Title: The Incident Command System
1The Incident Command System Swiftwater SAR
2Key Points
- Incident considerations
- Safety considerations
- Developing an Incident Action Plan
- Setting up a search grid
- Helicopter use
3Incident Considerations
4Common Inland SAR Environments
- River
- Canal
- Irrigation
- Storms
- Flash Flood stage of a mass flooding incident
- Debris flows
5Flash flooding
- This phase is associated with high speed water.
Most technical rescues will occur during this
phase of a flooding incident since gt60 of flood
deaths involve people, their vehicle, and water.
- Since most rescues occur during this phase, this
is when rescuers will be at their greatest risk.
6Swiftwater Incidents
- Think Unified Command!
- With rivers often used as jurisdictional
boundaries, utilization of a Unified Command is
often the appropriate system for handling
multi-jurisdictional incidents - Know your local assets and train together!.
7Incident site control
- Hot Zone Defined as the water entrance to this
area is for technician level rescuers only. - Warm Zone Defined as within ten feet (3m) of the
water or inside a rescue craft this zone is for
operations and technician level rescuers only. - Cold Zone Defined as any area outside the hot and
warm zones this zone is where awareness level,
family and bystanders must be located. - These are the suggested minimums and can be
expanded as necessary.
8Site Control Example
Cold Zone
Hot Zone
Warm Zone
9Levels of Capability
- Awareness
- Aware of hazards. Can not effect a rescue
- Operations
- Can enter the water hot zone and effect rescues
- Technician
- Team leaders
- Rescuers in highly technical incidents
- Trainers
10Operational Safety Considerations
11Personal Protective Equipment
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13Operational Safety
- The effects of swiftwater.
- Powerful
- Relentless
- Predictable
- Predictability is what enables the rescuer to
perform safe rescues - We will know what it will do every single time!
14Swiftwater is POWERFUL
15Operational Safety
- Vehicles
- Stability must be assessed
- In depths less than 10 many vehicles will
present in a right side position. - Greater than 10 vehicles can flip and remain
upside down - Bottom composition
- Hazardous materials
- Strainer hazard
16Operational Safety
- How does swiftwater affect the search team ?
- Use a technician as an advisor
- GO or NO GO
- Take advantage of hydraulic features
- Determining search grid
- Knowing where to look
- Knowing when to say NO!
17Developing an Incident Action Plan
18Incident Action Plans
- SMEAC Pneumonic
- Situation
- Mission
- Execution
- AdministrationÂ
- Command / Communications
- Who is the IC, where is the Command Post, what
command and tactical frequencies will be utilized?
19Incident Action Plans
- Anyone working the incident should be able to
answer these 4 questions. - Who am I working for?
- Who is working for me?
- What are we doing?
- How long, and with what, are we doing it?
20Setting up the search grid
21General guidelines on setting up the box
- Helpful information
- Victim is conscious or unconscious?
- How long has the victim potentially been in the
water? - Obstacles in the water?
- What is the rivers classification?
- What is the average speed of the river
- Los Angeles County Computer System
- Use a technician for planning the search grid and
in the helicopter
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24Victim location during a flood is usually
- Where the people and water cross paths
- Low water crossings
- Flood control channels
- Roof of their vehicle
- Roof of their house
- In the trees
- Inside the roof (Hurricane Katrina)
25 Helicopter Interface Operations
- Search
- Movement of ground based rescue teams
- Movement of supplies/equipment
- Rescue operations (Short-Haul/Hoist)
- Waterborne insertion of swimmers, divers and
watercraft - Operating In and Out of Ground Effect
26Short Haul /Longline Rescuer/Victim Extraction
27Helicasting / 10-10s
28Short Haul /Longline Watercraft Insertion
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30The Incident Command System is all about managing
31This Presentation and additional information may
be downloaded atwww.pacificrescuesystems.com
Pacific Rescue Systems Corp. Â Â Â Â Â
Training and Technical Advising