Title: PreTrip
- Your Vehicle and Yourself
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8Inspection Report- Legal Document
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11Penalty for driving unsafe vehicle 84.  (1)  No
person shall drive or operate or permit the
driving or operation upon a highway of a vehicle,
a street car or vehicles that in combination are
in such a dangerous or unsafe condition as to
endanger any person. R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 84.
12MTO Official Drivers Handbook
- Chapter 2
- Safe and Responsible Driving
- Combination of Knowledge, Skill and Attitude
- Defensive Driving combination of visibility,
managing the space around your vehicle and
communicating with other road users.
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16Fatigue, Stress, Complacency
Fear Happiness Anger Sadness Joy Disgust
Exercise sleep -nutrition
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18Pre-Trip Yourself How ready are you for the road?
- Plenty of Sleep
- Regular Breaks (for long trips)
- Proper Nutrition
- Light Meals
- Less Caffeine keep water handy
- Moderate Exercise
- Clear Conscious
- Fuel
- Route Planning
- Route Instructions
- Traffic/Weather Reports
- Access to Personal items
- Cell Phone voice mail
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20Pre-Trip your Vehicle/Yourself Drive
Safe... Drive Defensively
Thank you