Title: Jeffrey T' Drake
1Bulk Insect Sorting Using Image Analysis
Acknowledgments USDA-APHIS-PPQ Center for Plant
Health Science and Technology Dan Fieselmann
USDA Forest Service Forest Health
Protection/Technology Enterprise Team Frank
Sapio New Mexico State University Biological
Control Laboratory Dr. Joe Ellington Tracey
2Objectives Automated Insect Survey
- Surveys Overwhelmed by Volume
- Backlog
- Sub-Optimal Sampling
- Support Insect Survey
- Develop Tools to Aid in Rapid Screening
- Remote Sensing (distance in inches)
- Physical Sorting
- Incremental Approach
- Foundations (Proof-of-Concept)
- Extensions
3Background Automated Insect Survey
Support Insect Survey Via Automation
- Proof-of-Concept
- Cotton
- Complex-Diverse
- Understood
4Background Automated Insect Survey
Genes Mapped
1943 Discovery
1993 Automation
5Background Automated Insect Survey
Survey Requirements - CAPS
6Technology Automated Insect Survey
Feature Extraction
7Capabilities Automated Insect Survey
8Workflow Automated Insect Survey
9Extensions Automated Insect Survey
Applications Bark Boring Beetles Forest Health
Surveys Fruit Fly Control
10Extensions Automated Insect Survey
Employing Techniques for Limited Species ID
11Extensions Automated Insect Survey
Evaluating Techniques for Limited Species ID
Laser Topology Mapping
12Extensions Bark Boring Beetles
Separate the wheat from the chafe
- Requires Species Level ID
13Extensions Industrial Robotics
Requires Physical Sorting
Study Doable with Existing Commercial Systems
14Extensions Bulk Sorting Workstation
15Extensions Bulk Sorting Workstation
Insect Sorting Robot
16What This Can Mean For You
Insect Densities Fast Reliable