Title: Cenozoic Life
1Cenozoic Life
2Cenozoic Life History
- The Cenozoic was the time during which
- Earths present-day fauna and flora evolved
- trends established millions of years earlier
continued - Fewer skull and jaw bones during the transition
- from fish to amphibians
- and then to reptiles
- and finally to mammals
3Good Fossil Records
- Cenozoic rocks are especially common
- in western North America
- also found along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts
- horses, rhinoceroses, rodents, rabbits, and
camels have very good fossil records
4Changing Climatic Patterns
- Changing climatic patterns
- accompanied by shifting plant distributions
characterize the Tertiary - During the Paleocene and Eocene
- mean annual temperatures were high
- abundant precipitation fell
- tropical to semitropical forests covered much of
North America
5Leaf Structure
- Leaf structure can give information about
- Paleoprecipitation
- Paleotemperature
- Precipitation drip tips
- Reduces fungal infections
- Reduces parasitic plant infections
- Temperature degree of leaf serration
- Correlation between big smooth leaves (entire
margin) and warm climates - Not clear why
6Plant leaves as Climatic Indicators
- Climatic trends for four areas in North America
- based on the percentages of plant species with
entire margin leaves
7Major Climatic Change
- A major climatic change took place at the end of
the Eocene
- when mean annual temperatures dropped 7 degrees C
in 3 million years
8Climatic Change
- Since the Oligocene
- mean annual temperatures have varied somewhat
worldwide - overall have not changed much in the middle
latitudes except during the Pleistocene
9Decrease in Precipitation
- A general decrease in precipitation
- over the last 25 million years
- in the midcontinent region of North America
- As the climate became drier vast forests of the
Oligocene - gave way first to savanna conditions
- grasslands with scattered trees
- and finally to steppe environments
- short-grass prairie of the desert margin
10Mammal Diversification
- With the demise of dinosaurs and their relatives
- mammals adaptively radiated
- remarkable diversification continued throughout
the Cenozoic Era - The Age of Mammals had begun
11Marsupial Mammals
- Marsupial mammals give birth to live young
- born in a very immature, almost embryonic
condition - undergo further development in the mother's pouch
- Marsupials probably migrated to Australia,
- the only area in which they are common today,
- via Antarctica before Pangaea fragmented
12South American Marsupials
- Quite widespread in South America until a few
millions of years ago - Most South American marsupials died out
- when a land connection was established between
the Americas - and placental mammals migrated south
- Now the only marsupials
- outside Australia and some nearby islands are
species of opossums
- Like marsupials, placental mammals give birth to
live young, - but their reproductive method
- differs in important details
- In placentals, the amnion of the amniote
- has fused with the walls of the uterus
- forming a placenta
14Marsupial Placenta Less Efficient
- Nutrients and oxygen flow
- from mother to embryo through the placenta
- permitting the young to develop much more fully
before birth - marsupials also have a placenta
- but it is less efficient
- explaining why their newborn are not as fully
15Success of Placental Mammals
- A measure of the success of placental mammals
- is partially related to their method of
reproduction - More than 90 of all mammals
- fossil and extinct, are placentals
16Fossil Record of Horses
- With the possible exception of camels,
- no group of mammals has a better fossil record
- horse fossils are so common,
- especially in North America
- where most of their evolution took place
- that their overall history and evolutionary
trends are quite well known
17Horse Evolution
- Some evolutionary trends in horses
- an increase in size
- lengthening of the limbs
- reduction in the number of toes
- development of high-crowned teeth with complex
chewing surfaces
18Trends in Horses
- Size increase
- Legs and feet become longer for running
- Lateral toes reduced to vestiges
- Straightening and stiffening of the back
- Adaptations for grinding abrasive grasses
- Larger, more complex brain
19Horse Evolution Branched
- Horse evolution proceeded along two distinct
branches - One led to three-toed browsing horses
- all now extinct
- The other led to three-toed grazing horses
- and finally to one-toed grazers
- The appearance of grazing horses
- with high-crowned chewing teeth
- coincided with the evolution and spread of
grasses during the Miocene
20Low- and High-Crowned Teeth
- Once grasses had evolved
- many hoofed mammals became grazers
- developed high-crowned, abrasion-resistant teeth
- Low-crowned teeth
- typical of many mammals with varied diets
- High-crowned, cement-covered chewing teeth
- are adapted for grazing
21Mammals of the Ice Age
- The most remarkable aspect
- of the Pleistocene mammalian fauna
- is that so many very large species existed
- Mastodons, mammoths, giant bison,
- huge ground sloths, immense camels, beavers 2 m
tall - present in North America
22Cooler ConditionsLarger Sizes
- Many smaller mammal species also existed
- but obvious trend among Pleistocene mammals was
large body size - Perhaps this was an adaptation
- to the cooler conditions
- Large animals have less surface area
- compared to their volume
- thus retain heat more effectively than do smaller
animals - (but what about big dinosaurs?)
23Frozen Mammals
- Some of the world's best-known fossils
- come from Pleistocene deposits
- frozen mammals found in Siberia and Alaska,
- such as mammoths, bison, and a few others
- These extraordinary fossils,
- although very rare,
- provide much more information than most fossils do
24Frozen Baby Mammoth
- Frozen baby mammoth found
- in Siberia in 1971
- 1.15 m long and 1.0 m tall
- had a hairy coat
- Recovered from permafrost
25Pleistocene Extinctions
- Extinctions have occurred continually
- at times of mass extinctions, Earth's biotic
diversity sharply declined - as at the ends of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras
- In marked contrast,
- the Pleistocene extinctions were rather modest
- did have a profound effect on genera of large
terrestrial mammals
- (1) What caused these extinctions?
- (2) Why did these extinctions eliminate mostly
large mammals? - (3) Why were extinctions more severe in Australia
and the Americas? - No completely satisfactory explanation exists
- but two competing hypotheses are currently being
27Extinction Hypotheses
- Rapid climatic changes at the end of the
Pleistocene - Prehistoric overkill
- holds that human hunters were responsible
28Climate and Vegetation Changes
- Rapid changes in climate and vegetation
- occurred over much of Earth's surface during the
Late Pleistocene - as glaciers began retreating
- In North America and northern Eurasia
- conifer and broadleaf forests replaced
open-steppe tundras - warmer and wetter conditions prevailed
29Climate and Vegetation Changes
- The southwestern U.S. region changed
- from a moist area with numerous lakes
- where saber-toothed cats, giant ground sloths,
and mammoths roamed - to a semiarid environment unable to support a
diverse large mammalian fauna
30Why Didn't Large Mammals Migrate?
- Rapid changes in climate and vegetation
- can certainly affect animal populations
- but the climate hypothesis presents several
problems - First, why didn't the large mammals migrate to
more suitable habitats as the climate and
vegetation changed? - many other animal species did
31Mammal Migration in Europe
- For example, reindeer and the Arctic fox
- lived in southern France during the last
glaciation - migrated to the Arctic when the climate became
32Argument Against the Climatic Hypothesis
- The second argument against the climatic
hypothesis - is the lack of correlation between extinctions
and the earlier glacial advances and retreats
throughout the Pleistocene Epoch - Previous changes in climate
- were not marked by episodes of mass extinctions
33Arrival of Humans
- Proponents of the prehistoric overkill hypothesis
- argue that the mass extinctions in North and
South America and Australia coincided closely
with the arrival of humans - Perhaps hunters had a tremendous impact
- on the faunas of North and South America
- about 11,000 years ago because the animals had no
previous experience with humans
34Arrival of Humans
- The same thing happened much earlier in
Australia soon after people arrived about 40,000
years ago - No large-scale extinctions in Africa and most of
Europe - because animals in those regions had long been
familiar with humans
35Extinctions on Oceanic Islands
- How could a few hunters decimate so many
species of large mammals? - Humans have caused major extinctions on oceanic
islands - in a period of about 600 years after arriving in
New Zealand, humans exterminated several species
of the large, flightless birds called moas
36Hunters Concentrate on Small Animals
- A problem is that present-day hunters concentrate
on smaller, abundant, and less dangerous animals - remains of horses, reindeer, and other small
animals are found in many prehistoric sites in
Europe - whereas mammoth and woolly rhinoceros remains are
37Other Arguments
- Few human artifacts are found among the remains
of extinct animals in North and South America - and there is usually little evidence that the
animals were hunted - Countering this argument
- is the assertion that the impact on the
previously unhunted fauna - was so swift as to leave little evidence
38Multiple Reasons
- The reason for the extinctions
- of large Pleistocene mammals is still unresolved
- It may turn out that the extinctions
- resulted from a combination of different
circumstances - Populations that were already under stress from
climatic changes - were perhaps more vulnerable to hunting
- especially if smaller females and young animals
were the preferred targets
39How do we know we had ice ages?
- Geologic evidence
- Moraines
- Poorly sorted sediments
- Scratched rocks
- Most important glacial deposits
- chaotic mixtures of poorly sorted sediment
deposited directly by glacial ice - An end moraine is deposited
- when a glaciers terminus remains stationary for
some time
Mt. Cook, 1999
41Recessional Moraine
- If the glaciers terminus
- should recede and then stabilize once again
- another end moraine forms
- known as a recessional moraine
42Glacial Features
- Features seen in areas once covered by glaciers
- glacial polish
- the sheen
- striations
- scratches?
Devils Postpile National Monument, California
43Glacial Sediment
- Glaciers typically deposit poorly sorted
nonstratified sediment
44How do we know how cold it got?
- Isotopes of oxygen!
- Oxygen
- All isotopes have 8 protons
- Most common isotope has 8 neutrons
- Extremely rare 9 neutrons
- Rare but detectable 10 neutrons
- (why are 10 and 8 more common than 9?)
45Oxygen Isotope Ratio
46Oxygen Isotope Ratio
47Oxygen Isotope Ratio
48Onset of the Ice Age
Cenozoic Glaciations
49Why the Icehouse?
- Long-term climate drivers
- Plate tectonics
- Opening/closing of seaways
- Ocean currents are our heat and AC
- Uplift and erosion of mountains
- Weathering reduces atmospheric CO2
- Life catastrophic evolution of new capabilities
- O2
- Astronomical drivers
- Other bodies (moon, sun) pull on the Earth,
changing its distance to the sun
50Milutin Milankovic