Title: The quantum well states in MgObased magnetic tunneling junctions
1The quantum well states in MgO-based magnetic
tunneling junctions
Zhong-Yi LU
Institute of Theoretical Physics
Chinese Academy of
Beijing 100080, China
and Department
of Physics, Renmin University of China
Beijing 100872,
2In collaboration with X.-G. Zhang S.T.
Pantelides Oak Ridge National Laboratory and
Vanderbilt University Yan Wang Xiufeng
Han Institute of Physics Chinese Academy of
Sciences Beijing, China
- Magnetic tunnel junctions based on MgO
- Quantum wells in single MgO barrier MTJs
- Quantum wells in double MgO-barrier MTJs
- Summary
4Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
T. Miyazaki and N.J. Tezuka J. Magn. Magn.
Mater. 139, L231 (1995) J.S. Moodera, et al.
PRL 74, 3273 (1995). smooth and pinhole-free
Al2O3 deposition technique (TMR of 3050)
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- TMR GMR read-head
- Capacity of MRAM DEMO
- Spin Transistor
- Magneto-Logic Devices
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9Antiparallel alignment
Parallel alignment
10TMR is intrinsic property of the two leads in the
11- Jullieres model indicates increasing P will
increase TMR - The fact is spin polarization P for ferromagnetic
metals and alloys experimentally no more than 0.6
at low temperatures, thus - TMR 100 ( low temperatures)
- 70 (room
temperature) - Half-metallic electrodes with P1
- A new approach MgO as barrier layer, then
effectively P close to 1 with new mechanism.
12Coherent Tunneling through Magnetic Junctions
TMR could be over 1000, predicted by W.H.
Butler, X.-G. Zhang, T. Schulthess, J. Maclaren,
PRB 63, 054416 (2001) J. Mathon
and A. Umerski, PRB 63, 220403 (2001).
13Coherent tunnling with MgO barriers in
Experiments I
S. Yuasa et. al., Nature Materials 3, 868
(2004). TMR180 of the single-crystal
Fe/MgO/Fe MTJ at room temperature.
14Coherent tunnling with MgO barriers in
Experiments II
S.S Parkin et. al., Nature Materials 3, 862
(2004). TMR220 of the polycrystalline
CoFe/MgO/CoFe MTJ at room temperature.
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16Symmetry of the tunnel barrier
The crystalline MgO is a filter, only allowing
?1states pass, which makes the electrodes behave
as half-metals.
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18Quantum Well States Formed within the Junction
bcc(001) Fe/MgO/Fe/Cr
Lu, Zhang, and Pantelides, PRL 94,207210 (2005)
bcc Fe
bcc Cr
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21An effective free electron model for majority sp
electrons at k//0
22KKR method for electronic structure in solids
- Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method
- Spherical potential around each atom, electron
wave function in this region expanded in
spherical waves - Constant (zero) potential between the spheres,
electron wave function in this region expanded in
plane waves - Multiple scattering theory used to connect the
wave function in all spheres - Direct calculation of the Greens function
- Implemented under density functional theory (LDA
and LSDA)
23Layer KKR for surfaces and interfaces
- No need for periodic boundary conditions
- No need for slabs
- Arbitrary number of inhomogeneous layers
- 2d periodicity and epitaxial structure required
MacLaren, Crampin, Vvedensky, and Pendry PRB
40,12164 (1989)
24Layer KKR for transport at a finite bias
Zhang, et al. PRB 69,134406 (2004)
Layer KKR further parallelized in 2005 at ITP, CAS
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26Quantum Well States Formed within the Junction
bcc(001) Fe/MgO/Fe/Cr
Lu, Zhang, and Pantelides, PRL 94,207210 (2005)
27Majority s-resolved partial DOS at k//0 for the
Junction Fe/MgO/FeO/8Fe/Cr
28Minority s-resolved partial DOS at k//0 for the
Junction Fe/MgO/FeO/8Fe/Cr
29I-V for Fe/MgO/FeO/8Fe/Cr
30TMR versus bias for Fe/MgO/FeO/8Fe/Cr
31Spin-dependent resonant tunneling through
metallic QW states in MgO MTJs
Majority s-resolved partial DOS at k//0 for the
Junction Fe/MgO/FeO/8Fe/Cr
Lu, Zhang, and Pantelides, PRL 94,207210 (2005)
The oxidized interface severely damages TMR
33Quantum Well States Formed within the double MTJ
Wang, Lu, Zhang, and Han, PRL 97, 087210 (2006)
34First observation of the quantum size effect in
T. Nozaki, et al. PRL 96, 027208 (2006)
35- s-partial DOS at k//0 for the middle Fe film
in Fe/MgO/9Fe/MgO/Fe DBMTJs
majority spin QW states
Wang, Lu, Zhang, and Han, PRL 97, 087210 (2006)
36QW state resonances (from layer-KKR calculations)
compared with experimental resonant voltages
VQW ? VEXP ! Why? Coulomb blockade effect in
the middle Fe layer (island)! a capacitance
model VCB Ec/e e/C 2e/CFe-MgO 2e/eMgOe0
(dMgO/A). VCB ? dMgO/D2 e0
electrical permittivity constant eMgO
dielectric constant of MgO dMgO thickness of
the MgO barrier A area of the Fe island D
diameter of Fe island
37Coulomb blockade effect the primary source of
smearing at low temperatures
linear fit y x 0.013.
38An effective free electron model for sp electrons
in majority-spin channel
parameters 1. Effective mass m 2. Barrier
height V
39Middle Fe film thickness dependence of QW state
energies in DBMTJs
phase accumulation model (PAM)
phase shift on reflection at two Fe/MgO interface
additional phase shift
m 4.0 V_barrier 4.7 eV
40Summary for Single-MgO barrier
- Large resonant tunneling through metallic QW
states predicted in Fe/MgO/FeO/Fe/Cr and
Co/MgO/Fe/Cr - TMR decreases quickly with biases
- Tunneling current from QW states above Fermi
energy much greater than from QW states below
Fermi energy - Majority spin QW states contribute to a large
positive TMR, minority spin QW states contribute
to a large negative TMR - The oxidation at the interface severely reduces
TMR - Due to long MFP of minority spin electrons,
resonant tunneling through minority spin QW
states may be easier to observe, but requires
larger bias windows and thicker films
41Perspectives and conclusions
- Spin-dependent resonant tunneling through MgO
DBMTJ - Reduce the effect of Coulomb blockade
- continuous and smooth middle Fe layer
- The significance of utilizing the
first-principles electronic structure and
electronic transport calculations on studying TMR
43Brief History of MTJ
- 1974, M. Julliere (a graduate student) published
an experiment article which claimed 14 TMR in
Fe/Ge/Fe trilayers. A simple model was proposed
(the paper became a sleeping giant). - 1982, IBM reported 2 TMR on Ni/AlO/Ni.
- 1995, Moodera (MIT) and Miyazaki (Japan) reported
10 TMR for Co/AlO/Co. - 1998, DARPA launched MRAM solicitation
- 1999, Motorolas 128kB MRAM demo
- 2003, IBM, Motolora, 4Mb MRAM chip demo
- More than 10 startup MRAM companies formed.
- MRAM becomes internationally recognized future
44Why DBMTJ?
- The reduction of the TMR with increasing the
bias voltage, a decrease of the
sensitivity - The annealing temperature dependence of the MR
ratio because standard backend technology for
metallization of CMOS circuits requires
annealing at 400450 C - Recent theoretical works show that a DBMTJ
yields higher TMR than SMTJ - TMR of DBMTJ decreases more slowly than that of
SMTJ as a function of a bias voltage.
J. S. Moodera, et al,PRL74, 3273(1995). Sheng,
et al, PRB 59, 480(1999) X. Zhang,et al, PRB 56,
5484(1997) K. Inomata, JAP 87, 6064(2000).