Title: Maxus Shortlists
1Maxus Shortlists
21. Nokia Express Music Redefining the way
mobile phones are sold
Indian Premier League MOBILE CRBT
- Best media strategy Consumer Durables
32. Indian Premier League launch in 2008
43. Vodafone Six held captive in one frequency
54. Nokia Express Music Redefining the way
mobile phones are sold
- Best media strategy Consumer Durables
65. Fastrack - When Fastrack scripted the world's
first non-bloody coup
Seamless brand integration station-ified!
76. Alpenliebe - Wrong Angle is Right Angle
Alpenliebe - Wrong Angle is Right Angle
87. Tanishq Aleya Tanishq magic mirror
Making Every Womans dream come true Cover
girl of a National magazine
98. Tata Sumo Victa - India's First Lyricode
Victa integration with Bhojpuri Movie
109. Reebok - Reebok Just Did It, Impossible is
Reebok integration with Victory Movie
1110. Sonata 101 Collection - Carpet Bombing with
Carpet Bombing the small town cine-goer