Title: Highlights from X-Ray Grating Spectroscopy
1HighlightsfromX-Ray Grating Spectroscopy
- Cambridge MA July 2007
- Ehud Behar
- Department of Physics, Technion, ISRAEL
- Choice of Topics
- things you might not have thought you could
measure - a biased view - Spectral line profiles
- gas kinematics
- beyond instrumental resolution
- Where is the X-ray plasma?
- distances from UV sources
- spectral variability
- Measuring column density with emission lines
- in AGN
- in PN
- Observing thermal instabilities from inner-shell
phenomena - Concluding Remarks
3Exploiting the High Spectral Resolution
- Algol (eclipsing) stellar binary B8 V K2 IV
- Where is the X-ray stuff ?
- Doppler shifts accurate to 50 km/s reveal the
X-ray source Algol B - B8 not X-ray source
- Excessive Doppler widths (125 km/s) reveal
beyond-thermal flows rotation, turbulence,
flare distribution?
(Chung et al. 2004)
4X-Ray Flows in ? Carinae?
- Massive LBV
- Steady X-rays consistent with a colliding-winds
binary with a 5.54 yr orbit (Corcoran et al.
2001) - Not so the intriguing 70 dayX-ray shut down
(minimum) around periastron passage, nor the
preceding bright flares - Gratings Velocity shifts and broadening during
flares as system approaches periastron - Can not be accounted for by continuous wind
collision and orientation effects (but see
poster by M. Corcoran)
Wind-wind model profiles by Henley et al. 2003
5Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy
- Giant elliptical galaxyNGC 4636
- Cross-dispersion line-ratio variation
- Resonant scattering reduces Fe XVII f / r line
ratio away from center - MC fit (by J. Peterson) follows photons as they
scatter, constrainingvturb 30 km/s (or
scattering would be quenched) - order of magnitude better than instrumental
6Opposite Effect?
- NGC 253 with RGS
- forbidden line enhanced away from center
- Hard to explain, but demonstrates again the
performance of the gratings
Bauer et al. (2007)
7Where is the X-ray plasma?UV destruction of
forbidden lines
- UV flux depletes the long-lived upper levels of
forbidden lines (e.g., He-like triplets) - Hence, f / i ratios sensitively probe distance
from UV source - Applied to O star winds (e.g., ? Pup) - see talk
by A. Pollock and poster by M. Leutenegger - Easily confused with density effect
Kahn et al. 2001
8Finding Unseen Companionswith UV Depletion Effect
? Lep B
9? Lep Astrometry
? Lep
? Lep B
10Where is the X-Ray Absorber? Recombination/Ionizat
ion Time Scales
- Reaction of absorber to increase/decrease of
ionizing flux is sensitive to ionization/
recombination times - Ionization/recombination times yield
distance/density (?L/nr2) of absorber from
ionization source - Current grating spectrometers allow for detection
of variations on t days, even for the
brightest sources
t days
t months (Krongold et al. 2005)
- Choice of Topics
- things you might not have thought you could
measure - a biased view - Spectral line profiles
- gas kinematics
- beyond instrumental resolution
- Where is the X-ray plasma?
- distances from UV sources
- spectral variability
- Measuring column density with emission lines
- in AGN
- in PN
- Observing thermal instabilities from inner-shell
phenomena - Concluding Remarks
12Type-2 AGN Discrete Emission from Photoionized
13Line Emission Sensitive to Column Density Effect
- Lines are driven by recombination (cascades) and
by photoexcitation - Resonance cross sections are much higher, but
- Resonance absorption saturates gt photoexcit.
diminishes while recombination persists - Consequently, resonance lines dominate low NH
regions (base of ionization cone) - Forbidden lines dominate high NH regions
- Can intermediate line ratios mimic collisional
plasma?not at high S/N - The resulting Seyfert 2 spectrum includes entire
range gt use average in model
Absorption Emission
14Emission Line Ratios Sensitive to Column Density
15Not Only NGC 1068
- dozens of additional sources
- O VII column densities comparable to the Seyfert
1 direct-absorption measurements - Supports AGN unified scheme X-ray narrow line
region - Interesting question What makes all the sources
lie on such a tight correlation ?
Guainazzi Bianchi 2007
16Recombination Spectra in Planetary Nebulae?
300 ks LETG observation of BD30 PI J. Kastner,
plot by R. Nordon, see talk by Young Sam Yu
- Choice of Topics
- things you might not have thought you could
measure - a biased view - Spectral line profiles
- gas kinematics
- beyond instrumental resolution
- Where is the X-ray plasma?
- distances from UV sources
- spectral variability
- Measuring column density with emission lines
- in AGN
- in PN
- Observing thermal instabilities from inner-shell
phenomena - Concluding Remarks
18Five Orders of Magnitude in Ionization Parameter
Ability to see the full ionization range reveals
exactly where thermal instability occurs
- Spectroscopy is where the physics is!
- Grating spectroscopy has boosted X-Ray Astronomy
to level with other branches of astronomy and
contributed to all fields of astrophysics - The high spectral resolution has provided
unprecedented plasma diagnostics - In the future we should aim at better time- and
space- resolved spectra - A highlight talk does not provide the full
picture but - Nevertheless, some less conventional diagnostics
with gratings - Kinematics Discerning binary and non-thermal
motion, including turbulence width better than
spectral resolution - UV sensitive X-ray lines Distance from OB stars
leading to the discovery of B star companions - Distinguishing between AGN and starburst line
emission - Measuring column densities in emission gt
associating Seyfert 1 absorber with Seyfert 2
emitter - Thermal instability in AGN outflows
- Of course, there are many other exciting examples
20Many thanks to my collaborators over the years
and to my students at the Technion
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23Cooling Curves
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