Title: National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting
1National Needs for Coastal Mapping and Charting
- National Research Council
- Ocean Studies Board
- Board on Earth Science and Resources
2Statement of Task  This study will identify and
suggest mechanisms for addressing national needs
for spatial information in the coastal zone. By
examining the major spatial information
requirements of federal agencies, as well as the
principal user groups they support (e.g., state
and local coastal managers, urban planners,
resource managers, maritime industry), the
committee will identify high priority needs,
evaluate the potential for meeting these needs
based on the current level of effort, and suggest
steps to increase collaboration and ensure that
the nations need for spatial information in the
coastal zone is met in an efficient and timely
3Statement of Task (continued) Â In particular,
the committee will identify  1) primary data
sets and their attributes, such as scale and
resolution, as well as value added products, that
are needed to support decision making in the
coastal and ocean environment, Â 2) gaps or
overlaps among the federal and state programs
currently in place to collect this information,
as well as barriers to effective coordination,
and  3) techniques and technologies currently
or soon to be available that could expand the
capability to acquire, archive, and disseminate
information to the user community.
4Committee Members
Larry Mayer (Chair), University New
Hampshire Kenneth Barbor, International
Hydrographic Organization Paul Boudreau, Bedford
Institute of Oceanography Thomas Chance, CC
Technologies Susan Snow-Cotter, Massachusetts
Office of Coastal Zone Management Charles
Fletcher, University of Hawaii Holly Greening,
Tampa Bay Estuary Program Ronxing Li, Ohio State
University Curt Mason, NOAA (retired) Kathy
Metcalf, Chamber of Shipping of America Dawn
Wright, Oregon State University
5Study Process
- Committee formation (completed)
- Committee meetings
- Three information-gathering meetings (will be
completed in August, 2002) - Two report-writing meetings
- October 2002
- January 2003
- Interim Findings (by October 2003)
- Report Editing
- Peer review
- Prepublication (by August 2003)
- Final Publication from NAP (by October 2003)
6Information Input
- American Association of State Geologists
- Coastal States Organization
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Geographic Data Committee
- Minerals Management Service
- National Imagery and Mapping Agency
- National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
- Office of Management and Budget
- National Park Service (August 2002)
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Coast Guard (August 2002)
- U.S. Department of State
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Geological Survey
- U.S. Navy
- The NRC will transmit initial findings in October
2002. - A final report will be submitted in August 2003.