Title: OHRPs Compliance Oversight Procedures
1OHRPs Compliance Oversight Procedures
Kristina C. Borror, Ph.D. Division of Compliance
Oversight Office for Human Research Protections
2Presentation Overview
- OHRP compliance oversight activities
- Common areas of noncompliance identified by OHRP
- Underlying causes of noncompliance
- Solutions to correct/prevent noncompliance
3OHRPs Jurisdiction
- Research conducted or supported by HHS
- Research conducted at an institution holding an
applicable Assurance of Compliance
4OHRP Compliance Oversight Activities
5Compliance Oversight Investigation
- Receive allegation of noncompliance
- Determine OHRP jurisdiction
- Written inquiry to appropriate institutional
officials - Review of institution report and relevant IRB
documents - Additional correspondence/telephone
interviews/site visit as needed - Issue final determinations
6For-Cause Site Visits
- When does OHRP conduct a site visit? Based on
- nature and severity of the allegations
- evidence of systemic problems
- appropriateness of any corrective actions taken
- perceived need for more in-depth discussions with
institution staff
7For-Cause Site Visits
- Interviews with--
- institutional administrator(s)
- IRB Chairperson(s)
- IRB members
- IRB staff
- investigators who conduct human subjects research
- others as appropriate
8For-Cause Site Visits
- Record Reviews
- OHRP selects 50-75 active protocols for review of
entire IRB record on-site - last 25 protocols approved by the IRB under an
expedited review procedures - last 25 amendments approved by the IRB under an
expedited review procedure - Protocols determined to be exempt during the past
6 months - minutes for all IRB meetings for last 4 years
9For-Cause Site Visits
- Findings
- Meet with the signatory officials on the
Assurance, or their designees on last day to
describe OHRPs findings
10Compliance Oversight InvestigationPossible
Determinations/Outcomes (1)
- Protections under an institutions Assurance are
in compliance - Protections under an institutions Assurance are
in compliance, but recommended improvements have
been identified - Noncompliance identified, and corrective actions
required - Noncompliance identified, and Assurance
restricted pending required corrective actions
11Compliance Oversight InvestigationPossible
Determinations/Outcomes (2)
- Noncompliance identified, and OHRP approval of
Assurance withdrawn - OHRP may recommend to appropriate HHS Officials
or PHS agency heads that - an institution or investigator be temporarily
suspended or permanently removed from
participation in specific project - peer review groups be notified of an
institutions or an investigators past
noncompliance prior to review of new projects
12Compliance Oversight InvestigationPossible
Determinations/Outcomes (3)
- OHRP may recommend that institutions or
investigators be declared ineligible to
participate in HHS-supported research
(Debarment). Debarment will be initiated in
accordance with procedures specified at 45 CFR
Part 76.
13Common Areas of Noncompliance Identified by OHRP
14Common Areas of Noncompliance (1)
- OHRP Compliance Activities Common Findings and
Guidance - 7/10/02 - http//ohrp.osophs.dhhs.gov/references/findings.pd
f - Borror et al, A Review of OHRP Compliance
Oversight Letters. IRB Ethics and Human
Research. Sept-Oct 2003 Vol 25 No 5 1-4.
15Common Areas of Noncompliance (2)
- Initial and continuing IRB review
- Expedited IRB review procedures
- Reporting of unanticipated problems
- IRB review of protocol changes
- Informed consent
- IRB membership, expertise, staff, support, and
workload - Documentation of IRB procedures, activities, and
16Common OHRP FindingsInitial and Continuing IRB
- Insufficient information to make determinations
required under 45 CFR 46.111 - Inadequate review at convened meetings
- No substantive continuing review
- Failure to conduct continuing review at least
annually - Lack of quorum at convened meetings
- Research conducted without IRB review
17Common OHRP FindingsExpedited Review
- Inappropriate use of expedited review for initial
and continuing review - Inappropriate use of expedited review for
protocol modifications - Failure to advise full IRB of expedited approvals
18Common OHRP FindingsInformed Consent
- Failure to include all required elements of
informed consent 45 CFR 46.116(a) - Failure to include additional elements of
informed consent when appropriate 45 CFR
46.116(b) - Underestimation of risks/overestimation of
potential benefits - Language too complex
- Exculpatory language
19Common OHRP FindingsIRB Membership, Expertise,
- Lack of diversity of IRB membership
- Lack of IRB expertise regarding research with
children - Lack of prisoner/prisoner representative on IRB
for review of research with prisoners - IRB Chair/members lack sufficient understanding
of HHS regulations - Inadequate resources
20Common OHRP FindingIRB Policies, Procedures and
Findings (1)
- Inadequate IRB records
- Inadequate IRB minutes
- Failure of IRB to consider additional safeguards
for vulnerable subjects - Failure of IRB to make required findings when
reviewing research involving children
21Common OHRP FindingIRB Policies, Procedures and
Findings (2)
- Failure of IRB to make and document required
findings for waiver of informed consent - Failure to make required findings for IRB waiver
of a signed informed consent document - Lack of appropriate written IRB policies and
22Underlying Causes of Noncompliance
23Underlying Causes of Noncompliance
- Inadequate education of IRB members, IRB staff,
and investigators - Inadequate staff and resources for the IRB
- Overburdened IRBs
24Solutions to Correct/Prevent Noncompliance
- Education
- Adequate IRB staff and resources
- Adequate number of IRBs
- Adequate IRB documentation (in particular,
adequate minutes of IRB meetings) - Periodic self-assessment of institutional system
for protecting human subjects