comment about events, do not merely
report events
38What does scholarly mean?
- Scholarly PERIODICALS are
- Usually published by academic publishers or by
professional societies - Fairly plain in format
- Few photographs, illustrations, advertisements
- Mostly charts or graphs
- Focused in purpose
- Purpose often to report on original research
39Begin article searching
41Relevant databases
- Citations to articles documents, 1966
- Scholarly research journals
- ERIC documents on microfiche
- Education Abstracts
- Articles article citations, 1983
- Magazines for practioners
- Scholarly research journals
- See Professional Development Collection,
PsychINFO Sociological Abstracts also
42So many search options What do they all do?
- Keyword or phrase
- Words in Author
- Words in Subject
43Subject vs. Keyword
- Rigid someone else decides what the subject
terms are. - Must make a correct match to be successful.
- Right search terms more precise results
- Flexible Works like a search engine
- If database contains your words, will get
results - In-the-ballpark search might find something,
but may not be right
44Subject search
45But, correct terms mean good results
46Subject search results
- Subject headings
- Database looks only here to match words
47Keyword search, same topic
48See any problems with this citation?
49Part 3 ERIC database options
- Limiters
- Truncation
- Thesaurus
- Nearly all databases have features that will let
you limit your search - Date
- Language
- Article type
- ERIC lets you limit before AND after a search
51ERIC pre-limiters
52ERIC Pre-limiters
- Useful limiters
- Year Report Type Journal Articles
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54ERIC post-limiters
- Only available after a search is run
- Some of same pre-limiter criteria
- Useful limiter Educational Level
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- To retrieve all possible word endings, use
wildcard character . Math Math,
Mathematics, MathematicalComput Computer,
Computers, Computing, Computed, Computational, etc
- A predefined list of words and phrases
- Lets you do keyword searching and select the
correct subject terms
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65Part 4 Getting the articles
- Now you have a list of results
- What exactly does this mean?
66Sample search
- Subject search high risk students
- Limiters
- Record Type Journal Articles
- Year From 1999
67Search Results
68How can I get this article?
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70Another Example
71Results 3
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73Other databases
74Professional Development Collection
Full text Peer Review options
ERIC Documents full text -- No articles
76Electronic Journal Center
- Full text
- Scholarly periodicals
- 1994 present
- Book reviews
- More sources for sciences, business, engineering
- No subject headings
- Full text
- Scholarly periodicals
- History periodicals
- Issue dates vary
- Begin with v. 1, no. 1
- No subject headings
78Session Review
- Library facilities physical virtual
- Remote Access
- Search statements
- Synonyms
- Boolean operators
- Library Web site
- ERIC searching
- Subject Keyword searches
- Truncation
- Limiters pre post
- Thesaurus
- Getting articles
- Find a copy
- Other databases