Title: The Promise of XML Web Services for Government
1The Promise of XML Web Services for Government
- FedWeb Fall 02, October 29, 2002
- George Mason University, Arlington, VA
- Brand NiemannOffice of Environmental Information
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- 1. Abstract
- 2. What is XML?
- 3. The Benefits of Structured Content
- 4. Some Examples of XMLs Promise
- 5. Some Demonstrations
- 5.1 Federal CIO Councils Digital Talking Book
- 5.2 Corel-SoftQuads XMetal
- 5.3 NextPages Triad (Contenta, NXT 3, and Solo)
- 6. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
Initiative - 7. Contact Information
31. Abstract
- It is generally said that content is 90
unstructured and 10 structured (databases) and
that XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is the
solution to bringing structure to unstructured
content to produce a number of significant
benefits for both individual agencies and the
entire government.So how can your agency use
XML and XML Web Services on content ranging from
press releases to the integration of
large-distributed geo-spatial (map) databases?
How does the use of XML, VoiceXML, SMIL
(Synchronized Multi-media Integration Language),
and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) provide
universal access to content and allow one to
produce a Digital Talking Book? How can the e-Gov
initiatives be integrated using XML data exchange
and XML-based messaging to produce virtual
centralization without physical replication and
warehousing of content?In this session you will
hear and see answers to these questions with
samples of government content using some of the
tools, platforms, and best practices based on W3C
standards that currently exist with the
assistance of several expert co-presenters. Your
will also learn about the CIO Council's
Architecture and Infrastructure Committee's (AIC)
new Leveraging Technologies Initiative to provide
assistance to e-Gov Initiatives through incubator
pilot projects using XML and XML Web Services.
42. What is XML?
- The simple answer
- eXtensible Markup Language
- The more detailed answer
- a meta language
- text-based and easy to read
- ideal for structured documents
- presentation neutral
- multilingual
- helps integration of business
- Open
- See http//www.softwareag.com/tamino/xml_reasons.h
tm - Interesting Perspective
- "What most managers don't know is that all the
Web application projects of the past 5 years are
about to become legacy applications because they
are not based on the new standard, XML. Make sure
you look into this with your Internet
applications group."
52. What is XML?
- A Simple Example of the Benefits of XML-Searching
for Information - Most services are invoked by inputting data into
HTML forms and sending the data to the service,
embedded within a URL string to match the given
text strings to catalogued HTML pages - http//www.google.com/search?qSkatebootsbtnGGo
ogleSearch - XML is a better way to send the data
- ltSOAP-ENVBodygt
- ltsSearchRequest xmlnsswww.xmlbus.com/SearchServ
icegt - ltp1gtSkatelt/p1gt
- ltp2gtbootslt/p2gt
- ltp3gtsize 7.5lt/p3gt
- lt/sSearchRequestgt
- lt/SOAP-ENVBodygt
Eric Newcomer, 2002 Understanding Web Services,
Addison-Wesley, pp. 4-5.
63. The Benefits of Structured Content Chunking a
Press Release
-ltRELEASEgt ltDategt lt/Dategt - ltHeadinggt
ltHeadlinegt lt/Headlinegt ltSubheadgt
lt/Subheadgt lt/Headinggt - ltContactgt
ltNamegt lt/Namegt ltTitlegt lt/Titlegt
ltPhonegt lt/Phonegt ltEmailgt lt/Emailgt
lt/Contactgt - ltBodygt ltPara1gt lt/Para1gt
ltMainBodygt lt/MainBodygt ltClosingParagt
lt/ColsingParagt lt/Bodygt lt/RELEASE/gt
Lynn Cheryan Production Director Tel
301-495-7345 x122 icheryan_at_dev.com
IDEV Redesigns Web Site For Industry Group
Purchasing Association.
Redesigned Web Site intended to Expand the
Resources of the Association Staff.
First Paragraph
IDEV, a full-service Web development and
consulting agency in metro-D.C. Launched the
redesign of the
Tony Byrne, The Siren Song of Structure Heeding
the Call of Reusability, EContent, September 2002.
73. The Benefits of Structured ContentXML-Enabled
Relational Databases
- Now that Ive got it (XML), where do I keep
it? - Relational databases are the dominant mechanism
for storing and managing structured data. - All of the major vendors have improved on an
already available method of storing large chunks
of data as a means of better supporting XML. - Because XML documents do not fit neatly into rows
and columns, relational databases are being
extended and native XML data stores (NXD) are
being developed to support SQLXML and XQuery. - The integration of mixed data types (unstructured
and structured, relational and XML) requires
development of a more unified and comprehensive
data model.
Bill Trippe, XML Hits the Big Time Major
Database Players Get into XML, EContent,
September 2002.
84. Some Examples of XMLs Promise
- XML 2002 Conference Presenter Tools
- http//www.xmlconference.org/xmlusa/2002/tools.asp
- XForms (addresses shortcomings of HTML forms)
- http//www.xml.com/lpt/a/2001/09/05/xforms.html
- SVG (resizability, accessibility, metadata,
interactive graphics, etc.) - http//www.adobe.com/svg/workflow/accessibility.ht
ml - Government Directory Listings
- http//xml.house.gov/Members/mbr107.xml
- VoiceXML
- http//www.voicexml.org/, http//www.w3.org/Voice/
- Web Service (WSDL) Request and Response (SOAP)
- http//www.xmlspy.com/features_soap.html
- Distributed Content Management and Networking
- http//fedgov.nextpage.com/default.htm
94. Some Examples of XMLs Promise
- Open Standards - Some Definitions
- Opposite to the word proprietary (closed to
outside development and viewing, closed minded,
not customer-centric, and slow to change), which
many consider to be pejorative. - Better out in the open, open process,
softwares that can be replaced, and softwares
that play well with each other. - Open Source A Case for E-Government Conference,
Washington, DC, October 16-18th - Peter Gallagher, President of DevIS Open
source? Who cares? Open Standards? Yes! Yes!
104. Some Examples of XMLs Promise
- Open Standards - Process and Organizations
- Standards are judged by the process and
organization that created them. - Governments will always be the best place to
establish a standard that can be enforced by law,
regulation, and established guidelines of
conduct. - The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Preeminent standards-setting body in the XML
world - to say its word is the gold currency of
the industry is an understatement. - Recommendation is the W3C non-politically
charged word for standard. - Three central principles interoperability,
evolution, and decentralization. - Key XML Specifications and Standards (ZapThink
2002) - Over 450 standards in existence with 135
key specifications categorized by Core XML,
Document-oriented, Message-Oriented, and
Community Vocabularies representing eight
standards organizations. See http//www.zapthink.c
11ZapThink XML Standards Poster!Over 135 XML and
Web Services Standards At-a-Glance
124. Some Examples of XMLs Promise
- Web Services are loosely coupled, contracted
components that communicate via XML-based
interfaces - Loosely coupled Web Services and the programs
that invoke them can be changed independently and
are platform independent. - Contracted a Web Services behavior, its input
and output parameters, and how to bind to it are
publicly available. - Component encapsulated (hidden) code.
- XML-based interfaces described using a standard
XML notation called its service description.
134. Some Examples of XMLs Promise
- Imagine an Internet full of Web Services that
grows and changes organically there is no
master architect or executive committee who is
responsible for maintaining the system. - Its the global self-organizing power of
technology based on simple, open protocols that
puts the Web into Web Services.
145. Some Demonstrations5.1 Federal CIO Councils
Digital Talking Book
- Demonstration
- See the familiar words as text on screen or in
Braille, synchronized with the narrators voice.
Navigate forward and backward in the speech using
computer keystrokes. We have moved from
standardizing the alphabet to standardizing book
formats! - Also called DAISY or NISO Books for the DAISY
(Digital Audio-based Information SYstem)
Consortium and National Information Standards
Organization. - Well-organized collections of computer files
produced according to specifications published by
DIASY and NISO. - Medium-independent information access based on
open standards (W3Cs XML and SMIL) - eXtensible Markup Language.
- Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language.
155. Some Demonstrations5.1 Federal CIO Councils
Digital Talking Book
165. Some Demonstrations 5.2 Corel-SoftQuads
- XMetaL is an award-winning XML editor that can be
quickly and cost-effectively customized to allow
everyone in your organization to create and work
with XML content. - XMetaL 3 simplifies the creation of reusable
business content, making it possible for
businesses to rapidly streamline the process of
distributing information to the Web, print and
other media. - XMetaL enables you to
- Deliver targeted content quickly to multiple
channels. - Reduce the complexity and cost of content
production. - Eliminate the need for conversion from other
175. Some Demonstrations 5.2 Corel-SoftQuads
185. Some Demonstrations 5.3 NextPages Triad
(Contenta, NXT 3, and Solo)
- NextPage NXT 3 P2P Platform
- Esther Dysons Release 1.0, 1/22/2002
- NextPage is unique in the content-management
market in its distributed approach - NextPages platform, NXT 3, virtually connects
the distributed information sources and makes
them appear integrated to the user. Unlike
syndication, in which content is copied and
integrated with other content locally, NextPage
keeps objects where they are. - NextPage uses the standard simple object access
protocol (SOAP) to exchange and normalize
information between local content directories,
assembling meta-indexes so that users can search
or manipulate content transparently, regardless
of physical location. - Peer-to-peer Every device connected to the
network is both a server and consumer of content.
195. Some Demonstrations 5.3 NextPages Triad
(Contenta, NXT 3, and Solo)
206. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
- The Federal CIO Council has reorganized its
Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC)
to include the CTOs and provide more input into
policy planning through three subcommittees - Architecture ongoing maintenance of the federal
enterprise architecture. - Component Architecture update and maintain the
library of hardware and software components used
by agencies. - Emerging technologies evaluate and recommend
new technologies, such as Web Services.
216. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
- Mark Forman on Web Services (FGDC Steering
Committee Meeting, October 9, 2002) - Some Fundamentals for Our Success in Applying Web
Services - 1. Identify common functions, interdependencies,
interrelationships, and evaluate barriers to
information sharing. - 2. Implement in a way that addresses both the
opportunities and risks of a networked
environment. - 3. Leverage technologies to achieve benefits of
interoperability while protecting societal values
of privacy and intellectual property rights, etc.
226. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
- Architecting Web Services for Government
- Guiding Principles
- Use Open Standards W3C, OASIS, etc.
- Use SCOTS Standards-based Commercial
Off-the-Shelf Software. - Use Open Standards Process W3C, OASIS, etc.
- Community vocabulary and XML documents.
- 2 or more successful pilot implementations.
- Recommendation for standardization and
operationalization. - Use virtual centralization of distributed content
with publish, find, and bind for content,
directory, and description, respectively.
236. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
- Architecting Web Services for Government
- The Data Model is the Key!
- Application integration is only part of the
problem - fundamental data analysis and modeling
needs to be done to integrate mixed data types -
unstructured and structured relational and
non-relational (e.g. native XML databases). - The real challenge is to develop a more unified
and comprehensive data model that includes a new
and complex dimension on an existing problem,
namely XML.
246. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
- Open Collaboration and Standards in e-Gov
- Collaboration Expedition Forums
- Monthly Open Workshops (November 12, December 10,
and Janauary 14, 2003, planned so far) - Lotus QuickPlace http//ioa-qpnet-co.gsa.gov/UA-E
xp) - XML Web Services
- Lets make sure the e-Gov projects implement
enough XML Web Services so they are universally
accessible and interoperable with one another so
we dont end up with 24 better portals, but still
stovepipes. - Regular meetings to select leads for the top 20
priorities and pilot projects and have them
report progress. - The XML Collaborator is the first pilot project
(see next slides). - Support from the Industry Advisory Council for
vendor involvement in the pilot projects
(http//www.iaconline.org). - Support from the Web Services Interoperability
(WS-I) Organization with usage scenarios and test
tools (http//www.ws-i.org). - OGCs Open Web Services 1.2 at EPA GIS Day
November 19th. - XML 2002 Conference Opening Keynote and Exhibit
December 10th.
256. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
- Combining XML Collaboration and Registry
- The results of the collaboration process
(finalized structures and/or interfaces) are
themselves published as work products in a
registry. - The architecture provides a core metadata
tracking database and a series of XML Web Service
interfaces to that information (see next slide). - The features provide for
- Collaboration
- Flexibility and ease of use
- Management of the design process
- Registry
- Planned enhancements in future releases
- See XML Collaborator XML Design Collaboration
and Registry Software, White Paper, September
2002, 11 pp. at http//www.blueoxide.com/files/xml
266. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
XML Collaborator XML Design Collaboration and
Registry Software
276. Federal CIO Councils XML Web Services
- Standing offer to provide assistance to
- Make legacy databases more accessible and
interoperable with XML Web Services. - Build new databases based on open collaboration
and standards (XML Web Services) that are more
accessible and interoperable. - Promote the use of XML Web Services for both
horizontal and vertical information sharing and
exchange across multiple levels of government. - Develop data models that integrate unstructured
and structured content and relational and
non-relational (e.g. XML) databases of government
information that can be used with XML Web
285. Contact Information
- Brand L. Niemann
- Office of Environmental Information (MC 2822T),
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
202-566-1657, niemann.brand_at_epa.gov,
http//www.sdi.gov, http// - Jay Di Silvestri
- Director of XML Services, Corel, 707-794-7000 ex
23, jayd_at_corel.com, http//www.corel.com - Ed Scrivani
- Major Accounts Executive, NextPage, 978-244-0628,
ed.scrivani_at_nextpage.com, http//www.nextpage.com