Church History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Church History


A body or organization of religious believers. (Local Expression) ... Liturgy, sacraments, rituals, art, music, Liturgy of the Hours, devotions (Rosary), etc... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Church History

Church History
  • Church History
  • Fall 2009

Assignment 1
  • Typed paper
  • List the five moments from your life that make
    you who you are.
  • Explain how each moment has changed you and why?
    (How are you different because of this event?)

Due August 24
Church History
  • Class 2
  • Do you think it is important for an American
    citizen to know US history?
  • Why or why not?

Church History
  • Class 2
  • Those who forget the mistakes of the past are
    doomed to repeat them.
  • Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?

Church History
  • Class 2
  • What makes us who we are?
  • Where do we gain a sense of personal identity?
  • Where do we gain a sense of national identity?

Knowing our Roots
  • After viewing this short clip from the movie
    Roots do you think an African American views
    the clip in the same way an Anglo, Asian, or
    Hispanic American views the clip? Why or Why not?

Church History
  • Class 2
  • Why study history at all?
  • To help us understand who we are, where we came
    from, and why we have certain traits,
    characteristics, and abilities.
  • To help us make wise decisions and avoid
    repeating mistakes.

Church History Class 2
  • Why Study Church History?
  • Because Christianity is based on Jesus Christ who
    acts through and in the people of the Church.
  • Because the way Christians have succeeded and
    failed to follow Christ has shaped the way the
    Church and world are today.

Church History Class 2
  • Why study Church History? Continued
  • 3. To discover what is essential to being
    Catholic Christian and what is inessential.
  • To discover and appreciate Catholic Liturgy,
    Rituals, Sacraments, and Devotions
  • To discover and understand the factors and issues
    that led to division within the Christian Church.

Church History Class 2
  • Homework Assignment
  • Due August 26th
  • Read pages 15-23.
  • Answer the review questions on Page 23 of your
  • Be ready for a brief quiz over the six models of
    Church. Know each model and be able to apply each

Church History Class 3
  • When you hear the word Church, what images come
    to you mind?
  • What feelings come to mind?

Church History Class 3
  • To study Church History
  • is to study
  • Church
  • History

Church History Class 3
  • The word church comes from the Greek word
    ecclesia, which means assembly. CCC751
  • Church is also described as
  • A building for Christian worship.
  • The whole body of Christians. (Universal
  • A body or organization of religious believers.
    (Local Expression)
  • The clergy or officials of a religious body.

Church History Class 3
  • History is described by Websters as
  • A tale/story
  • A chronological record of significant events and
    their underlying causes.
  • A branch of knowledge that records and explains
    past events.
  • A treatise presenting systemically related
    natural phenomena

Church History Class 3
  • To be a member of a church is to be in
    relationship with and in the Body of Christ.
  • Think about your relationship with your best
  • What made that person your best friend?
  • How do they stay your best friend?
  • Do you know and understand them completely, or
    is their still some mystery in your

Church History Class 3
  • The Church is a Mystery
  • -While the Church exists historically, it also
    transcends history.
  • -The Church is part of our
  • personal history, communal
  • history, and human history,
  • yet it is also beyond our human
  • - God is a mystery and understanding the Trinity
    is beyond all human comprehension.

Church History Class 3
  • -Because we are studying the story of this
    relationship, we must understand we cant fully
    understand the mystery present in the Holy
    Trinity, the Church, or any relationship from
    only one aspect.
  • -Yet we can use what we do know, understand, and
    believe in faith to enrich our understanding of
    what it means to be in relationship with and in
    the Church.

Church History Class 3
  • Cardinal Avery Dulles
  • Models of the Church
  • The Church as the Body of Christ/People of God
  • The Church as Institution
  • The Church as Sacrament
  • The Church as Herald of Gods Word
  • The Church as Servant
  • The Church as a Community of Disciples

Church History Class 3
  • Church as The Body of Christ or the People of God
  • 1 Corinthians 1212-21, 27 
  • Reader 1
  • As a body is one though it has many parts, and
    all the parts of the body, though many, are one
    body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were
    all baptized into one body, whether Jews or
    Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all
    given to drink of one Spirit.

Church History Class 3
  • Church as The Body of Christ or the People of God
  • 1 Corinthians 1212-21, 27
  • Reader 2 
  • Now the body is not a single part, but many. If
    a foot should say, "Because I am not a hand I do
    not belong to the body," it does not for this
    reason belong any less to the body. Or if an ear
    should say, "Because I am not an eye I do not
    belong to the body," it does not for this reason
    belong any less to the body.

Church History Class 3
  • Church as The Body of Christ or the People of God
  • 1 Corinthians 1212-21, 27
  • Reader 3 
  • If the whole body were an eye, where would the
    hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where
    would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God
    placed the parts, each one of them, in the body
    as he intended. If they were all one part, where
    would the body be? But as it is, there are many
    parts, yet one body.

Church History Class 3
  • Church as The Body of Christ or the People of God
  • We are parts of a spiritual Body which becomes
    the body of Jesus on earth.
  • Jesus is the head of the body and the indwelling
    of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the faithful
    make the body a temple.
  • God is not the property of any one people.
  • Our mission as the people of God is to be Salt
    and Light (Mt 513-16) bringing flavor by loving
    others as Christ loved us and to dispel the
    darkness caused by sin.

Church History Class 3
  • Church as The Body of Christ or the People of God
  • As the People of God we participate in the
    mission of Christ by accepting our baptismal call
    (vocation) to be priest, prophet, king
  • We are priestly when we help others become a
    consecrated spiritual body, that is through
    baptism, regeneration, and anointing of the Holy
  • We are prophetic when we are adhere to the faith
    and when we witness our faith to the world.
  • We share in the kingly office of Christ when we
    serve others, especially the poor vulnerable.

Church History Class 3
  • The Church as Institution
  • We are organized in patterns, rules, rituals,
    and social structures meant to help us carry out
    the mission of the Church to worship God, preach
    the Gospel, and serve those most in need.

Church History Class 3
  • The Church as Institution
  • We are organized in patterns, rules, rituals,
    and social structures meant to help us carry out
    the mission of the Church to worship God, preach
    the Gospel, and serve those most in need.

Church History Class 3
  • What structures help fulfill the Churchs mission
    to preach the Gospel?
  • Liturgy, RCIA, Schools, Web, TV, Radio, etc
  • What structures rituals exist to help the
    Church worship God?
  • Liturgy, sacraments, rituals, art, music,
    Liturgy of the Hours, devotions (Rosary), etc
  • What structures exist that help the Church help
    the poor and vulnerable?
  • Catholic Worker, Food Pantry, Shelters, Home
    Visits, Hospitals, Schools, Clothing Centers, etc

Church History
  • The Church as Sacrament
  • As Church, we become the visible, tangible sign
    of Gods love.
  • Simple, ordinary actions take on a deeper
    meaning. Pouring water, laying on of hands,
    sharing a meal, exchanging vows, oil, and ashes
    mean more. These actions make visible an internal
  • Just as these actions act as a visible/tangible
    sign of Gods love, our actions to worship God,
    preach the Good News, and serve the needy become
    signs of our unity with God.

Church History
  • The Church as Herald
  • Mt 2819 Go, therefore, and
    make disciples of all the nations.
  • When we proclaim the Good News, we are living as
  • Modern ways of being heralds
  • Liturgy, RCIA, Schools, Web, TV, Radio, Missions,

Church History
  • The Church as Servant
  •  John 1512
  • This is my commandment love one another as I
    love you.
  •  Matthew 2535-36
  • Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit
    the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation
    of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me
    food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a
    stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you
    clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison
    and you visited me.'

Church History
  • The Church as Servant
  • John 1314
  • If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have
    washed your feet, you ought to wash one another's
  • John 69
  • Just as the young boy offers his loaves and
    fishes to Jesus to bless and share, we use our
    gifts and talents to bring about the most good.

Church History
  • The Church as
  • Community of Disciples
  • To be a disciple means that you accept and assist
    in spreading the doctrine (beliefs and ethics) of
    Jesus Christ
  • The word disciple comes from the same Latin root
    as the word discipline, which means a training
    that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental
    faculties or moral character. Christians are
    molded and perfected by following the ways of
    Jesus Christ.

Church History
  • The Church as
  • Community of Disciples
  • True disciples of Christ are counter-cultural
    because they share their gifts without an
    expectation of return, they defend the rights of
    those rejected by society, and they choose peace
    over war.
  • In every generation followers of Jesus have been
    unpopular and had to suffer ridicule, loss of
    employment, imprisonment, torture, and even death
    in order to advance the teachings of Christ.

Church History Class 3
  • Homework Assignment
  • Due August 28th
  • Group Poster Activity 25 points
  • Your poster must include articles with pictures
    which demonstrate each model of Church in action.
    Along with each article picture, explain how it
    is truly an example of the model you have
  • 3 Extra Credit points can be earned by also
    including pictures/articles of the Assumption
    community living each of these models.

Church History Class 3
  • Poster Activity
  • Where should I look for articles pictures?
  • Catholic Digest
  • Quad City Times
  • Old Yearbooks
  • Knight Beacon

Church History Class 4
  • Some Images Symbols of
  • the Church its Vocation
  • The Bride of Christ CCC796
  • The Temple of the Holy Spirit CCC797
  • The Family of God CCC1
  • The Holy Remnant CCC710
  • The Cultivated Field CCC755
  • The Pilgrim Church CCC671
  • The Sheepfold CCC754

Church History Class 4
  • The Bride of Christ CCC796
  • The two shall become one flesh.
  • Like a marriage, Christ, the groom, offers his
    body for his spouse, the Church.
  • This is my body, this is my blood, the blood of
    the covenant to be poured out on behalf of many.
    Mark 1422-23
  • Our will becomes One with Christ. (Individual
    and Corporate)
  • I do not pray for them (Apostles) alone. I pray
    also for those who believe in me through their
    word, that all may be made one as you, Father,
    are in me and I in you. John 1720-21

Church History Class 4
  • The Temple of the
  • Holy Spirit CCC797
  • Where the Church is, there also is Gods
  • St. Irenaeus
  • The Spirit is in each member and in the entire
    body of the Church.
  • The Spirit guides, builds up, sanctifies, renews,
    and animates both individuals and the entire body
    so that they are more fit to undertake the
    mission of the Church.

Church History Class 4
  • The Family of God CCC1
  • God calls all humans to know, love and freely
    serve God.
  • Through the actions of Christ we are adoptive
    sons and daughters of God.
  • We enter the family when we are baptized and
    commit our life to God.

Church History Class 4
  • The Holy Remnant CCC710
  • The Church are those left behind that freely
    choose to have Gods law govern their hearts.
  • In a sense we are in exile to our heavenly home.
    We are waiting in faith, hope, and love. Out of
    deep love we freely choose to follow the law of
    love given and modeled by Christ.

Church History Class 4
  • The Cultivated Field CCC755
  • We are the tillage of God.
  • Lumen Gentium 6
  • Just as a field cant grow without being tilled,
    sowed, watered, weeded, and pruned, the Church
    can not grow without the actions of the entire
    Trinity. Our growth only comes from being
    connected to our vine which is Jesus. (John

Church History Class 4
  • The Pilgrim Church CCC671
  • Marantha! (Our Lord Come!)
  • 1 Cor 1622
  • Just as pilgrims journey to their promised land,
    the Church is also on a journey. We are waiting
    for the day when Gods Kingdom will come and
    Gods will be done on heaven and on earth. While
    we wait, we participate with God in making the
    world more just and continue to proclaim the Good
    News to seekers of Truth.

Church History Class 4
  • The Sheepfold CCC754
  • The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.
    Psalm 23
  • Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd who lays down
    his life for his sheep, the Church.
  • Like sheep that needs to be guided and directed
    away from dangers in order to come safely home,
    the Church listens to its Shepherd. The Church
    also continues the mission given to Peter to feed
    Gods sheep.
  • John 2115-17

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • The marks of the Church are found within the
    creedal statements of the early Church
  • We are
  • One
  • Holy
  • Catholic
  • Apostolic

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • What does the Church mean when we say we believe
    in One church?
  • The Church is one because of its source. (CCC
  • We believe that our founder, Jesus Christ came to
    restore unity between all people and the Father.
  • The bonds of our unity our are strengthened when
    we love others as Jesus loves us. CCC 815

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • What does the Church mean when we say we believe
    in One church?
  • There is one body and one Spirit --just as you
    were called to one hope when you were called --
    one Lord, one faith, one baptism
  • Ephesians 44-5

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • How do we see the visible
  • expression of One church?
  • Our visible bond of communion are found when we
  • Profess the one faith received from the Apostles.
  • Our common celebration worship of our One
    Triune God, especially in the sacraments.
  • Apostolic succession linking the teachings and
    ethics of Jesus to our modern day. (CCC 815)

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • What does the Church mean when we say we believe
    in a holy church?
  • When the Church is united to its head, Jesus
    Christ, it is sanctified through and with him.
    (CCC 824)
  • When are will is united with Gods will, and we
    offer our lives in service to God, we are being
    made holy. When we love as Christ loves
    (sacrificially), we are in the process of being
  • Love is the motivating force that enables its
    members to act. Without love the Gospel would
    not be preached and the martyrs would not shed
    their blood. St. Therese of Lisieux

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • What does the Church mean when we say we believe
    in a catholic church?
  • Catholic means universal in the sense of
    keeping with the whole. (CCC 830)
  • The Church is catholic because Christ is present
    in her. If Christ is universal, and Christ is
    present, because when two or more are gathered in
    his name, then the Church must be universal.
  • When the Church lives its mission to spread the
    Gospel to the whole human race. (Mt. 2919)

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • What does the Church mean when we say we believe
    in an apostolic church? (CCC 857)
  • Because it is built on the foundations of the
  • Guided by the Holy Spirit, it proclaims the words
    given by the apostles.
  • The bishops serve as successor to the apostles
    and carry out the mission to preach, teach, and

Church History Class 4
  • The Marks of the Church
  • What does the Church mean when we say we believe
    in an apostolic church? (CCC 857)
  • Each member share in the mission to bring the
    Gospel into the whole world. (CCC 863)
  • Nourished by Word, Sacrament Prayer, and the
    inner workings of the Holy Spirit, we are
    empowered to share the Gospel with all those we
    encounter in word and deed.

Church History Class 4
  • Homework Assignment
  • Due September 1st
  • Complete Journal Activity 1
  • Read Pages 25-30
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