Title: Extended Area Protection
1Extended Area Protection Survivability
- Mr. Bill Nourse
- Program Manager, Extended Area
- Protection Survivability
- Aviation Missile Research, Development
Engineering Center - Email bill.nourse_at_us.army.mil
- Phone (256)876-7384
- Objectives
- Provide an Overview of the Extended Area
Protection Survivability Science Technology
Program - Scope
- The Problem
- The Threat
- Notional Concept
- System Drivers
- Trade Space
- Potential Solutions
- Technology Barriers
- Program Plan
3The Problem
Transforming the ForceFrom Korea to Today Major
General (Retired) Robert H. Scales, Jr. Historian
and Former Commandant of the Army War College,
Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania
Quote From Field Artillery, July-August 2001
Another fact historically in limited liability
wars, most Americans killed in combat were killed
by rudimentary weapons the greatest killer of
Americans on the battlefield is the mortar. A
distant second is automatic weapons. Mines are a
very distant third. I think the historical
pattern will continue Most Americans killed in
combat will die from the effects of simple
weapons while facing an enemy fighting on equal
terms in the close fight. That was true for the
Russians in Afghanistan, and it is true for the
Israelis today. One of the ironies today is that
a B-2 bomber can fly 8,000 miles to destroy a
building with one bomb from a safe distance, yet
a platoon under mortar fire is relatively
The Greatest Killer on the Battlefield is the
Currently, no existing or programmed system with
a capability to negate RAM projectiles after they
are launched. Limited capability to negate UAV
reconnaissance capabilities at sufficient range
to preclude detection, identification, and
targeting. Need for more cost-effective systems
solutions for cruise missile (CM) defense.
4The Threat
- Low RCS
- Low Trajectories
- Short Flight Times
- Thick, Hard Projectile Cases
- High Rate of Fire
5Notional Concept
External Sensors
High Altitude Air Defense
Low Altitude Air Defense
External Networks
Directed Energy
Outer Tier Leakers
Extended Area Air Defense
Outer Tier Leakers
Kinetic Energy
Outer Tier
Fire Control
Short Range Inner Tier
Long Range Inner Tier
6Functional Architecture
7System Drivers
- Asset survivability in an intense RAM barrage is
dependent upon - Asset dispersion, maneuver, concealment and
counter-fire - Engagement of only the potentially threatening
RAM - Effective engagement is dependent upon
- Impact Point Prediction (IPP), which identifies
must engage threats by - Precision tracking of incoming threats
- Precision tracking of dispersed assets (both
stationary and moving) - Accurate prediction of tracked threats damage
potential to the dispersed assets - High Threat Kill Rate
- Large Shooter Magazine
8Inner Tier Options
Protection of dispersed assets may be achieved by
- Many Short Range Inner Tier (SRIT)
Shooters - A Few Long Range Inner Tier (LRIT)
Shooters - A Mix of Short and Long Range
Long Range RAM Trajectory
Defendable Radius Of SRIT Shooter
RAM Launcher deployed at short range from asset
SRIT Shooter
Asset Defended only By LRIT
LRIT Shooter
Asset Defended Only By SRIT
Defendable Radius of LRIT Shooter
Advantage Earliest Fielding
SRIT Lowest Unit Cost SRIT Protect
Moving Assets LRIT Engage Short Time of
Flight Threats SRIT Most Cost-Effective
Asset Defended by LRIT SRIT
A mix of Short Range and Long Range Shooters may
be the best solution.
9Interceptor Trade-Space
- Homing Missile with Seeker
- Active RF
- Semi-Active RF
- Passive IR
- Active Laser
- Semi-Active Laser
- Command-Guided Missile
- Active RF Fire Control
- Passive IR or TV Fire Control (CLOS)
- Warhead Options
- Hit to Kill
- Multi-Fragment Radial Warhead
- Isotropic Blast-Frag. Warhead
- Control Options
- Thruster Based Controls Moving Fin Controls
- C.G. Thrusters/Direct Divert Canard Fins
- Canard Thrusters Tail Fins
10Inner Tier Interceptors
- Short Range Inner Tier (SRIT)
- Low-Cost Short Range Fire Control Radar Appears
Feasible - Unguided and Guided Bullet Concepts were Examined
- Sensor/Shooter Combinations Evaluated in
Simulation - Most Promising Technique is a Single Guidance
Command - Long Range Inner Tier (LRIT)
- Long Range Pulse Doppler Fire Control Radar
Analyzed - Investigating Guidance Concepts for Rocket
Interceptor - Investigating Closed-Loop Simulation (GENSS) of
Intercept - Small Rocket with Semi-Active Guidance appears
Low Cost Monopulse Fire Control Radar Command
Guided Bullet Programmable Gun
MMW Pulse Doppler Fire Control Radar
Semi-Active 70mm Rocket Rocket Launcher
11Technology Barriers
- Sensors for Acquisition of Small, Short Range,
and Low Trajectory RAM Threats - Miniature Sensors Control Mechanisms for Low
Cost Guidance - Lethal Kill Mechanisms for Defeating Tough
Diverse RAM Threat - Algorithms/Network for Timely Impact Point
Prediction/Preferential Engagement of RAM Threats - Efficient and Mobile Hemispheric Protection From
Engagement of Multiple RAM Threats Arriving
- Shooter Trade-off Studies
12Program Plan