Title: Capacity Building 14 June 2005 Environmental Economics Valuation Methods
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2GEF 4. Sustainable Mobility
- Programming Directions
- Objectives
- Scope
- Approach
- Indicators
- PIMS 3636 Sustainable Transport Istanbul
31. Programming Directions
- Link efforts to protect the global climate with
the growing needs for access to
SUSTAINABLE ENERGY for DEVELOPMENT - Making Development Efforts Climate Resilience
- Benefits of ensuring the health of natural
ecosystems as protection against adverse
impacts - Acknowledge
- crucial link between global environmental
protection - Sustainable development
- Human welfare
- Negative impacts on the poor
- Use More Integrated Approaches to Natural
Resource Management - Strengthen link between Environment and
Development - Integration across focal areas
- Long Term the environment must become an
integral part of how Societies view
development - How?
- Enabling the development of markets for global
public goods - Engagement of the private sectors
- Support and integrate the local and indigenous
communities in - project development and implementation
- Added Value of Integration across focal areas
5GEFS Implementation of Core Principles
6Operational Program 11.Sustainable Transport
- Strategic Objective 8
- To Facilitate GHG reduction through market
transformation for Sustainable Mobility in urban
areas - WHY?
- Transport Sector is the most rapidly growing
source of GHG emissions - WHAT TO DO?
- Transforming Urban Mobility toward less GHG
intensive practices
7Operational Program 11.Sustainable Transport
Sustainable Mobility defined as the ability to
meet the needs of society to mover freely, gain
access, communicate, trade, and establish
relationships without sacrificing other essential
human or ecological values, today or in the
8- GEF 4
- Modal Shifts to less polluting modes of public as
well as private transport, such as - Traffic Flow and Demand Management
- parking measures
- traffic cells
- area licensing ( restricted zones)
- congestion pricing
- Soft Support to Transport Infrastructure
- bus rapid transit systems
- light rail transit
- electric trolley buses
9- Non motorized transport (NMT)
- maintaining physically separate NMT
networks - traffic calming
- strengthening NMT manufacturing and
maintenance enterprises - improving NMT vehicles
- Walkways
- Land Use
- zoning laws
- placing new public facilities (schools,
hospitals etc.) in transit friendly locations - Urban Planning Regulations
- To Achieve Sustainable Mobility
- Supportive enabling policy environment
- successful public awareness involvement
- key factors
- no severe energy price distortions is available
- policy and regulatory framework supporting SM
- establishment of a regulatory body to regulate
bus services - impose safety standards
- plan bus services
- ensure financial sustainability of the BRT plans
or NMT facilities - Municipal finance and transport companies
revenue should provide the largest share of the
baseline financing needed for these interventions - Citizens behavior changes are important
(aggressive public awareness plan inform them
about the SM options environmental benefits
convenience economic value)
- growth in the use of sustainable transport
options relative to the growth of the entire
urban transport system - outcome is favorable if the share of trips
(both number and km ) taken by more
sustainable, less GHG intensive means increases
relative to the entire number of trips
(numbers and km) taken in an urban area
annually - CO2 intensity per passenger km
- modal share of NMT
- BRT or mass transit trips in an urban transport
system - the average trip length
- evidence of consumer behavior shifting toward
more sustainable, less GHG intensive means
of transport
- Turkey is a highly urbanized country with over
75 of its population living in urban areas. - Rural-urban migration continues to be strong,
mostly because of perceived employment
opportunities in the urban areas. -
- Turkeys largest urban agglomeration is Istanbul,
with an estimated population of 11 million. - Since 1960, the city has experienced dramatic
population growth at an average rate of 4.3
annually, although the average annual population
growth rate has declined to 3.2 over the last
- Among the main problems facing Istanbul and other
large and medium-size cities are - (i) inadequate management of the public transport
system - (ii) deficient land-management policies which
lead to unregulated urban growth - (iii) environmental degradation, particularly air
pollution, leading to health related problems - (iv) and unmet demand for basic urban services
15- The overall objective of the project
- is to reduce greenhouse gases from ground
transport in Istanbul through the promotion of a
long-term modal shift to more efficient and less
polluting forms of transport. - The proposed project will adopt a comprehensive,
integrated approach to sustainable transport by
focusing on the following seven components - integrate land-use planning, urban transport
planning and environmental management, - better integrate and improve the efficiency of
the existing public transport system, - demonstrate the effectiveness of bus rapid
transit - implement traffic demand management measures,
- improve the transportation decision-making
process through greater public awareness and
participation, - incorporate strategic environmental assessments
into the planning process and - promote clean fuels for public transit buses.
- PDF-B resources in the amount of USD350,000 will
be requested from GEF to carry out the project
preparation activities outlined below. -
- Component 1 Integration of Land Use Planning,
Urban Transport Planning and Environmental
Management - Proposed PDF-B funded Activities
- Design the guidelines of a strong planning
system, integrating land use and transport
planning at the metropolitan and regional levels - Prepare proposals for the
redevelopment of abandoned or degraded areas in
city center, articulating the real estate
development to existing or planned transport
corridors, - Help prepare a strategy to create
incentives for private sector involvement in the
projects. - Organize workshops including the
citizens commercial establishment owners, real
estate developers, to present and discuss the
municipal plans in both areas and prepare an
action plan for additional investments
integrating urban development, land use and
transport plans, with special focus on public
transport and non-motorized transport. - Estimate potential for GHG emission
reductions and for local environmental impact of
this component.
17- Component 2 Improving Integration and Efficiency
of Public Transport - Develop plans for an upgraded, integrated public
transport network by assessing results of the
study of the main interchange stations proposed
by the Municipality of Istanbul. - Create an institutional and legal framework that
will enable fare integration and joint management
of the public transport system in the
metropolitan region. - Define a corridor and design additional measures
to increase the attractiveness of
the corridor (nicely designed stations,
easy access for cyclists and pedestrian and
people with disabilities, bike
parking facilities at stations, landscaping, etc) - Workshops and study tours to mobilize political
support for a better integration of public
transport system. - Estimate potential for GHG emission reductions
and other environmental benefits of
this component.
18Component 3. Bus Rapid Transit Pilot
Demonstration Prepare operational
scenarios for the integration of the BRT at
metropolitan level. Develop a long range
plan for BRT development in Istanbul, including
identifying and prioritizing potential corridors.
Basic system design work, including
optimized physical design elements (nicely
designed stations, easy access for cyclists and
pedestrian and people with disabilities, bike
parking facilities at stations, landscaping,
etc) Identify and envelop a pilot phase
project, identify needed steps and investments
toward full implementation during the gef full
project phase. Organize workshops and
study tours to mobilize political support for a
better integration of the BRT. Estimate
potential for GHG emission reductions and other
environmental benefits of this component.
19Component 4. Traffic Demand Management
Assist government agencies in assessing options
for and developing an integrated traffic demand
management system, and implement selected
instruments in Istanbul, with focus on pricing
mechanisms and complementary measures to restrict
individual car use. Specific terms of
reference for in-depth assessment and analysis of
options will be finalized, as well as the
preparation of tools to quantify the climate
change and other benefits of the introduction of
these instruments. Feasibility studies
for congestion pricing schemes Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) identification of
bottlenecks, options to remove them through a
better traffic light management system.
Workshop to exchange experiences on traffic
demand management and road pricing and develop a
list of actions in Istanbul.
20 Component 5 Improving Decision-Making Process
in Transportation and Public Awareness
Campaign Assess the current
legislative and institutional framework in the
transportation decision making process.
Design and conduct an outreach and
information dissemination campaign aimed at
promoting sustainable transport among the
citizens of Istanbul. Develop and
carry out a plan for a national-level outreach
program, to promote the replication of the work
in Istanbul and other major cities in the
country. Organize workshops and
public information campaigns to promote public
awareness and to foster a sense of individual and
collective responsibility in Istanbul.
21 Component 6. Strategic environmental
assessment Assist in introducing the
concept of SEA in the transport sector in
Istanbul. Organize a workshop to fully
introduce the concepts and prepare follow up
activities like the selection of activities to be
assessed, the impacts to be assessed, the
reporting requirement and how to mainstream the
SEA process into planning and decision making.
Prepare the necessary terms of
reference for the analysis and specific
studies. Assess about potential impact
in reducing GHG emissions.
22 Component 7. Clean fuels Evaluate
options to remove older and more polluting bus
fleet through incentives and regulations.
Evaluate options to improve bus
fuel quality and/or switch to alternative
fuels. Develop a comprehensive
clean fuel/vehicle bus action plan for
Istanbul Estimate potential GHG
reductions from this component.