Title: Integrating Molecular and Electrophysiological Views
1Integrating Molecular and Electrophysiological
Views Sept. 19, 2006 Receptor
Properties Gating Voltage - Ligand Ion
Specificity Cation or Anion Individual
Ion Inactivation Sodium Channels Potassiu
m Channels Ion Channel States During the
Action Potential
2Properties of Ion Channels True vs
Pseudo-subunit structure Channel Gating
3Fig. 3.6
4Fig. 3.6
5Fig. 3.3
6Fig. 3.1
7Fig. 3.4
8Fig. 6.11
9Kandel Essentials of Neural Science and Behavior
10(No Transcript)
11In-class Exercise 1
12Properties of Ion Channels Ion
Selectivity Amazingly Fast Passive
What properties of ions can be used?
13Fig. 3-7
14Effect of hydration on size and mobility of
ion atomic weight crystal radius hydrated
radius mobility Li 6.9
0.60 Å 4.5 Å
4.0 Na 23.0 0.95
3.4 5.2 K
39.0 1.33
2.2 7.6
in an electric field
15Kandel Principles of Neuroscience Fig. 6.1
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18Cation or Anion Specific Channels
Kandel Principles of Neuroscience
19Properties of Ion Channels Channel Inactivation
20(No Transcript)
21Kandel, Priciples of Neural Science
22Siegel, Basic Neurochemistry Figure 6-8
23(No Transcript)
24Fig. 6.12
25In Class Exercise 2
26Putting it All together Integrated Views of the
Action Potential
27Darnell Fig. 21-14
28In-Class Exercise 3
29Fig. 6.6