Title: Library Training for Distance Learners
1Library Training for Distance Learners
- Marianne Buehler
- Library Coordinator for Distance Learning,
Wallace Library, RIT
2Professional Activitiesas DL Librarian
- Marketing / delivery of library services to DL
faculty DLs - support courseware products - online chats
- Liaison with DL staff, faculty library staff
- Reference / Instruction
- Investigate / evaluate new online trends
technologies - Assessment of DL library services
3RITs DL Demographic Profile
- Average age, 31-40 years
- 56 male, 44 female
- 62 married, 38 non-married
- 45 states and Germany, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong,
Canada, Mexico and others
4Distance Learning Programs
- Degree Programs
- MS Graduate
- BS Undergraduate
- Graduate Undergraduate Certificates
- Subjects
- Business
- Communications
- Cross-Disciplinary
- Engineering
- Environmental / Health Safety Management
- Health Systems
- Information Tech.
- Sciences / Math
- Software Dev.
5Importance of Online Library Support
- Students
- family / work
- geographically dispersed
- adult learners
- Technology learning curve
- Multiple learning info seeking styles
- Potential lack of local library resources
6 Resources for Distance Learners?
- Communicate with
- friend
- librarian / e-mail reference
- professor
- DL Librarian
- Explore online resources
7Wallace Library Online Resources Services
- Scavenger Hunt
- FirstClass courseware / Wallace Library
Conference - Distance Learning Web pages
- Online instruction / Tutorials
- Course Chats
8FirstClass Library Conference
9Online Trends Technologies
- Video / Audio streamed instruction
- Distance learning
- Database overview instruction modules
10Database Instruction
11Periodical Abstracts Instruction Module
12Online Library Training -Accommodate to Learning
- Multiple methods
- Visual
- Auditory
- Hands-on
- Cone of Experience
- Disabilities
- Bobby check at http//www.cast.org/ bobby
13Promote Library Training
- Students
- information self-sufficiency
- information literacy
- awareness of online resources
- Faculty
- awareness of DL library resources
- DL staff
14Assessment of Online Library Training
- Online Surveys
- Effectiveness
- Quality
- Efficiency
- New services feedback
- Are information needs being met?
15ACRL Western NY / Ontario Fall Conference 99
- Marianne Buehler
- RIT / Wallace Library
- mabwml_at_rit.edu