Title: Fall 13 hours Spring 17 hours Summer
1Department of Geological Sciences Jackson
School of Geosciences Bachelor of Science in
Geological Sciences Option II
Geophysics Undergraduate Catalog
2006-2008 Suggested Four-Year Degree Plan
Fall (13 hours) Spring (17 hours) Summer
GEO 303 or 401 (Intro. Geology) PHY 301/101L
(Mechanics) RHE 306 (Rhetoric Writing) M 408D
(Seq., Series) M 408C (Diff Int. Calc) CH
302 (Chem II) CH 301 (Chem I) C S 303E
(Computer Sci) Elective (3 hrs) Fall (16
hours) Spring (14 hours) Summer GEO 416K
(Earth Materials) GEO 420K (Field Methods) GEO
416M Sed. Rocks) PHY 315/115L (Waves Optics) M
427K (Diff Eq) E 316K (Engl. Lit.) PHY 316/116L
(Elect Mag) GOV 310L (Government) Fall (17
hours) Spring (14 hours) Summer GEO 465K
384C (Exp Geophy) GEO Elective (UD) (3 hrs) GEO
428 (Struct Geol) Technical Elective 1 (3 hrs)
M 427L (Calc Mat Vectors) GOV 312L
(Government) Foreign Lang 506 Foreign Lang 507
Fall (15 hours) Spring (15 hours) Summer
(6 hours) GEO 325K 384C (Comp Meth) GEO 354
384D (Global Geoph) GEO 660A and B 5 GEO
Elective (UD) (3 hrs) Technical Elective 1 (3
hrs) Technical Elective 1 (3 hrs) History 2
History 2 Social Science 4 (3 hrs) Foreign
Lang 312K General Culture 3 (3 hrs)
Minimum Number of Hours Required for this Degree
126 Substantial Writing Component Two courses
(one must be upper division) are required.
Courses are identified in the Course Schedule
with a W after the title. UD Upper Division
Many GEO courses are offered in fall or spring
only. 1 Requirement 13 lists approved courses
for this degree plan in catalog. 2 This
requirement can be satisfied with any U.S. HIS
course that fulfills the legislative requirement
these courses are identified in the Course
Schedule and can be lower- or upper-division
courses. 3 Courses in ARC, classics, fine arts,
or philosophy (excluding logic). 4 Includes 3
hours of ECO, upper-division ANT, or
upper-division GRG. 6 Both GEO 660A and 660B are
recommended. GEO 679GA/GB, Special Studies in
Geophysics, may be taken in lieu of GEO 660A/B
for students with a 3.0 overall GPA and a 3.0 GEO
GPA. When the number of credit hours per
semester varies, the smaller number is used in
the total. The courses listed above will meet
degree requirements for this degree however,
there may be other courses that fulfill the
requirements. Check with your academic advisor.
2Graduate Geophysics Curriculum
Fall Year 1 GEO 383D Computational Methods in
Geological Sciences (Wilson) GEO 380F Seismology
I (Grand) GEO 384C Geophysics I Exploration
Geophysics (Tatham) GEO 392M1 Modern Geological
Sciences (Long and Staff) GEO 193 Technical
Sessions (Staff) Year 2 (or 3) GEO 394R3 Data
Processing (Ferguson) GEO 3914 Seismic
Wavefield Propagation and Continuation
(Ferguson) GEO 391 Geopotential Fields
(Wilson) GEO 383R Reservoir Geology
(Fisher/Tinker) GEO 391 Petroleum
Workstations and Subsurface Mapping
(Tatham) GEO 383D Sedimentary Basin Analysis
(Steel) GEO 385C Geodynamics I Plate Tectonics
and Paleomagnetism (Mosher, Lavier) Course
outside department 1If needed 2Offered every
other year 3Offered 2nd year Fall 4Offered 2nd
and 3rd year Fall and Spring
Spring Year 1 GEO 384D Geophysics II Global
Geophysics (Grand or Sen) GEO 390D2 Seismology
II or GEO 384M2 Inverse Theory (Sen) GEO
384S Reflection Seismic Processing (Stoffa) GEO
391 Seismic Lithology (Tatham) GEO
185G Geophysics Colloquium (Wilson) GEO
193 Technical Sessions (Staff) Year 2 (or
3) GEO 390D2 Seismology II or GEO 384M2 Inverse
Theory (Sen) GEO 391 Acquisition of Seismic
Reflection Data (TBD) GEO 391 Seismic Migration
and Inversion (Stoffa/Sen) GEO 3914 Seismic
Wavefield Propagation and Continuation
(Ferguson) GEO 385D Geodynamics II Basin
Subsidence (Frohlich) GEO 385E Geodynamics III
Geodesy (Wilson) TBA XXX Seismic Applications
to Reservoir Management (Tatham w/ Petroleum
3Graduate (MS) Curriculum in Geophysics
Years 2 (and 3) show groupings of courses based
upon the particular focus of the student.