Title: D
1DØ Monte Carlo (and Data) Production
- Boaz Klima
- Fermilab
- Transatlantic Networking
- Committee Meeting
- Apr. 18, 2001
2DØ MC Products
- DØGSTAR full detailed detector simulation
(output hits and generator info) - DØSIM digitization, raw data, trigger info
(output digi hits, trig/raw chunks) - DØRECO reconstruction (output tracks,
objects, particles) also used for data - DØRECO_ANALYZE algorithms analysis package
(output ROOT-tuple with particles info) - DØTRIGSIM L1/2/3 trigger simulation (output
ROOT-tuple with trigger info)
3DØ MC Products (cont.)
- Average CPU/event (750MHz PC) and event size
for L1E32 (2.5 additional minbias events) - (depends on event type and generator)
- DØGSTAR 1min and 1-2MB
- DØSIM .5 min and .6-2MB (.3MB w/o digi)
- (Combination with more details and lower cutoffs
cutneu for evolution as fast as showerlib
fast! in Run 1 !) - DØRECO 1min 1MB (depends on whats written
out). - RECO_ANALYZE - 5 sec and 10Kb.
- DØTRIGSIM 15 sec and 10Kb.
- Entire chain - 2-3 min
4DØ Data Storage
- Data Interface via SAM/ENSTORE model
5DØ Data Processing
- Run 2 began on Mar. 1, 2001!
- Will we have enough CPU power at Fermilab to keep
up with data processing? (currently 200
Trigger Rate 50 Hz (20 Hz DC)
Raw Data Size 250 KB
Raw Data Storage 150 TB/year
(Run 1 Storage) 60 TB
Events/day 2M events
6DØ Data Samples
- Store Data of different sizes
Data Type Event Size Storage/year
Raw 250 KB 150 TB Tape Archive
Full Reco-ed Data (STA) 300-350 KB 21 TB 10 of Sample
Data Summary (DST) 75 KB 45-90 TB 100 on Tape
Thumbnail (TMB) 10 KB 6 TB 100 on Disk
- TMB for basic analysis and event selection.
- DST contains enough info for almost all analyses.
- STA mainly for debugging purposes.
7DØ Monte Carlo Production
- Plan to generate ALL MC events off-site
- Currently 1 CPU can fully simulate 500-1000
events/day. - Current DØ Data Grid 500 CPUs
- Generate 50-100M events/year.
- Some farms will be upgraded substantially
this/next year
Location CPUs
UTA 64
Lyon 100
Boston O2000 (192)
Prague 32
Lancaster 200
Rio 100 (proposal)
Not Completely DØ
Current total Bandwidth to Fermilab
8DØ Data Grid - Locations
9MC Production Centers (MCPCs)
- Massive MC generation offsite - A new philosophy
at DØ - Requires control system and careful/smart
monitoring - MCPCs are a GREAT deal for DØ
- Excellent for DØ physics (closer to ee- model
of Data/MC) - Money spent by ( computers stay at) home
institution (not DØ) - Local manpower for software development
maintenance - For some inst. this fits well within grand plan
( LHC, Grid) - Current CPU power for MC 10,000 Start of Run
1 - 100 more MC data than in Run 1 (with full
GEANT!) - Thanks to dedicated people at every active MCPC
10DØ MC Production to-date
- Generated 4M MC events for three phases of MC
Challenge and processed them through all stages - Testing programs, infrastructure, and exploring
physics - MCPCs processing events via the entire chain of
programs and shipping RECO output files to
Task of events
MCC phase 1 (1998) 100K
MCC phase 2 (1999) 1.5M
MCC phase 3 (2000) 2M
Trigger studies 2M
Calib./Algorithms/Physics 2.5M (ongoing)
11Production under discussion
- Storage, mode of operation
- What to store and where (currently RECO output
_at_Fermilab) - Balance between different needs and budget (tapes
are expensive!) - Transferring MC data (ftp, FedEx, by hand,)
- Control and monitoring system
- Operating large vs medium size MCPCs
- Interaction with SAM
- Should MC Production centers be ready to process
data? (databases,)
- DØ complete MC Production use offsite farms
- World Wide Grid (2-4 continents)
- Currently 6 active MCPCs soon adding 2-3 new
MCPCs - CPU power on Mar. 01 10,000 Start of Run 1
- Generate 50-100 Million fully-simulated events
per year - Shipping them to Fermilab or storing at remote
sites? - Generation so far meets demand extremely useful
for all parties - Significant upgrades expected in 2001/2
- Capable of generating as many events as data
taken at DØ!!!
13Summary for TAN
- DØ Monte Carlo Production is up and working now
- World Wide Grid (2-4 continents)
- Currently 6 active MCPCs soon add 2-3 new ones
- Current total Bandwidth to Fermilab 50-100Mb/sec
- Shipping MC data back and forth is essential
- Total Bandwidth 200Mb/sec (2001)
- Significant upgrades expected in 2001/2/3
- Total Bandwidth 400Mb/sec (2002)
- Real data processing at remote farms
reprocessing (?) - Total Bandwidth 800Mb/sec (2002)
- Future? my current guesstimate would be
- Total Bandwidth (1200/1600/3200/4000)Mb/sec
(2003/4/5/6) - Is TA bandwidth available? TA-institutions in the