Title: Ethical and Regulatory Oversight of Human Subjects Research
1Ethical and Regulatory Oversight of Human
Subjects Research
- Presented by
- Marisue Cody, PhD
- Deputy Director, PRIDE
- Describe the ethical underpinnings of human
subjects protection - Describe the oversight structure of human
subjects research in the VA - Describe the responsibilities of the institution
- Describe the responsibilities of the investigator
3Timeline of historical events
4Nazi experiments
- Used unconsenting concentration camp victims as
subjects and subjected them to great pain,
suffering, disfigurement, and death
5The Nuremberg Code
- Set of ethical principles developed by U.S.
military tribunal post WWII (1949) - Consent
- Right to withdraw
- Weighing of risks and benefits
6Thalidomide tragedy
- Use in pregnant women resulted in thousands of
babies born with digits or limbs - Lead to 1962 Drug Amendments Act prove efficacy
not just safety
7The Declaration of Helsinki
- Issued by the World Medical Association (1964,
amended 5x, 2000 most recent) - Well-being of the human subject should take
precedence over the interests of science and
society - Physicians responsibility is to safeguard the
health of the people - Medical research should be subject to review,
approval, and oversight of an independent ethics
8Studies identified by Henry Beecher
- NEJM 1966 review of 22 unethical published
studies including - Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital case injected
live cancer cells into patients without informing
them - Willowbrook case injected isolated strains of
hepatitis into institutionalized mentally
retarded children to understand the natural
history of the disease and effects of gamma
9U.S. PHS syphilis study at Tuskegee
- 40-year research study designed to gain an
understanding of the natural history of untreated
latent syphilis - During course of study, penicillin was identified
to be effective treatment but subjects denied
access to treatment
10National Research Act
- Mandated regulations to protect human subjects
- Created National Commission to examine ethical
11The Belmont Report
- National Commission 1979
- Respect for persons, operationalized by obtaining
informed consent - Beneficence, minimizing possible harms and
maximizing possible benefits - Justice, fair or equitable selection of subjects
12Guideline for GCP from ICH (1996)
- Joint effort of the European Union, Japan, and
the U.S. to develop a common approach to research
leading to approval of new drugs
13HRPPP (Human Research Participant Protection
- Institute of Medicine report 2001
- Preserving the Public Trust
- Broader system with multiple functional elements
- Advocated accreditation of the HRPPP
14Authority Responsibilities
- United States Code (U.S.C.)
- Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- Directives
- Handbooks
- Manuals
- Memorandums
- Professional standards
15Oversight Authority
16- All research covered by the Common Rule
- FWA option (all research that is not exempt)
- Who?
- Institution
17- FDA regulated drugs, biologics and devices
- Who?
- Investigators
- IRBs
18Under Secretary for Health
Office of Research Oversight
19Institutional Responsibilities
20Regulatory Guidelines for the Institution
- FDA none
- VA
- VHA Directive 2003-031 (funding of the facility
HRP) - VHA Directive 1200 (Facility RD program)
- VHA Handbook 1200.1 (RD Committee)
21Assurance of Compliance (.103)
- Statement of principles governing the institution
- Designation of one or more IRBs
- List of IRB members
- Written procedures the IRB will follow
- Written procedures for reporting unanticipated
problems involving risk, and any suspension or
termination of IRB approval - Executed by individual authorized to act for the
institution (in the VA this is the Medical Center
22Federalwide Assurance (FWA)
- This documents your institutional commitment to
comply with the Common Rule. - It is required from each institution engaged in
covered research - http//www.hhs.gov/ohrp/policy/index.htmlengagem
23Review by institution (.112)
- Research approved by an IRB may be subject to
further review by official of the institution - Those officials MAY NOT approve the research if
it is not approved by the IRB
24Medical Center Director Responsibilities (VHA
Directive 1200)
- Responsible for RD program, advised and assisted
by RD Committee - RD funds used for research
- Research reimburses medical care appropriation
for research participation - Ensure ethical conduct of research
25Institutional Review Board
26Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Fulfill regulatory requirements set forth in
Common Rule (38 CFR 16) - Authority and responsibilities detailed in VHA
Handbook 1200.5 - FDA (21 CFR 56)
27Common Rule and VHA 1200.5
- Common Rule
- Establish IRBs
- Ensure Informed Consent of Subjects
- VHA Handbook 1200.5
- Medical Center Responsibilities
- IRB Composition Responsibilities
- Investigator Responsibilities
- Investigational Drugs Devices in VA
28What is covered? (.101)
- All research involving human subjects conducted,
supported or otherwise subject to regulation by
any federal department or agency which takes
action to make this policy application. - In the VA, that is all research involving human
subjects conducted completely or partially in VA
facilities, approved off-site locations,
facilities, and/or by VA researchers while on
official VA duty time (VHA Handbook 1200.5, p. 6).
a systematic investigation, including research
development, testing and evaluation, designed to
develop or contribute to generalizable
knowledge. (45 CFR 46.102d)
Widespread information
30Human subject
- means a living individual about whom an
investigator (whether professional or student)
conducting research obtains(1) data through
intervention or interaction with the
individual, or(2) identifiable private
31Investigator Responsibilities
32Investigators Responsibilities
- Common Rule
- Obtain legally effective informed consent
- VHA 1200.5 Paragraph 10
- Training and credentialing
- Research plan
- Consent process
- Reporting of SAEs and/or AEs
- Amendments
- IRB Review
- Record retention
33Study Staff
- Delegated authority
- Training and credentialing
34FDA and GCP (ICH E6)
- Investigator qualifications and agreements
- Permit auditing and inspection
- Maintain list of appropriately qualified
personnel to whom delegated significant
trial-related duties - Adequate resources (patients, time, staff)
- Medical care of trial subjects
- Communicate with the IRB
- Compliance with the protocol
- Investigational product accountability
- Informed consent of trial subjects