Title: Next Generation Library Catalogs
1Next Generation Library Catalogs
- David Lindahl
- Co-Principal Investigator
- eXtensible Catalog Project
- University of Rochester River Campus Libraries
2Faceted Browsing Search Interface(NCSU Libraries
3Catalog Community Features(Ann Arbor District
4Hosted Catalog Solution(OCLC WorldCat Local -
University of Washington Libraries Catalog)
5Open Source Software(Scriblio - Plymouth State
University Library Search)
6Open Source Components(SOLR/Lucene)
7ILS Vendor Offerings(Ex Libris Primo and
Innovative Interfaces Encore)
8Next Generation Library Catalog
- The This Generation Library Catalog
- Not just a destination
- Not software you can buy or download
- New role for libraries
9Next Generation Library
- Technologies are changing quickly
- Library users are adopting a wide range of them
- Shift
10Next Generation Library
Study Users
- Google
- ILS vendors
- Open source software
- How many next-generation catalogs do we need?
12Next Generation Catalogs
- Complete
- Faceted and FRBRized
- Not just a destination
- Community participation
- Flexible privacy and filtering
- Open
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14eXtensible Catalog (XC)
- Alternative way to reveal library collections to
users - Integrate library content into other systems
- Open source, collaborative
15eXtensible Catalog (XC)
- User interface faceting, Web 2.0
- Support for local development
- Handle multiple metadata schemas
- Informed by user research
16eXtensible Catalog (XC)
- Phase 1 (2006-2007)
- Funding Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholarly
Communications Program - Duration 1 year
- Develop a project plan
- Phase 2 (2007-2009)
- Build and deploy XC software
- Conduct User Research
- Develop a governance structure
17XC Phase 1 C4 Prototype
18XC Phase 1 Name Authority Prototype
19XC Phase 2 Activities
- Develop a metadata application profile
- Conduct user research
- Implement the XC software
- Seek out additional partners
- Governance and Sustainability
- Dissemination
20XC Phase 2 Advisory Board
- Andrew Pace (North Carolina State University)
- Karen Calhoun (OCLC)
- Barbara Tillett (Library of Congress)
- John Blyberg (Darien CT Public Library)
21XC Phase 2 Implementation Partners
- Notre Dame University
- CARLI Consortium of Academic and Research
Libraries in Illinois - Rochester Institute of Technology
- Oregon State University
- Georgia PINES
- Cornell University
- University at Buffalo
22XC Phase 2 User Research Partners
- Cornell University
- Ohio State University
- Yale University
23XC Phase 2 System Diagram
Metadata Services Hub
XC User Interface Platforms
XC User Interfaces
Sources for existing library metadata
Out of the box XC user Interface
XC-schema metadata delivered to client platforms
Metadata Cache Temporary storage of packages of
metadata along with sources
XC Cataloging User Interface
Institutional repository
Out of the box XC user Interface
User and staff generated metadata delivered to
the MSH
Library resources organized by course
Other metadata repository
Normalization Terminology Relationships Transforms
Library resources organized by course
Homegrown (PHP or Java)
24Phase 2 System Diagram Summary
- Multiple sources for existing metadata
- Metadata Service Hub
- Multiple user platforms and interfaces
25XC Vision
- Address the needs of many libraries
- Flexible, extensible software
- Use XC as is or build on top of it
26- More information on XC
- www.extensiblecatalog.info
- David Lindahl
- dlindahl_at_library.rochester.edu
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