Title: Cenozoic Era
1Cenozoic Era
2Events of the Cenozoic
- The final breakup of Pangea.
- India collides with Asia to form the Himalayas.
- Australia and S. America tear away from
- Africa collides with Europe to form the Alps.
- The Farallon plate subducts under the N. American
plate. This causes volcanic events that lead to
the formation (uplift) of the western basin and
range system and the formation of the Cascade
Mtn. Range.
- The northwest movement of the Pacific plate
causes the transform faulting of S. California
and the formation of San Andreas fault system.
3Glaciation Theories
- Changes in solar radiation
- Astronomical or orbital effects involving changes
in the earth-sun geometry. Milankovitch Cycles
- Terrestrial changes Atmospheric transparency or
changes in the Earths surface reflectivity.
- Variation in heat exchange rates due to changes
in ocean currents. Pangea breakup.
Ablation- the processes by which snow ,ice, or
water are lost from a glacier. Accumulation- the
processes by which snow and ice build up
(accumulate) to form a glacier Glacial Till or
Till- Unsorted, unstratified mixture of fine and
coarse rock debris deposited by a
glacier. Moraine- Rock debris deposited by
glacier. Lateral Moraine- Piles of loose
unsorted rocks along the side margins of a
glacier. Terminal (End) Moraine- Piles of loose
unsorted rock at the leading margins of a
glacier. Loess- Finely ground material that is
deposited by glacial melt waters and
then transported by wind to form a blanket of
fine soil forming material. A loess soil
consists of a mixture of sand, silt and
clay. Glacial Landforms- kames, kettles, flutes,
drumlins, erratics and eskers.
- During the Pleistocene epoch ice sheets up to
8000 feet thick advanced and retreated several
times into N. America - 4 major glaciations separated by 4 interglacial
periods over the last 1.6 million years. - Glacial Periods Nebraskan, Kansan, Illinoian,
and Wisconsinan - Interglacial Periods Aftonian, Yarmouth,
Sangamon, and - the present.
- No record of the Nebraskan or Kansan glaciers in
Illinois - Yarmouth formed the Mehomet River Basin,
Sangamon formed the Illinois River Basin
6Illinois Geologic Column
7Illinois Bedrock Geology
8Glacial History of Illinois
9Glacial Deposits Map
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10Wisconsin Glacial Episode
11Loess Thickness Map
12Paleontology of Illinois