Title: CUAHSI: Advancing Hydrologic Science through Community Engagement
1CUAHSI Advancing Hydrologic Science through
Community Engagement
2What is hydrologic science?
- Hydrologic science studies the occurrence,
distribution, circulation and properties of
water, and its interaction with a wide range of
physical, chemical and biological processes,
acknowledging also the added complexity of social
and behavioral sciences (NRC, 1991).
3Boundaries of hydrologic science
- Water links atmosphere, earth, and ocean sciences
- Water links living and physical world
- Water is a solvent of minerals and sculptor of
the landscape - Water is a key determinant of habit
- Water is an economic resource and extensively
engineered by humans - Hydrologic science interfaces with all these
4Getting the water right
- A sufficient description of the hydrologic cycle
for describing waters interaction with the
physical and living world - Stores, fluxes, flowpaths, residence times
- Coupling of components hydrologic cycle
- Recognition of biological controls on
terrestrial water cycle - Linkage to biogeochemistry, ecology,
geomorphology, water resources engineering,
5Developing a Community
- Disciplinary Foundations
- Intellectual Basis
- Rigor in Observational Science
- Consensus Building
- Interdisciplinary Opportunities
- Enrichment from Multiple Perspectives
- New Transdisciplinary Science
6Community Science
- Complements investigator-driven science
- Articulates community goals and needs
- Undertakes projects impossible for individuals
- Generality of findings (cross-site comparison)
- Larger scale and coherent data (top-down design)
- Multidisciplinary efforts (synthesis teams)
- Develops and Operates Infrastructure
- Information systems
- Instrumentation development and sharing
7Defining the Community Agenda
- Move beyond what hydrologists, biogeochemists,
ecologists study - How does each discipline approach science?
- How are hypotheses posed?
- What constitutes proof?
- What are valid data?
8How do hydrologists work?
- Hydrologic cycle as organizing principle
- Quantitative approaches (e.g., budgets)
- Deterministic and stochastic approaches
- Both bottom-up (fluid mechanics) and top-down
(systems) approaches - Inferential rather than empirical
- Observation-limited (? right for the wrong
reason) - Multifaceted role of water (? multiple
9Hydrologic subdisciplines
- Different phenomena
- Streamflow generation, contaminant transport,
land surface-atmosphere interactions - have different
- Spatial scales, temporal scales, dynamics,
dominant processes - leading to disciplinary fragmentation and
limited understanding among hydrologists - Bottom-up/ Top-down
- Catchment, groundwater, surface water
10Subdisciplines Compound Names
- Hydrometeorology, ecohydrology, geohydrology,
hydropedology, biogeochemistry - Names dont define intellectual endeavor
- Names dont define relationships among
11Traditional Views of Hydrologic Cycle
12Dimensions of Hydrologic Cycle
- Vertical Bedrock to Boundary Layer
- Down-slope Ridge to Stream
- Down-valley Headwater to Ocean
13The Vertical Dimension
- Sub-disciplines ecohydrology, hydrometeorology,
- Phenomenon transpiration, precipitation fields,
precipitation partitioning, pedogenesis - Spatial Scales plot to continental
- Temporal Scales seconds to days
14The Down-slope Dimension
- Sub-disciplines hydropedology, hillslope
hydrology - Phenomenon, streamflow generation, weathering
(bioGEOchemistry), catena - Spatial Scales 10s to 100s m
- Hydrologic Temporal Scales minutes to seasons
15The Down-Valley Dimensions
- Sub-disciplines fluvial geomorphology,
BIOgeochemistry - Phenomenon flood scaling, local to regional
groundwater systems, hyporheic exchange - Spatial Scales reach/local gw systems to river
basin/regional aquifer system - Hydrologic Temporal Scales seconds to
16Towards a taxonomy
- Dimensions of hydrologic cycle combine
disciplines to study phenomena within a range of
space and time - Encourage dialog see where my research fits
into bigger picture - Clarify goals of subdisciplines
- One approach for organizing discipline
17Disciplinary Foundations
- Understand epistemology of our own science
- Discussed epistemology with your graduate
students lately? - Explain goals to non-specialists
- Achieve consensus on open questions among
18Observations and Observatories
- The dilemma of place-based science
- Extensive characterization needed to pin down
theory - Establish generality of findings that transcend
uniqueness of place - Network of Observatories with comparable data
- Difficulty of top-down design
- Emergence of CZOs and other field sites
- Virtual Network with data publication
19Abstractions in Modeling
Digital Environment
Real World
Water quantity and quality
DNA Sequences
Remote sensing
Vegetation Survey
Conceptual Frameworks
Snowmelt Processes?
Groundwater Contribution?
Physical World
Model Representations
-Mathematical Formulae -Solution Techniques
Geographically Referenced
Q, Gradient, Roughness?
Data Representation
- Theory/Process Knowledge
- Perceptions of this place
- Intuition
Wetted Perimeter
20Data Integration
Chesapeake Bay Program
21CUAHSI National Water Metadatabase
- Indexes
- 20 observation networks
- 1.73 million sites
- 8.38 million time series
22Vision Network of Observatories
- Access data from all sites, regardless of funding
source or location - Develop larger scale context for research
watersheds - Enable analysis
- Across gradients
- Across scale to river basin
- Test generality of hypotheses in different
settings - Improve predictive capacity
23Realizing the Vision
Global Models
Regional Models
Modeling Platform
Dynamic Grid Data Publication
Geospatial Data Publication
Time Series Data Publication
24Moving Forward
- Data and Model Sharing
- Publication of academic data
- Explicit mapping of conceptual models to improve
communication - Synthesis
- Re-analysis of data from multiple perspectives
- Pilot synthesis activities are underway
25Building Communities
- Pay attention to the disciplinary foundation
- Need explicit definition
- Taxonomy to show how subdisciplines relate
- Aids in building consensus
- Engage across communities
- Place-based observatories as research vessels
- Better communication of conceptual models
- Synthesis
- Collaboration to leverage existing resources
- NSF investments (NEON, LTER, OOI, CZO)
- Federal Mission Agencies (USGS, USFS, ARS,)
- Partnerships
- Move research scale to management scale
- Limited resources, but pressing needs
27CUAHSI Member Universities