Title: Design using HDLs
1Design using HDLs
- VHDL vs. Verilog
- Similarities Differences
- VHDL development sponsored by the US-DoD and the
IEEE in mid 80s - VHDL became IEEE standard 1076 in 1987
- VHDL versions VHDL-87, VHDL-93, VHDL-2001
- Verilog was launched by Gateway in 1983 which was
bought by Cadence in 1989 - Cadence opened Verilog to the public domain in
1990 - Verilog became IEEE Standard 1364 in 1995
- Verilog versions Verilog 1995, Verilog 2001
- Both VHDL and Verilog are Industry Standards
- Both can be used to implement algorithms for
specification simulation or synthesis purposes - Both can be used for structural or behavioral
design modeling
3Common Characteristics
- Look similar to conventional programming
languages - However, they have a significant difference with
regards to programming languages they are
inherently Parallel - Allow different levels of abstraction
- Behavioral
- Result ab c mod i
- Structural
4Design ShellsVHDL - Verilog
- PORT (
- a IN BIT
- b IN BIT
- c IN BIT
- d IN BIT
- s0 IN BIT
- s1 IN BIT
- x OUT BIT)
- END mux
- ARCHITECTURE dataflow OF mux IS
- . . .
- END dataflow
- module mux (
- a,
- b,
- c,
- d,
- s0,
- s1,
- x )
- input a, b, c, d, s0, s1
- output x
- . . .
- endmodule
5Parameterized Design ShellsVHDL - Verilog
( a, b, c, d IN BIT_VECTOR (W downto 0) s0
downto 0) ) END mux ARCHITECTURE dataflow OF mux
IS . . . END dataflow -- Parameterized
Instantiations U1 mux GENERIC MAP (8) PORT MAP
module mux ( a, b, c, d, s0, s1, x )
parameter W 3 input W0 a, b, c, d
input s0, s1 output W0 x . . .
endmodule // Parameterized instantiations mux
(7) mx1(d1,d2,d3,d4,s0,s1,out) mux (1)
6Design InstantiationVHDL - Verilog
Using Positional Association ARCHITECTURE struct
OF logic IS COMPONENT and2 PORT (a, b IN
COMPONENT SIGNAL a1, a2, b1, b2, c1
BIT BEGIN U1 and2 PORT MAP (a1, a2,
b1) U2 and2 PORT MAP (b1, b2, c1) . . .
Using Positional Association module logic ( . .
. ) input . . . wire a1, a2, b1, b2,
c1 and2 u1 (a1, a2, b1) and2 u2 (b1, b2,
c1) . . . endmodule
7Design InstantiationVHDL - Verilog
Using Explicit Association ARCHITECTURE struct
OF logic IS COMPONENT and2 PORT (a, b IN
COMPONENT SIGNAL a1, a2, b1, b2, c1
BIT BEGIN U1 and2 PORT MAP (agta1, bgt
a2, cgt b1) U2 and2 PORT MAP (cgt c1, agt
b1, bgt b2) . . .
Using Explicit Association module logic ( . .
. ) input . . . . . . wire a1, a2, b1,
b2, c1 and2 u1 (.a(a1), .b(a2), .c(b1)
) and2 u2 (.c(c1), .a(b1), .b(b2) ) . .
. endmodule
Sequence of instantiation does not matter!
8Data TypesVHDL - Verilog
- bit 1
- bit_vector 1001
- boolean true
- character a
- integer 139
- natural 0
- positive 1
- real -2.3
- time 5 ns
- bit 0,1,x,z
- integer 10
- real 4.3
All the above data types are included in the
standard library library std use
Not supported by Synthesis tools
9More TypesVHDL
- type STD_ULOGIC is (
- U, -- uninitialized
- X, -- forcing unknown
- 0, -- forcing 0
- 1, -- forcing 1
- Z, -- high impedance
- W, -- weak unknown
- L, -- weak 0
- H. -- weak 1
- -) -- dont care
- library ieee use ieee.std_logic_1164.all
- User can define similarly custom data types
- TYPE small_int IS range 0 to 1024
- TYPE word_len IS 31 downto 0
- TYPE opcod IS (load,store,add,sub)
- or subtypes
- SUBTYPE scale IS integer RANGE -1024 TO
1024 - VHDL is strongly-typed, and thus assignments can
occur only between signals of the same type.
However, assignment between a type and its
subtypes is allowed
10ArraysVHDL - Verilog
- Declaration
- TYPE word IS ARRAY (15 downto 0) of std_logic
- TYPE vector IS ARRAY (natural range ltgt) of
integer - TYPE matrix3x2 IS ARRAY (1 to 3, 1 to 2) of
natural - Instantiation
- VARIABLE data_arr matrix3x2
((0,2),(1,3),(4,6)) - Array access
- data_arr(3,1)
- Declaration
- wire 150 word
- wire 13 matrix3x2 12
- Array access
- word1
- matrix3x223
11Data ObjectsVHDL - Verilog
- constant (declared at the start of an
architecture) - signal (gets updated a delta delay after its
assignment statement is executed) - variable (only exist and are used in procedural
- parameter (used as a constant)
- wire (used in concurrent assignments)
- wand (wired-AND)
- Wor (wired_OR)
- tri (tri-state)
- supply0
- supply1
- reg (used in procedural assignments, data is
stored in unsigned format for multi-bits) - input, output, inout (By default are of type
wire, but can be configured as any of the above
types, with the exception of parameter)
12OperatorsVHDL - Verilog
Relational Equality / Inequality !
lt Less Than lt lt Less Than or
Equal lt gt Greater Than gt gt Greater Than
or Equal gt Logical/Bitwise AND and /
OR or / NOT not ! /
XOR xor N.A / NAND nand N.A. NOR nor
N.A. XNOR xnor N.A /
13Operators (2)VHDL - Verilog
Arithmetic addition - subtraction -
multiplication / division / MOD modu
lus REM Remainder N.A. Shift SLL shift
left logical ltlt SRL shift right
logical gtgt SLA shift left arithmetic N.A. SR
A shift right arithmetic N.A ROL rotate
left N.A. ROR rotate right N.A.
14Operators (3)VHDL - Verilog
Arithmetic exponentiation ABS absolute
value Concatenation
Reduction reduction and reduction
or reduction nand reduction
or reduction xor reduction xnor
Concatenation n n-Replication ?
15Concurrent StatementsVHDL - Verilog
Simple Signal Assignment sum lt (a XOR b) XOR
cin carry lt a AND b Conditional
Signal Assignment z lt a WHEN s10 AND s00
ELSE b WHEN s10 AND s01 ELSE c WHEN s11
AND s00 ELSE d Selected Signal
Assignment WITH sel SELECT z lt a WHEN
00, b WHEN 01, c WHEN 10, d WHEN 11
Simple Signal Assignment assign sum (a b)
cin assign carry a b Conditional
Signal Assignment assign z lt s1? (s0 ? d c)
(s0 ? b a)
- Priority is inferred based on the order of
selection values
- No two choices can overlap
- All ppossible cases must be covered if when
others is not present - All options have equal priority
16Combinational Procedures asConcurrent
StatementsVHDL - Verilog
- Combinational process
- PROCESS (a, b, c)
- IF (c 1) THEN
- out lt a
- out lt b
- Sensitivity list is usually ignored during
synthesis (it must contain all read signals) - Sensitivity list can be replaced by WAIT ON
a,b,c at the end of process - Use either WAIT ON or Sens. List, NOT both
- Combinational procedure
- always_at_(a or b or c)
- begin
- if ( c )
- out lt a
- else
- out lt b
- end
- Make sure there are no missing clauses (otherwise
a latch may be inferred) - Latches should be avoided in synchronous designs
- In Verilog 2001, sensitivity list can be replaced
by star () which substitutes all the read signals
17Clocked Procedures as Concurrent
StatementsVHDL - Verilog
- Sequential process
- PROCESS (clk)
- IF (clkEVENT AND clk 1) THEN
- IF (c 1) THEN
- out lt a
- Sensitivity list must only contain clock signal
- Sequential procedure
- always_at_(posedge clk)
- begin
- if ( c )
- out lt a
- end
- Missing clauses do not infer any latches in this
case - Two types of assignment
- non-blocking ( lt )
- blocking ( )
- Use non-blocking for sequential procedures
18Synchronous / Asynchronous Reset in Clocked
ProceduresVHDL - Verilog
- Synchronous Reset
- PROCESS (clk)
- IF (clkEVENT AND clk 1) THEN
- IF (rst 1) THEN
- out lt 0
- out lt a
- Asynchronous Reset
- PROCESS (clk, rst)
- IF (rst 1) THEN
- out lt 0
- out lt a
- Synchronous Reset
- always_at_(posedge clk)
- begin
- if ( rst )
- out lt 0
- else
- out lt a
- end
- Asynchronous Reset
- always_at_(posedge clk, posedge rst)
- begin
- if ( rst )
- out lt 0
- else
- out lt a
- end
19Types of Procedural Assignments VHDL - Verilog
- Both Variables and Signals can be assigned within
procedures - lt signal assignments
- Evaluated in parallel regardless their order
- Should be preferred in sequential procedures to
implement flip-flops - variable assignments
- Evaluated in the order statements are written
- Good for algorithm implementation with
combinational logic - Variables only accessible within procedure
- registers are generated for variables that might
be read before being updated!
- Only reg objects can be assigned within
procedures - lt non-blocking assignments
- Evaluated in parallel regardless their order
- Should be used in sequential procedures to
implement flip-flops - Good to use when same variable appears in both
sides of lt - blocking assignment
- evaluated in the order statements are written
- Should be used for combinational logic
- For synthesis should not mix different types of
assignments in the same procedure
20if statements VHDL - Verilog
z lt a IF (x 1111) THEN Z lt B ELSIF (x gt
1000) THEN z lt c END IF
IF (x 1111) THEN z lt b ELSIF (x gt 1000)
THEN z lt c ELSE z lt a END IF
z a if (x 4b1111) begin z lt b end else
if (x gt 4b1000) begin z c end
if (x 4b1111) begin z lt b end else if (x
gt 4b1000) begin z c end else begin z
a end
- Used only within procedures
- Conditions might overlap
- Processed sequentially and thus implies priority
(statements within first true condition will be
executed) - Instead of an else clause a default statement
may be used before if elsif statement (as
shown in above example) - All cases should be covered in order to avoid
latch inference
21case statements VHDL - Verilog
CASE x IS WHEN 0000 gt z lta WHEN 0111
1001 gt z lt b WHEN OTHERS gt z lt
case (x) 4b0000 z a 4b0111, 4b1001
z b default z 0 endcase
- Used only within procedures
- case options must not overlap
- All choice options have to be covered
- All branches equal in priority
- when others covers all remaining choice options
- Used only within procedures
- case options can overlap
- All choice options should be covered to avoid
latch inference - Higher branches have bigger priority
- Special directives are supported by CAD vendors
to infer equal priority muxs - default covers all remaining choice options
22Misc. syntax differencesVHDL - Verilog
- Case Insensitive
- Identifiers and keywords are case insensitive,
e.g. sum and SUM refer to the same data object - -- This is a Comment
- Bit Strings
- B1100_1001 -- Binary representation
- XC9 -- Hex representation
- Case sensitive
- Identifiers and keywords are case sensitive, e.g.
sun and SUM refer to different data objects. Mind
this when working on mixed HDL designs - // This is a Comment
- / This is also
- a comment /
- Bit Strings
- 8b1100_1001
- 8hc9
- Both Languages are well equipped for modeling
digital synchronous circuits - Both are well supported by Simulation and
Synthesis CAD tools - VHDL is more strongly typed than Verilog and thus
places extra restrictions on the modeling of
integrated circuits (many data types, required
conversions between types, etc.) - Verilog easier to learn for the 1st time user,
but more prone to mistakes due to careless
modelling (VHDL more robust in this sense) - Verilog more C like. VHDL heavily based on Ada
- VHDL offers bigger variety of concurrent
constructs, as well as high level modeling
constructs (e.g. packages, configurations) - Good to know both of them, as mixed HDL designs
are frequently used