Title: Computer support for second language learners
1Computer support for second language learners
free text production-Initial Studies-
- O. Knutsson, T. Cerratto Pargman
- K. Severinson Eklundh
- Royal Institute of Technology
- Stockholm - Sweden
- Introduction
- Background
- Theoretical Framework
- User Study
- The computer program Granska
- Research questions
- Data collection and methods
- Preliminary findings
- Discussion
- Interest in the use of computer support for
learning Swedish as a second language - Focus on the use of computer-language tools for
writers who can fluently write and speak in their
mother tongue - Goals
- to study how writers develop their writing
practices in the context of learning Swedish as a
second language - to contribute to improving the design of existing
language tools for writing in learning contexts
4Writing in the acquisition of second language
- Writing turns speech and language into objects of
reflection and analysis (Vygotsky, 1962 Luria,
1976) - Far from transcribing speech, writing creates the
categories in terms of which we become conscious
of speech (Olson, 1995)
5Language tools for second language writers
- Computer language programs supporting free text
production available in Swedish have been
developed for native speakers - the grammar checker in Microsoft Word (Lingsoft)
- the research prototype Scarrie (Uppsala
University) - the prototype GRANSKA (Royal Institute of
Technology) - Most of the computer aided language learning
programs available on the market rarely analyze
learners written or spoken productions
6Second-language learning processes
- The acquisition and development of a second
language is regarded as a complex processes
requiring the interplay of motivation, identity,
context, culture, intellectual competence
(Sjögren, 1996) - Second-language learning is viewed as a
combination of spontaneous, inductive learning
with systematic, deductive learning strategies
(Laurillard, 1993)
7A developmental perspective on the use of
language tools
- Language tools are viewed as artifacts that
become instruments through the writers activity
(Rabardel, 1995) - Language errors are a source for the
understanding of how writers make sense and
construct a new symbolic system (Scott, 2001) - Written feedback is an important resource for the
writers language understanding and construction
of a new symbolic system (Cohen and Cavalcanti,
8Pilot study on the use of Granska in
second-language writing environments
- Aims
- to study how the grammar checker, Granska,
should be adapted to second language writers
needs - to develop a method for assessing the use of
Granska in a naturalistic environment
9Granska - a Swedish Grammar Checker
- It provides different functions such as grammar
checking and proofreading, linguistic editing
functions, language rules and help system - It supports detection, diagnosis and correction
of language errors in the writers revision
process - It combines statistical and rule-based methods
10(No Transcript)
11Research questions
- Does Granska support second language writers
revision process? - What parts of Granska are most important to
improve and develop further? - Which are the research methods suitable for
studying second language writers free text
12Data collection
User Age Native language Language level Time of study No. of texts Length of writing Graded texts
A 34 Spanish Advanced 6 months 18 2240 words 4
B 37 Spanish Intermediate 4 months 16 244 words 4
C 34 German Advanced 2 months 1 190 words 1
- Focus on free text production during the revision
process - Instructions to the users
- Use Granska whenever you want and when you think
it will help you - Save the original text and the final version
revised with Granska - Analysis of users judgment of Granskas alarms,
detections, diagnoses and correction proposals - Analysis of interviews with second language
14Example two versions of the same text for the
study of users actions
- Version 1
- Hon skulle komma hit och träffas oss för att
prata om våra gemensamma intresse. Diagnosis
Om våra syftar på intresse är det
kongruensfelProposals vårt gemensamma
intresse våra gemensamma intressenVersion
2 - Hon skulle komma hit och träffas oss för att
prata om våra gemensamma intresser. Diagnosis
Okänt ord Proposals intressen intressera
15Teachers views of errors and written feedback
- The type of errors depends much on the level of
the language reached - Common errors are syntactical errors, word
order, verb inflection, agreement and use of
prepositions - Different approaches on written feedback
- Immediate written feedback and support for
drafting processes could become useful for writers
16Error type Detections Detections Diagnoses Diagnoses Corrections Corrections
Error type No. of judge-ments Mean value No. of judge-ments Mean value No. of judge-ments Mean value
Typographical 0 - 0 - 0 -
Orthographical 18 4,6 18 3,9 16 4,2
Morphosynt. 4 4,0 4 3,8 3 3,7
Syntactical 13 3,5 13 3,2 8 4,5
Lexical 0 - 0 - 0 -
Semantic 0 - 0 - 0 -
Pragmatic 0 - 0 - 0 -
Style 0 - 0 - 0 -
All errors 35 4,1 35 3,6 27 4,2
17Preliminary findings cont
- Users repaired spelling errors without feedback
from the program - Users followed Granskas advice if correctional
proposal was provided - Users mentioned to be satisfied with the
programs correction proposals - Users could not understand some of the diagnoses
presented when correction proposal was not
- When should we start to adapt/redesign Granska
from what we know from the users studies ? - Which types of users should we focus on ?
- How should we improve methods for collecting and
analyzing writers free text production?
19Information about the project
- www.nada.kth.se/theory/projects/xcheck/
- www.nada.kth.se/theory/projects/granska/demo.html
- Welcome! to contact us
- tessy_at_nada.kth.se
- knutsson_at_nada.kth.se