Title: X-ray spectroscopy of bright Seyfert 2s:
1X-ray spectroscopy of bright Seyfert 2s The
importance of the 10-100 keV spectrum
Guido Risaliti
INAF - Arcetri Observatory, Italy Harvard-Smiths
onian Center for Astrophysics
2NGC 1365 The best laboratory to investigate the
absorber in obscured AGN
Hard X-ray observations
ASCA (1995) 40 ks BeppoSAX (1997)
30 ks Chandra (Dec 2002) 15 ks XMM 1 (Jan 2003)
17 ks XMM 2 (Jan 2003) 10 ks XMM 3 (Aug 2003)
15 ks XMM 4 (Jan 2004) 60 ks XMM 5 (Aug 2004)
60 ks
Chandra (Apr 2006) 6 x 15 ks
(Risaliti et al. 2007, ApJ 659, L11)
3NGC 1365 Two XMM long observations
4Spectral analysis of XMM long observations
2. Relativistic Iron Line
- One of the best cases, only (?) strong case in
high NH sources - Disappearing in obscured spectrum --gt within 1014
from the center
5Intra-day NH variations
XMM 4 60 ks
6Short-time column density variability
- New analysis
- 10 time intervals, 6 ks each
- Constant continuum (a) free NH for each
spectrum - (b) two
NH (the same for all spectra) -
and free covering factor of NH2
7Only) other know case NGC 4151 observation with
Puccetti et al. 2007
8Simbol-X simulations
T 6 ksec NH2x1023 cm-2
E(NH) 6
XMM (var. cont.)
E(NH) 20
XMM (const cont.)
E(NH) 6
- - Short timescale (5-10 ksec) column denisty
variability may - be common in Seyfert Galaxies
- Resolving the NH variability is crucial to
understand the - structure of the circumnuclear absorber AND
- to obtain a correct fit of the other spectral
components - High quality 10-50 keV spectra needed to
unambigously - detect NH variability
- Simbol-X capable to completely remove degeneracy
between - spectral parameters in bright Seyfert Galaxies