Title: Distribution Drives Revenue
1Distribution Drives Revenue
- Its almost noon. Do you know where your content
is? - Susan Yee
- Active Data Exchange
- Internet World Spring
- Los Angeles
- April 23, 2002
2About Active Data Exchange
- We help companies
- manage content distribution
- using the Internet.
3About Our Products
- Software for Digital Distribution Management of
- News
- Entertainment
- Business Intelligence
- Financial
- Healthcare
4One Dimensional Online Business Models
- Current Models
- Advertising
- Subscription
- One-Dimension
- Single Web Site Destination
- Makes Visitors Work for it
- Requires Active Involvement
52001 Distribution Outlets
Source MPAA.org
6Internet Distribution Deals
- Over 26 million domain names registered
- Compared to 1600 TV Stations and 281 cable
channels - Online deals per company
- 14 today to anticipated 69 - 500 deals by 2003
Source cyberatlas.com, Forrester Research
72001 Market Size
- Cable Industry Revenue
- 48 billion
- 9,947 cable systems
- 281 cable channels
- Television Ad Revenue
- 36 billion
- 1500 stations
- Box Office Revenue
- 8.4 billion
- 7,000 theaters
- IDC - US Spending on Content
- 1.8 billion by consumers
- 12 billion by business
- Limited distribution
Sources Paul Kagan and Associates, MPAA, IDC
8So, what are we going to do about it?
9Unique Characteristics of Web Distribution
- Infinite channels
- Low barrier to entry
- Infrastructure is open and inconsistent
- Disparate customer technologies
- Low cost of distribution
- Ability to distribute instantaneously
10B2B Distribution Channels on the Web
- Direct to Consumer
- Wall Street Journal
- Web Aggregators
- YellowBrix (iSyndicate), ScreamingMedia, Reuters,
AP Digital, PR Newswire - Direct
- AccuWeather, CMP Media, CBS
11Manage Your Own Distribution Network
- Mix of aggregators and direct channels
- Leverage existing direct sales
- Repurpose content
- Package and target your content
- Content is perishable
- Introduce new products
- Use scalable distribution management technologies
12Use Technology to Increase Online Distribution
- Achieve dominant web site real estate
- Shelf space, channel capacity, retail
distribution - Create virtual web channels in your market
segment - Increase distribution
- Multiply traffic through web broadcasting
- Multiply revenue streams
13Pricing Models
14Know It Can Be Done
- CBS Marketwatch.com
- 30 of total revenue comes from online content
licensing - Congressional Quarterly
- 40 of total revenue comes from online content
licensing - New York Times Digital
- 7,000 new print subscriptions per month
- 33 from syndication and pay products
15Distribution is the R in ROI.
- Get more distribution on the web.
- Get more revenue from your content.
16For More Information
Active Data Exchange www.activedataX.com Susan
Yee CEO Email Syee_at_activedataX.com Phone
610.997.8100 Click button to the right to
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