Title: ECE 7650: Advanced Computer Architecture
1ECE 7650 Advanced Computer Architecture
- Chapter 4
- Computer Arithmetic
- Error Detecting and Correcting Codes
- Data Compressing Codes
- Floating point Numbers
2Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Introduction
- The Error Control Coding area requires extensive
knowledge of fundamental algebras. - Groups, rings, fields.
- Galois Field.
- Vector Spaces.
- Matrices.
- Graduate Level Courses are Offered.
- Electrical and Computer Engineering.
- Comptuer Science.
- This course provides a brief non-mathematical
3Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Communicatio
ns Block Diagram)
Information Source
Channel Encoder
Source Encoder
Channel (Transmission or Storage Medium)
Information Destination
Source Decoder
Channel Decoder
4Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Information
- The Information Source can be
- Person
- Machine
- Digital Computer
- Data Terminal
- The Information Source output (to be
communicated to the destination) can be - Continuous Waveform
- Discrete Symbols
5Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Source
- The Source Encoder transforms the Information
Source output to a binary sequence, called the
information sequence. - For continuous Information Source
- A/D conversion is performed
- Number of bits per unit time is minimized
- Data Compression
- Lossless
- Signal Compression
- Lossy
6Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Channel
- The Channel Encoder transforms each
information word into a corresponding
codeword. - The Channel Encoder attempt to encode the
information to protect it against from being
corrupted by noise in the channel.
7Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Modulator)
- The Modulator trransforms each Channel Encoder
output to a waveform example M-ary phase shift
8Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Types of
- Noise can corrupt data in computer systems
- Random bit errors
- Burst errors
- Noise arises due to a variety of causes, such as
- Thermal motion of electrons in digital systems
- Nearby lightning strikes
- Starting motors
- Crosstalk
- Fading casued by multipath transmission
- Dropouts in magnetic recording, caused by defects
and dust
9Error Detecting And Correcting Codes
- Noise power is generally a lot smaller than
signal power - FCC electromagnetic radiation standards
- Specifiy maximum allowable radiation from known
sources, such as - Power line inductive transients (starters)
- There is still a need to protect the data in
computer systems from noise corruption.
10Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Analogy)
- Consider the transmission of English words in a
noisy communications channel - Transmitter transmits January
- Receiver recieves Jamuary
- The receiver is able to detect and correct the
word - Transmitter transmits Affects
- Receiver recieves Bffects
- The receiver is able to detect an error cannot
correct it - The B could be A or E
11Error Detecting And Correcting Codes(Channel
Encoder Encoding a Source Word)
- Redundant bits also called check bits are used by
the receiver to check whether the code word is
valid or not. - Check bits can be interleaved throughtout the
word also.
12Parity EDCs(Example a 3-bit Error Detecting
- Consider 2-bit information words encoded with
even parity - Hamming distance between any two code words is 2.
Any single bit-error can be detected. Two errors
or any even number of errors cannot be
13Error Correcting Codes(Example a 3-bit Error
Correcting Code (ECC))
- An ECC locates and fixes erorrs.
Given a received word, the receiver chooses the
nearest (in the hamming distance sense) codeword
to the received word.
14Channel Encoder Space
- m-bits per information word
- N-bits per codeword
- n-m redundant check bits
N-dimensional space 2n unique codewords. 2m
unique information words. 2n - 2m erorr
15How Error Detecting Codes Work
16Block Parity Error-Correcting Codes
17Hadamard Codes (Construction)
1 1 1 -1
Hn Hn Hn -Hn
H2 (Row) Hamming Distance of 1
H4 (Row) Hamming Distance of 2
- Each row differs from any other row by n/2 bit
positions, i.e., the hamming distance of the rows
is n/2.
18Hadamard Codes (Example Order 8)
Source Code
Hadamard 8-bit Codeword
000 0 001 1 010 2 011 3 100 4 101 5 110 6 000 7
- Three information bits and five redundant check
bits. - The hamming distance of the code is 4.
- One error can be corrected and two errors can be
19Hadamard Codes (Example Order 8)
- D 2t 1
- t errors can be corrected.
- D/2 errors can be detected.