Title: Support to High Priority Schools:
1- Support to High Priority Schools
- Plan for Technical Assistance
- School Year 2004 05
- CDDRE Conference on State Strategies for
Supporting - Low Performing Districts and Schools
- Baltimore, Maryland
- October 4 5, 2004
- Michigan Department of Education
- Thomas D. Watkins, Jr., Superintendent of Public
Instruction - Jeremy Hughes, Ph.D., Deputy Superintendent/Chief
Academic Officer - Dr. Yvonne Caamal Canul, Director, Office of
School Improvement
2Presentation Overview
- Status Data
- Plan for Assistance
- School Portfolio
- Regional Support - Coaches
- School Improvement Framework
3Michigans Status Data
- Improvement 85 schools
- Continuing Improvement 65 schools
- Corrective Action 76 schools
- Restructuring Planning 82 schools
- Restructuring Implementation 62 schools
4(No Transcript)
5Plan for Assistance to High Priority Schools
Strategic Planning Database
Regional Assistance to Schools
MI-MAP Toolkit for School Reform
School Improvement Framework
MDE/OSI, ISD, others
MDE/OSI, ISDs, Ed. Orgs
- School Portfolio
- Demographics
- Programs and Services
- Student Achievement
- AYP Status
- Sanction Options
- Compliance Assurance
- Budget Supports
- Support Staffing
- Components
- Administrative Systems
- Competent, Visionary
- Leadership
- Tending to the Spirit/Culture
- Moving Decisively Toward
- Data
- Designing and Delivering
- Instruction
- Benchmarks Standards
- Aligning Curriculum
- Professional Development
- Shared Decision-Making
- Using Technology
Coach Cohort Regional Teams of MDE Consultants,
SI Facilitators (ISD), and Coaches
- Develop a Curricular Framework for School
Improvement in which the Performance Indicators
play a foundational role - Standards for School Improvement (Leadership,
Curriculum Instruction, Professional
Development, School Climate, Community
Involvement) - Benchmarks for School Improvement (Performance
Indicators) - Expectations for School Improvement (Rubrics)
- Evidence of School Improvement (Hard, Soft Data)
Professional Development Seminar Series GLCE
Companions MI-MAP (school based) Michiganlearnport
NCLB Monitoring Continue Assurances
School Portfolios Short-Term Strategies Long-Term
Data for TA Local and Regional views for FS
Consultants and ISD staff
Dissemination 3 Statewide Sessions for ISDs 12
Regional Sessions for ISDs, LEAs 1000 Kits for
Phase I, II, III Schools and others by request
Family Resource Centers Collaboration with FIA
Monitor Strategic Plan for Assistance to Highest
Priority Schools Office of School Improvement
6Coaches Institute
- Foundational Work
- Partnership for Success pilot model
- RFP Grant to collaborative applicants
- Inquiry-based coaching framework - Process
Consultation - Tap into educational community of practitioners
for coach candidates - Identify core faculty of trainers university
consortium, practitioners
7Coaches Institute
- Institutes Logistics
- Interview process for selection 75 slots
- Three regional training sites
- 12 full days of training during 3 months
- Performance Appraisal for completion
- Donate 20 hours to high priority school
8Coaches Institute
- Curriculum
- Standard I Coaching for School Reform Through
Process Consultation - Standard II Standards-based Instructional
Design - Standard III School Climate, Student Engagement
and Organizational Dynamics - Standard VI Utilization Of School And
Community Resources To Improve Schools - Standard V Leadership For Achieving
Instructional Coherence Through Distributive
Leadership - Standard IV Data Analysis And Decision Making
- Utilization of Case Studies Fishbowl Feedback
9Coaches Institute
- Assessment
- Based on Standards Rubrics
- In basket experience
- Reflection Journal
- Process Consultation video
- Practitioner panels
10Coaches Institute
- Next Steps
- Maintain cohort regional support network
- Lead Conversations with Principals
- Include coaching as option for Corrective
Action and Restructuring (100 days) - www.abcscoaches.org
11MI-MAP Toolkit for School Reform
- Three years of action research
- What systems are missing in high priority
schools? - Build strategies around those systems
- Make it ruthlessly practical
12Guiding Assumptions
- Change requires co-creation in collaboration with
participants - Data-rich environments drive quality
decision-making - Deep change requires leadership invested in
excellence - What we learn is as important as what we do
- Networks create knowledge and options
13MI-MAP, continued
- Schools HAVE
- Intelligent, hardworking professional educators
- Students who can learn
- Concrete ideas about how to improve
- Heart and passion about their kids
- Schools NEED
- Dialogue with peers
- Focus on sustained strategies
- Ruthlessly practical tools for implementation
- Sense of shared efficacy (hope and pride)
14MI-MAP, continued
- To engage staff in collective work
- To outline practical, step-by-step processes
- To provide copy ready-made samples
- Agendas -- Letters
- Worksheets -- Posters/Flyers
- Rationale with clear deliverables
- CD format
- Connections to articles, books, people
- To connect users to local, regional, state
resources - To support NCLB, EdYES!, Title I, and MI-Plan
15MI-MAP, continued
- Organizing Administrative Systems
- Holding a Shared Vision
- Tending to Spirit/Culture
- Moving Decisively Toward Data
- Designing and Delivering Instruction
- Aligning Curriculum
- Learning as a Professional Community
- Sharing Decision Making
- Using Technology
- Your Stuff
16Contact Information
- Dr. Jeremy Hughes, Deputy Superintendent/Chief
Academic Officer - Michigan Department of Education
- HughesJ_at_michigan.gov
- Dr. Yvonne Caamal Canul, Director
- Office of School Improvement
- Michigan Department of Education
- Canuly_at_michigan.gov
- www.michigan.gov/mde