Title: Saturn and its rings
1Saturn and its rings moons
2- Fast Facts on Saturn
- average distance from Sun 9.5 AU
- 10 AU (maximum) and 9 AU (minimum)
- eccentricity 0.05 (5x Earth like Mars)
- orbital period 29.3 years (30 yrs)
- mass 5.7 x 1026 kg 95x Earths mass
- Gravity on Saturn 0.92 times Earths!
- diameter 120,536 km (9.5 Earth equator)
- and 108,728 km (8.5x Earth poles)
- average density 687 kg/m3
- rotation period (poles) 10 h 39.5 min
- rotation period (equator) 10 h 14 min
- average T of cloud tops in atmosphere
- 93 K -180 C -292 F
- albedo 0.46 albedo of rings 0. 80
- tilt of planets orbital plane relative
Voyager image of Saturn can just make out 2 of
Saturns small moons Tethys and Dione two of 31
total moons!
3Observing Saturn from Earth
- Saturn is the most distant planet that we
- can see with the naked eye looks like a
- bright star in the night sky
- Historical observations quickly revealed
- the system of rings around the planet
- Saturn is rising in the sky around midnight
- - transits overhead around 5 am
- Saturn is observed during oppositions
- - nearly yearly
- - next one 31st December 2003
- - disk of Saturn is 21 (size of Mars)
Galileo 1610
Cassini - 1675 gap in rings
Commons - 1883 photograph
4Saturns 27 degree tilt on its axis relative to
orbit plane produces different views - Rings
seen edge on, underside, and top views -
Seasons on Saturn are much longer (7-8
years) - last edge on view in 1995-96 next one
2008-9 - currently high ring inclination angle
22 degrees!
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6- Saturn Ring Plane
- Crossings
- occur when Earth passes into the
- same plane as rings directly
- edge-on view of planet
- - opportunity to learn more about rings,
- determine thickness of rings and discover
- new satellites
- - occur on 13-16 year intervals
- - some are more favorable than others
- - last one 1995-1996 very favorable
- - next favorable one 2038
- now until 2008, well see underside
7Saturns Rings Most unusual, striking feature of
the planet Saturn
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9Composition of Saturns Rings
- If rings were solid, gravitational forces would
tear rings apart - an indefinite number of unconnected particles
J.C. Maxwell - 1895 rings confirmed not to be solid by James
Keeler - - using Doppler shift, inner rings moving more
quickly than outer rings - - if made of solid rings, would expect solid
body rotation signature - - rings of Saturn made of moonlets, small
ring particles