Title: Branding your Business for Success
1Branding your Business for Success
2Would you Buy?
- A Libyan watch?
- Japanese coffee?
- A Kenyan car?
3Your answer in all these cases is very probably
NO Reason? NO REPUTATION Reputation is the
Soul of a Brand
4Whats in a name?
- Brands are a shorthand for the values, ethos,
personality and character of the subject. - Anything can be branded That subject could be
anything a place, a building, a business, a
country, a product, or a person - Branding is the marketing discipline
5Whats the Difference?
- A product
- A commodity
- A brand
6Marketing Means Business
- The job of marketing is to sell more stuff, more
often, to more people for more money. - Sergio Zyman
7What is branding?
- Branding is the marketing discipline most
well-suited to solidifying a solid and consistent
image in the minds of customers. - Branding, as it is known in marketing place,
might best be defined as the soft sell, and it
works only through repetition.
8Brand Building Blocks
- Recognition
- Relationship
- Reward
9What does a brand give you?
- Recognition
- Identity
- Comfort
- Extendability
- Longevity
- Resilience
- More profits
10Modern value is in brands
- 74 of the value of the New York Stock Exchange
and 72 of that of the London Stock Exchange is
in brands, management know-how and patents - True value is no longer in bricks and mortar
11Your most valuable asset
- How do you read your balance sheet?
- Whats the difference between value and
valuation? - Story of the two KBLs
12The secret to brand building
- The Hand
- The Head
- The Heart
13Are brands born or made?
- Enduring brands arent born, they are made, and
they can outlive you - What strong local brands do we have in Kenya
across various categories?
162. INCREASE REAL USAGE Avoid virtual consumption
173. DIFFERENTIATE Be different or be damned
206. FOCUS Not everyone is your customer
217. BUILD CREDIBILITY Establish a track record of
kept promises
23Low Cost Promotional Mix
- Alliances partnerships, co-operative branding
- Bartering especially with media or other entity
wh needs your services - Corporate Identity logo, strapline or slogan,
key messages, uniforms and branded t-shirts,
company culture, delivery vans - Corporate literature folders, business cards,
leaflets, printed newsletters, bumper stickers,
SUV/4X4 wheel covers
- Customer endorsement testimonials, customer
references, loyalty programmes - Direct mail electronically and in print
- Distribution lists build these intentionally
- Email branded email, email marketing,
e-newsletters - Eventstraining, workshops, sponsorships,
exhibitions - Internet marketingreciprocal links, search
engines, meta tags, website, home page re-design
24Low Cost Promotional Mix
- Merchandise branded mugs, mouse pads,
paperweights - Networking in professional and trade
associations - PRarticles, columns, photo captions, news
stories, radio interviews, spokespersons, press
releases, charity support, client lunches and fun
days - Sales promotion competitions, discount coupons,
free initial consultation, samples, special
offers and incentives
- Selling cross-selling, branded presentations,
cold-calling, - Telemarketing on hold telephone messaging,
telephone selling, telephone manner culture,
delivery vans - Word of mouth referrals
25Thank You