Title: Approaching the Physical Limits of Computing
1Approaching the Physical Limits of Computing
- Invited talk, presented at ISMVL 200535th Intl
Symp. on Multiple-Valued Logic(Sponsor IEEE
Computer Society) - Friday, May 20, 2005
2Abstract of Talk
- Fundamental physics limits the performance of
conventional computing technologies. - The energy efficiency of conventional machines
will be forced to level off in roughly the next
10-20 years. - Practical computer performance will then plateau
as well. - However, all of the proven limits to computer
energy efficiency can, in principle, be
circumvented - but only if computing undergoes a radical
paradigm shift. - The essential new paradigm Reversible computing.
- It involves reusing energy to improve energy
efficiency. - However, doing this well tightly constrains
computer design at all levels from devices
through logic, architectures, and algorithms. - In this talk, I review the stringent physical and
logical requirements that must be met, - if we wish to break through the near-term
barriers, - and approach the true physical limits of
3Moores Law and Performance
- Gordon Moore, 1975
- Devices per IC can bedoubled every 18 months
- Borne out by history!
- Some fortuitous corollaries
- Every 3 years Devices ½ as long
- Every 1.5 years ½ as much stored energy per
bit! - It is that that has enabled us to throw away bits
(and their energies) 2 more frequently every
1.5 years, at reasonable power levels! - And thereby double processor performance 2 every
1.5 years! - Increased energy efficiency of computation is a
prerequisite for improved raw performance! - Given realistic levels of total power consumption.
Devices per IC
Year of Introduction
4Efficiency in General, and Energy Efficiency
- The efficiency ? of any process is ? P/C
- Where P Amount of some valued product produced
- and C Amount of some costly resources consumed
- In energy efficiency ?e, the cost C measures
energy. - We can talk about the energy efficiency of
- A heat engine ?he W/Q, where
- W work energy output, Q heat energy input
- An energy recovering process ?er Eend/Estart,
where - Eend available energy at end of process,
- Estart energy input at start of process
- A computer ?ec Nops/Econs, where
- Nops useful operations performed
- Econs free-energy consumed
5Trend of Minimum Transistor Switching Energy
Based on ITRS 97-03 roadmaps
Node numbers(nm DRAM hp)
Practical limit for CMOS?
CV2/2 gate energy, Joules
Naïve linear extrapolation
6Some Lower Bounds on Energy Dissipation
- In todays 90 nm VLSI technology, for minimal
operations (e.g., conventional switching of a
minimum-sized transistor) - Ediss,op is on the order of 1 fJ (femtojoule) ?
?ec ? 1015 ops/sec/watt. - Will be a bit better in coming technologies (65
nm, maybe 45 nm) - But, conventional digital technologies are
subject to several lower bounds on their energy
dissipation Ediss,op for digital transitions
(logic / storage / communication operations), - And thus, corresponding upper bounds on their
energy efficiency. - Some of the known bounds include
- Leakage-based limit for high-performance
field-effect transistors - Maybe roughly 5 aJ (attojoules) ? ?ec ? 21017
operations/sec./watt - Reliability-based limit for all
non-energy-recovering technologies - On the order of 1 eV (electron-volt) ? ?ec ?
61018 ops./sec/watt - von Neumann-Landauer (VNL) bound for all
irreversible technologies - Exactly kT ln 2 18 meV ? ?ec ? 3.51020
ops/sec/watt - For systems whose waste heat ultimately winds up
in Earths atmosphere, - i.e., at temperature T Troom 300 K.
7Reliability Bound on Logic Signal Energies
- Let Esig denote the logic signal energy,
- The energy involved (transferred, manipulated) in
the process of storing, transmitting, or
transforming a bits worth of digital
information. - But note that involved does not necessarily
mean dissipated! - As a result of fundamental thermodynamic
considerations, it is required that Esig ? kBTsig
ln r (with quantum corrections that are small for
large r) - Where kB is Boltzmanns constant, 1.3810-12 J/K
- and Tsig is the temperature in the degrees of
freedom carrying the signal - and r is the reliability factor, i.e., the
improbability of error, 1/perr. - In non-energy-recovering logic technologies
(totally dominant today) - Basically all of the signal energy is dissipated
to heat on each operation. - And often additional energy (e.g., short-circuit
power) as well. - In this case, minimum sustainable dissipation is
Ediss,op ? kBTenv ln r, - Where Tenv is now the temperature of the
waste-heat reservoir (environment) - Averages around 300 K (room temperature) in
Earths atmosphere - For a decent r of e.g. 21017, this energy is on
the order 40 kT 1 eV. - Therefore, if we want energy efficiency ?ec gt 1
op/eV, we must recover some of the signal energy
for later reuse. - Rather than dissipating it all to heat with each
manipulation of the signal.
8The von Neumann-Landauer (VNL) Principle
- First alluded to by John von Neumann in 1949.
- Developed explicitly by Rolf Landauer of IBM in
1961. - The principle is a rigorous theorem of physics!
- It follows from the reversibility of fundamental
dynamics. - A correct statement of the principle is the
following - Any process that loses or obliviously erases 1
bit of known (correlated) information increases
total entropy by at least ?S 1 bit kB ln
2, - and thus implies the eventual dissipation at
least Ediss kBTenv ln 2 of free energy to
the environment as waste heat. - where kB log e 1.3810-23 J/K is Boltzmanns
constant - and Tenv temperature of the waste-heat
reservoir (environment) - Not less than about room temperature, or 300 K
for earthbound computers. ? implies Ediss 18
9Definition of Reversibility
- What does it mean for a dynamical system (either
continuous or discrete) to be (time-) reversible? - Let x(t) denote the state of the system at time
t. - The universe, or any closed system of interest
(e.g. a computer). - Let Ft?u(x) be the transition relation operating
between a given two times t and u i.e., x(u)
Ft?ux(t). - Determined by the systems dynamics (laws of
physics, or a FSM). - Then the system is called dynamically
reversible iff Ft?u is a one-to-one function,
for any times (t, u) where u gt t. - That is, ? t gtu ? x1?x2 Ft?u(x1) Ft?u(x2).
- That is, no two distinct states would ever go to
the same state over the course of a given time
interval. - The definition implies determinism, if we also
allow u lt t. - A reversible system is deterministic in the
reverse time direction.
10Types of Dynamics
- Nondeterministic,irreversible
- Deterministic,irreversible
- Nondeterministic,reversible
- Deterministic,reversible
11Physics is Reversible!
- All of the successful models of fundamental
physics are expressible in the Hamiltonian
formalism. - Including Classical mechanics, quantum
mechanics, special and general relativity,
quantum field theories. - The latter two (GR QFT) are backed up by
enormous, overwhelming mountains of evidence
confirming their predictions! - 11 decimal places of precision so far! And, no
contradicting evidence. - In Hamiltonian systems, the dynamical state x(t)
obeys a differential equation thats first-order
in time, dx/dt g(x) (where g is some
function) - This immediately implies determinism of the
dynamics. - And, since the time differential dt can be taken
to be negative, the formalism also implies
reversibility! - Thus, dynamical reversibility is one of the most
firmly-established, fundamental, inviolable facts
of physics!
12Illustration of VNL Principle
- Either digital state is initially encoded by any
of N possible physical microstates - Illustrated as 4 in this simple example (the real
number would usually be much larger) - Initial entropy S logmicrostates log 4 2
bits. - Reversibility of physics ensures bit erasure
operation cant possibly merge two microstates,
so it must double the possible microstates in the
digital state! - Entropy S logmicrostates increases by log 2
1 bit (log e)(ln 2) kB ln 2. - To prevent entropy from accumulating locally, it
must be expelled into the environment.
Microstates representinglogical 0
Microstates representinglogical 1
Entropy S log 4 2 bits
Entropy S' log 8 3 bits
Entropy S log 4 2 bits
?S S' - S 3 bits - 2 bits 1 bit
13Reversible Computing
- The basic idea is simply this
- Dont erase information when performing logic /
storage / communication operations! - Instead, just reversibly (invertibly) transform
it in place! - When reversible digital operations are
implemented using well-designed energy-recovering
circuitry, - This can result in local energy dissipation
Ediss ltlt Esig, - this has already been empirically demonstrated by
many groups. - and even total energy dissipation Ediss ltlt kT ln
2! - This is easily shown in theory simulations,
- but we are not yet to the point of demonstrating
such low levels of total dissipation empirically
in a physical experiment. - Achieving this goal requires very careful design,
- and verifying it requires very sensitive
measurement equipment.
14How Reversible Logic Avoids the von
Neumann-Landauer Bound
- We arrange our logical manipulations to never
attempt to merge two distinct digital states, - but only to reversiblytransform them fromone
state to another! - E.g., illustrated is a reversible operationcCLR
(controlled CLR) - It and its inverse cSETenable arbitrary logic!
logic 00
logic 01
logic 10
logic 11
15A Few Highlights Of Reversible Computing History
- Charles Bennett _at_ IBM, 1973-1989
- Reversible Turing machines emulation algorithms
- Can emulate irreversible machines on reversible
architectures. - But, the emulation introduces some inefficiencies
- Models of chemical Brownian-motion physical
realizations. - Fredkin and Toffolis group _at_ MIT, late
1970s/early 1980s - Reversible logic gates and networks (space/time
diagrams) - Ballistic and adiabatic circuit implementation
proposals - Groups _at_ Caltech, ISI, Amherst, Xerox, MIT,
85-95 - Concepts for implementations of adiabatic
circuits in VLSI tech. - Small explosion of adiabatic circuit literature
since then! - Mid 1990s-today
- Better understanding of overheads, tradeoffs,
asymptotic scaling - A few groups begin development of post-CMOS
implementations - Most notably, the Quantum-dot Cellular Automata
group at Notre Dame
16Caveat 1
- Technically, to avoid the VNL bound doesnt
actually require that the digital operation must
be reversible at the level of the logical states - It can be logically irreversible if the
information in the digital state is already
entropy! - In the below example, the non-digital entropy
doesnt change, because the operation is also
nondeterministic (N to N), and the transition
relation between logical states has semi-detailed
balance, so the entropy in the digital state
remains constant. - However, such operations just re-randomize bits
that are already random! - Its not clear if this kind of operation is
computationally useful.
Digital bit with unknown value
Physical dynamics whose precisedetails may be
17Caveat 2
- Operations that are logically N-to-1 can be used,
if there are sufficient compensating 1-to-N
(nondeterministic) logical operations. - All that is really required is that the logical
dynamics be 1-to-1 in the long-term average. - Thus, its possible to thermally generate random
bits and discard them later when we are through
with them. - While maintaining overall thermodynamic
reversibility. - This ability is useful for probabilistic
(randomized) algorithms.
logic 0
logic 1
18Reversibility and Reliability
- A widespread myth Future low-level digital
devices will necessarily be highly unreliable. - This comes from a flawed line of reasoning
- Faster ? more energy efficient ? lower bit
energies ? high rate of bit errors from thermal
noise - However, this scaling strategy doesnt work,
because - High rate of thermal errors ? high power
dissipation from error correction ? less energy
efficient ? ultimately slower! - But in contrast, using reversible computing, we
can achieve arbitrarily high energy efficiency
while also maintaining arbitrarily high
reliability! - The key is to keep bit energies reasonably high!
- While recovering most of the bit energy
19Minimizing Energy Dissipation Due to Thermal
- Let perr 1/r be the bit-error probability per
operation. - Where r quantifies the reliability level.
- And pok 1 - perr is the probability the bit is
correct - The necessary entropy increase ?S per op due to
error occurrence is given by the (binary) Shannon
entropy of the bit-value after the operation - H(perr) perr log perr-1 pok log pok-1.
- For r gtgt 1 (i.e., as r ? 8), this increase
approaches 0 - ?S H(perr) perr log perr-1 (log r)/r ? 0
- Thus, the required energy dissipation per op also
approaches 0 - Ediss T?S (kT ln r)/r ? 0
- Could get the same result by assuming the signal
energy Esig kT ln r required for reliability
level r is dissipated each time an error occurs - Ediss perrEsig perr(kT ln r) (kT ln r)/r
? 0 as r ? 8. - Further, note that as r ? 8, the required signal
energy grows only very slowly - Specifically, only logarithmically in the
reliability, i.e., Esig T(log r).
20Device-Level Requirements for Reversible Computing
- A good reversible device technology should have
- Low manufacturing cost d per device
- Important for good overall (system-level)
cost-efficiency - Low rate of static power dissipation Pleak due to
energy leakage. - Required for energy-efficient storage especially
(but also in logic) - Low energy coefficient cE Ediss/f (energy
dissipated per operation, per unit transition
frequency) for adiabatic transitions. - Implies we can achieve a high operating frequency
(and thus good cost-performance) at a given level
of energy efficiency. - High maximum available transition frequency fmax.
- Important for those applications in which the
latency of serial threads of computation
dominates total cost - Important For system-level energy efficiency,
Pleak and cE must be taken as effective global
values measuring the implied amount of energy
emitted into the outside environment at
temperature Tenv. - With an ideal (Carnot) refrigerator, Pleak
StTenv and cE cSTenv, - Where St the static rate of leakage entropy
generation per unit time, - and cS Sgen/f adiabatic entropy coefficient, or
entropy generated per unit transition frequency.
21Early Chemical Implementations
- How to physically implement reversible logic?
- Bennetts original inspiration DNA
polymerization! - Reversible copying of a DNA strand
- Molecular basis of cell division / organism
reproduction - This (and all) chemical reactions are reversible
- Direction (forward vs. backward) reaction rate
depends on relative concentrations of reagent and
product species ? affect free energy - Energy dissipated per step turns out to be
proportional to speed. - Implies process is characterized by an
energy-time constant. - I call this the energy coefficient cEt
Ediss,optop Ediss,op/fop. - For DNA, typical figures are 40 kT 1eV _at_ 1,000
bp/s - Thus, the energy coefficient cE is about 1
eV/kHz. - Can we achieve better energy coefficients?
- Yes, in fact, we had already beat DNAs cE in
reversible CMOS VLSI technology available circa
22Energy Entropy Coefficients in Electronics
- For a transition involving the adiabatic transfer
of an amount Q of charge along a path with
resistance R - The raw (local) energy coefficient is given by
cEt Edisst Pdisst2 IVt2 I2Rt2 Q2R. - Where V is the voltage drop along the path.
- The entropy coefficient cSt Q2R/Tpath.
- where Tpath is the local thermodynamic
temperature in the path. - The effective (global) energy coefficient is
cEt,eff Q2R(Tenv/Tpath). - We pay a penalty for low-T operation!
23Example of Electronic cEt
- In a fairly recent (180 nm) CMOS VLSI technology
- Energy stored per min. sized transistor gate 1
fJ _at_ 2V - Corresponds to charge per gate of Q 1 fC
6,000 electrons - Resistance per turned-on min-sized nFET of 14 k?
- Order of the quantum resistance R R0 1/G0
h/2q2 12.9 k? - Ideal energy coefficient for a single-gate
transition 1.410-26 J/Hz - Or in more convenient units, 80 eV/GHz 0.08
eV/MHz! - with some expected overheads for a simple test
circuit, calculated energy coefficient comes out
to about 8 higher, or 10-25 Js - Or 600 eV/GHz 0.6 eV/MHz.
- Detailed Cadence simulations gave us, per
transistor - _at_ 1 GHz P 20 µW, E 20 fJ 1.2 keV, so Ec
1.2 eV/MHz - _at_ 1 MHz P 0.35 pW, E 3.5 aJ 2.2 eV, so Ec
2.1 eV/MHz
24Cadence Simulation Results
- Graph shows power dissipation vs. frequency
- in a shift register.
- At moderate frequencies (1 MHz),
- Reversible uses lt 1/100th the power of
irreversible! - At ultra-low power (1 pW/transistor)
- Reversible is 100 faster than irreversible!
- Minimum energy dissipation lt 1 eV!
- 500 lower than best irreversible!
- 500 higher computational energy efficiency!
- Energy transferred is still 10 fJ (100 keV)
- So, energy recovery efficiency is 99.999!
- Not including losses in power supply
2LAL Two-level adiabatic logic
1 nJ
100 pJ
Standard CMOS
10 aJ
10 pJ
1 aJ
1 pJ
Energy dissipated per nFET per cycle
1 eV
100 fJ
100 zJ
2LAL 1.8-2V
10 fJ
10 zJ
kT ln 2
1 fJ
1 zJ
100 aJ
100 yJ
25A Useful Two-Bit PrimitiveControlled-SET or
- Semantics If a1, then set b1.
- Conditionally reversible, if the special
precondition ab0 is met. - Note its 1-to-1 on the subset of states used
- Sufficient to avoid Landauers principle!
- We can implement cSET in dual-rail CMOS with a
pair of transmission gates - Each needs just 2 transistors,
- plus one controlling drive signal
- This 2-bit semi-reversible operation its
inverse cCLR are universal for reversible (and
irreversible) logic! - If we compose them in special ways.
- And include latches for sequential logic.
a b a b
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1
1 0 1 1
26Reversible OR (rOR) from cSET
- Semantics rOR(a,b) if ab, c1.
- Set c1, on the condition that either a or b is
1. - Reversible under precondition that initially ab
? c. - Two parallel cSETs simultaneouslydriving a
shared output lineimplement the rOR operation! - This type of gate composition was not
traditionally considered. - Similarly one can do rAND, and
reversibleversions of all operations. - Logic synthesis with theseis extremely
Hardware diagram
Spacetime diagram
a OR b
27CMOS Gate Implementing rLatch / rUnLatch
- Symmetric Reversible Latch
Spacetime Diagram
- The hardware is just a CMOS transmission gate
again - This time controlled by a clock, with the data
signal driving - Concise, symmetric hardware icon Just a short
orthogonal line - Thin strapping lines denote connection in
spacetime diagram.
28Example Building cNOT from rlXOR
- rlXOR(a,b,c) Reversible latched XOR.
- Semantics c a?b.
- Reversible under precondition that c is initially
clear. - cNOT(a,b) Controlled-NOT operation.
- Semantics b a?b. (No preconditions.)
- A classic primitive operation in reversible
quantum computing - But, it turns out to be fairly complex to
implement cNOT in available fully adiabatic
hardware technologies - Thus, its really not a very good building block
for practical reversible hardware designs! - Of course, we can still build it, if we really
want to. - Since, as I said, our gate set is universal for
reversible logic
29cNOT from rlXOR Hardware Diagram
- A logic block providing an in-place cNOT
operation (a cNOT gate) can be constructed
from 2 rlXOR gates and two latched buffers. - The key is
- Operate some of the gates in reverse!
30T(log n)-time carry-skip adder
With this structure, we can do a2n-bit add in
2(n1) logic levels? 4(n1) reversible ticks?
n1 clock cycles. Hardwareoverhead islt 2
regularripple-carry! Spacetimeoverhead
only 2(n1) a conventionalsingle-cycleequival
3rd carry tick
2nd carry tick
4th carry tick
1st carry tick
3132-bit Adder Simulation Results
2V 2LAL, Vsb1V
2V 2LAL, Vsb1V
(All results here are normalized to a throughput
level of 1 add/cycle)
32Technological Challenges
- Fundamental theoretical challenges
- Find more efficient reversible algorithms
- Or, prove rigorous lower bounds on complexity
overheads - Study fundamental physical limits of reversible
computing - Implementation challenges
- Design new devices with lower energy coefficients
cEt - Design high-quality resonators for driving
transitions - Empirically demonstrate large system-level power
savings - Application development challenges
- Find a plausible near- to medium-term killer
app for RC - Something thats very valuable, and cant be done
without it - Build a prototype RC-based solution prototype
33Plenty of Room forDevice Improvement
Power per device, vs. frequency
- Recall, irreversible device technology has at
most 3-4 orders of magnitude of
power-performance improvements remaining. - And then, the firm kT ln 2 (VNL) limit is
encountered. - But, a wide variety of proposed reversible device
technologies have been analyzed by physicists. - With theoretical power-performance up to 10-12
orders of magnitude better than todays CMOS! - Ultimate limits are unclear.
.18µm CMOS
.18µm 2LAL
k(300 K) ln 2
Variousreversibledevice proposals
34Limiting Cases of Energy/Entropy Coefficients
- Entropy/entropy coefficients in adiabatic single
electronics - Suppose the amount of charge moved Q q (a
single electron) - Let the path consist of a single quantum channel
(chain of states) - Has quantum resistance R R0 1/G0 h/2q2
12.9 k?. - Then cE h/2 2.07 meV/THz (very low!)
- If path is at Tpath Troom 300 K, then cS
0.08 k/THz. - For N better efficiency than this, let the path
consist of N parallel quantum channels. ? N
lower resistance. - What about systems where resistive models may not
apply? - E.g., superconductors, photonics, etc.
- A more general and rigorous (but perhaps loose)
lower bound on the energy coefficient in all
adiabatic quantum systems is given by the
expression cE h2/4Egt?, - where Eg energy gap between ground excited
states, - and t? time taken for a single orthogonalizing
transition - Ex. Let Eg 1 eV, t? 1 ps. Then cE 4.28
35Requirements for Energy-Recovering Clock/Power
- All known reversible computing schemes require a
periodic global signal that synchronizes and
drives adiabatic transitions. - For good system-level energy efficiency, this
signal must oscillate resonantly and
near-ballistically, with a high effective quality
factor. - Several factors make the design of a satisfactory
resonator quite difficult - Need to avoid uncompensated back-action of logic
on resonator - In some resonators, Q factor may scale
unfavorably with size - Effective quality factor problem
- Theres no reason to think that its impossible
to do - But it is definitely a nontrivial hurdle, that we
need to face up to, pretty urgently - If we want to make reversible computing practical
in time to avoid an extended period of stagnation
in computer performance growth.
36The Back-Action Problem
- The ideal resonator signal is a pure periodic
signal. - A pretty general result from communications
theory - A resonators quality factor is inversely
proportional to its signal bandwidth B. - E.g., for an EM cavity w. resonant frequency ?0,
- the half-maximum BW is B ?? ?0/(2pQ) 1.
- Thus Q?8 ? B ? 0.
- There must be little or no information in the
resonator signal! - However, if the logic load being driven varies
from on cycle to the next, - whether due to data-dependent variations,
- or structural variations (different amounts of
logic being driven per cycle) - this will tend to produce impedance
nonuniformities, which will lead to nonuniform
reflections of the resonator signal - and thereby introduce nonzero bandwidth into that
signal. - Even more generally, any departure of resonator
energy away from its ideal desired trajectory
represents a form of effective energy
dissipation! - we must control exactly where (into what states)
all of the energy goes! - the set of possible microstates of the system
must not grow quickly
1 Schwartz, Principles of Electrodynamics,
Dover, 1972.
37Unfavorable Scaling of Resonator Quality Factor
with Size?
- I dont yet have a perfectly clear and general
understanding of this issue, but - In a lot of oscillating systems Ive looked at,
the resonant Q factor may tend to get worse (or
at least, not very much better) as the resonator
dimensions get smaller. - E.g., in LC oscillators, inductor Q scales
inversely to frequency - EM emission is greater at high frequencies
- But, the tendency is for low f ? large coil
sizes, not small! - Anecdotal reports from people working in NEMS
community - It can be difficult to get high Q in nanoscale
electromechanical resonators - Perhaps due to present difficulty of precision
engineering at nanoscale? - Our own experience working with transmission-line
resonators - Example In a cubical EM cavity of length L,
- We have 2pQ L / 8d, where d skin depth. (1
again) - Skin depth d (2psk)-1/2, where s wall
conductivity, k wave . - So if L is fixed, high Q ? small d ? large k ?
high f ? low Q in logic!
38The Effective Quality Factor Problem
- Actual quality factor of resonator Q
Eres/Edissr. - Where Eres energy contained in resonator signal
- and Edissr energy dissipated in resonator per
cycle. - But the effective quality factor, for purposes of
doing energy-efficient logic transitions is Qeff
Edeliv/Edissr. - Where Edeliv energy delivered to the logic per
transition. - Since 1/Qeff of the logic signal energy is
dissipated per cycle. - Thus, Qeff Q (Edeliv/Eres).
- That is, the effective Q is taken down by the
fraction of resonator energy delivered to the
logic per cycle. - If a resonator needs to be large to attain high
Q, - it may also hold a large amount of energy Eres,
- and so it may not have a very high effective Q
for driving the logic!
39Trapezoidal Resonator Concept
Arm anchored to nodal points of fixed-fixed beam
flexures,located a little ways away, in both
directions (for symmetry)
Phase 180 electrode
Phase 0 electrode
manytimes along y axis,all anchored to the
same flexure
40Previous CMOS-MEMS Resonatorsin post-CMOS DRIE
process (in use at UF)
150 kHz
Resonator Schematic
42Post-TSMC35 AdiaMEMS Resonator
(Coventorware model)
Taped out April 04
43Quasi-Trapezoidal MEMS Resonator 1st Fabbed
- Post-etch process is still being fine-tuned.
- Parts are not yet ready for testing
Drive comb
- Reversible computing will become necessary within
our lifetimes, - if we wish to continue progress in computing
performance/power beyond the next 1-2 decades. - Much progress in our understanding of RC has been
made in the past three decades - But much important work still remains to be done.
- I encourage my audience to join the community of
researchers who are working to address the
reversible computing challenge.