Energy Efficiency in the EU15: Achievements and Prospects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energy Efficiency in the EU15: Achievements and Prospects


... lifestyle changes (larger refrigerators) this was still ... Supercapacitors to avoid oversizing of car engines. Source: White Book for Energy Efficiency R&D ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energy Efficiency in the EU15: Achievements and Prospects

Energy Efficiency in the EU15 Achievements and
Conference on the Future of Energy in Enlarged
Europe Perspectives for RD Co-operation A
contribution within the context of the Weimar
Triangle Warsaw, 7- 8th October 2004
  • Wolfgang Eichhammer
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation
  • Karlsruhe, Germany

Energy Efficiency - The sextuple dividend
The double dividend
  • Reduction of environmental burden (CO2, local
  • Effects on employment/competitiveness
  • Supply security protection to oil/gas price
  • Economy protection to oil/pas price
    intoxication (Yoyo in energy prices high energy
    prices in slowly recovering economy)
  • Savings on oil stocks (90 days provision)
  • Energy Efficiency Trigger for Innovation

Energy Efficiency
  • Where we are and our policies

Energy efficiency is improving until 1998
almost 10 since 1990 main improvement in
industry with 17 against, 6 in transport and 5
in households slow-down since 1998
ODEX Odyssee Bottom-up Index for Energy
Efficiency "Dow Jones for Energy Efficiency"
Source Odyssee Database www.odyssee-indicators.or
Change in Efficiency Standards of New Dwellings
Specific Consumption Index
Some of our most performant national policies
Source Odyssee Database www.odyssee-indicators.or
Consumption for heating in the EU per dwelling ,
stable on average , but decrease per m2 regular
reduction for new dwellings because of
re-enforcement in standards
  • Recent revisions in 8 countries
  • Italy (94), Germany (95 02), Denmark(95)
  • Netherlands (95, 98 00), Ireland (97), Austria
    France (01), Greece (95 01)
  • Planned reinforcement in 3 countries
  • Finland (03), UK , France and Denmark (05)
  • On average , 4 revisions since 1973 in most
    countries with an energy saving of 60
  • for dwellings built now compared to 1973
  • But limited impact on average unit
  • consumption in 1999, dwellings built since
    1990 only represent 8 of total heating

larger dwellings offset half of the reduction
in consumption per m2
Source Odyssee Database www.odyssee-indicators.or
Limits to policy Impact of hypothetical building
regulation every 6 years on stock (lifestyle !)
Policy Impact ! Not autonomous
Success of a consistent and comprehensive policy,
of an innovative and proactive industry, as well
as of receptive consumers
Source MURE database (
Taking into account lifestyle changes (larger
refrigerators) this was still the equivalent of
half the EU wind industry and several large
nuclear plants. In the next 15 years this can be
doubled !
Household electricity consumption by type of
appliances successful energy policies versus
social trends
The race between equipment levels and policy
Labelling Policies
In particular ICT
Source Odyssee Database 2002
Message 1 Successful but.
  • We were quite successful in improving energy
    efficiency in the fields where we had coherent
  • However, behaviour/rebound effects will destroy
    in many occasions our efforts
  • Two strategies either be even more stronger in
    the technology field or tackle behaviour

Message from a recent evaluation of energy
efficiency measures in the residential sector
What we will achieve in the present decade
500-700 PJ
What we have achieved in the past decade 500-600
What we can achieve in an economic manner 1500
What we have to achieve according to the proposed
EU Energy Service Directive 1400 PJ
We need to double our efforts in energy
efficiency in the present and in particular the
future decades not taking in account behaviour
and living standard !
Source MURE
Message 2 "Lead policy" measure needed
  • We need a "lead policy" measure for the field of
    energy efficiency that can provide us with
    targets for the next decades similar to the RES-E
    Directive for renewables
  • The proposed EU Directive for Energy Service (1
    improvement per year beyond autonomous
    improvement) has the potential for such a "Lead
    policy" measure and needs a strong political
    support in all EU member states.

Armory Lovins Bathroom Plug (today)
How we use energy today
Armory Lovins bathroom plug 2080
Product/Material Strategies Nanotechnologies Biot
echnologies .. 2080
Current efficiency level
No-regret potentials 2020
Energy Efficiency RD 2040
The Future
Message 3 Coherent agenda needed
  • We need a coherent RD agenda with long-term
    targets and intermediate milestones beyond FP6
    bundling more strongly advances in other fields
    such as nanotechnologies, biotechnologies,
    material sciences and efficiency into the
    improvement of energy efficiency.
  • This agenda needs to be determined together with
    the private sector (transport sector, industrial
    sector, products for the residential sector,
    supply industries)
  • We need more energy efficiency technology
    platforms beyond the steel technology platform
    proposed currently, based on our problems e.g
    "how to reduce consumption levels in existing
    buildings to the level of new buildings without
    50 cm of insulation", "how to reduce stand-by
    consumption to close to zero", "how to reduce the
    weight of our cars to the half" (benefit also to
    hydrogen, electric cars, biofuel cars,)
  • We need to communicate the results of this agenda
    more regularly and more officially to the public
    renewables and hydrogen have by far a better
    PR-Strategy than energy efficiency !
  • We need to consider behavioural aspects in
    addition to technology aspects

White Book for Energy Efficiency RD-The 2000
Watt SocietyIf you want to build a ship,don t
drum up the men to gather wood,divide the work
and give orders.Instead, teach them to yearn
for the vast and endless sea.Antoine de Saint
Source White Book for Energy Efficiency RD CEPE
(Switzerland) http//
Long-term energy saving potentials industrial
sector Distance of current energy consumption
to minimum energy consumption
The task is difficult
QSL-Process for the smelting of lead
Classical lead shaft furnace
QSL process
but not impossible
Lead Smelting (QSL-Process in Germany)
  • The essential energetical progress of the new
    process consisted in
  • the unification of two previously separate
    process steps in one reaction vessel, of which
    one is exothermal (lead roasting), the other
    endothermal (lead reduction).
  • in the reduction of recirculated raw materials
    in the sinter step
  • In the demonstration phase 40 energy savings
    were achieved, in the industrial application over
    25 . Investment costs were lowered by about 20 .

Applications of nanotechnology for the energy
Source ESTIR Project (Fraunhofer ISI)
Supercapacitors to avoid oversizing of car engines
Source White Book for Energy Efficiency RD CEPE
Looking beyond present savings More economic
flat screensrethinking our products in the light
of energy efficiency right from the RD stage
Source Science et Vie 2004
Application of biotechnological processes to
energy supply and demand
  • Production of energy sources from various raw
    materials and sources Established processes use
    biomass in order to generate hydrogen, ethanol,
    methanol, and acetone with butanol and ethanol
    (ABE). Innovative process optimization focus on
    the use of cheaper carbon sources and aim on the
    improvement of strains and strain metabolism by
    genetic engineering. A third area for innovation
    is the improved efficiency of product recovery.
  • Biogas and biomass for energy generation employ
    biotechnological techniques as well, however at
    present there are little efforts for high-tech
  • Application of photosynthesis for energy
    generation. At present this process is pure basic
    research. According to experts industrial
    applications are expected to have a long term
    perspective for commercialization.
  • Bioleaching extraction of specific metals from
    their ores through the use of bacteria (relevant
    for low-concentration ores, e.g. for copper.

Source ESTIR Project (Fraunhofer ISI)
The long-term improvement of energy efficiency
has many legs...
  • Direct efficiency improvement in the chain from
    energy supply to use
  • Process substitution
  • Lowering the demand for useful energy
  • Recycling of energy-intensive materials
  • Reduce the specific material consumption
  • Product recycling and lifetime extension/
    intensification of product use
  • Use of biogenic raw materials

See also Dematerialisation less clear than it
Informal Environment Council - Dutch EU
presidency (16-18 July 2004)
  • Objective emphasise on strategic chances for
    European industry Eco-efficiency as main driver
    for creating a highly innovative European
    industry. In a Porter perspective, Europe has a
    unique possibility to create jobs and strong
    (new) industries for the future by emphasising
    eco-efficiency as a key drive.
  • Scoping Use eco-efficiency as a key motor of
    European competitiveness
  • Concrete goal
  • Development of eco-efficient systems - with the
    aim of building global leadership in new
    industrial markets (including the service
    economy). Broader than just environmental
  • More focus on industry (putting eco-efficiency
    into action) and high level policy makers
    (supportive instruments)
  • Chose investments in eco-efficient systems that
    are (or can become) highly competitive in the
    global market

How to make eco-efficiency innovations happen in
Message 4 Innovation supporting policy context
  • Innovations for energy efficiency can only grow
    in a steady policy environment providing strong
    incentives and clear messages (unless the oil
    exporting countries and oil price speculation are
    doing the job for us). High energy prices (but
    lower energy cost for the consumer at the end!)
    are unfortunately part of such an innovation
    supporting context.

See also Clean, Clever and Competitive Presidenc
y conclusions Informal Environment Council 16-18
July 2004
Potential for energy efficiency improvement in
New EU Members (1)
Potential for energy efficiency improvement in
New EU Members (2)
Message 5 Seize opportunities
  • The new EU Member States have through the renewal
    of their production tools as well as the car and
    building stocks the chance to take energy
    efficiency improvement very seriously into
    account. Once this moment is over, the chance
    will only come back 30-100 years later

Energy Efficiency RD Fields for Co-operation in
the Weimar Triangle and beyond
  • Setting a common and comprehensive European
    agenda for energy efficiency based on a White
    Book for Energy Efficiency RD aiming at a 1
    improvement for energy efficiency per year for at
    least half of this century. This strategy should
    include and bundle in particular advances for
    energy efficiency in the fields of
    nanotechnologies, biotechnologies and material
  • Supporting "Lead Policies" such as the proposed
    Energy Service Directive that pave the way for
    short as well as long-term energy efficiency
  • Creating, in co-operation with industrial
    actors, innovation clusters /centres for
    excellence / technology platforms in the field of
    energy efficiency
  • Investigating behavioural aspects of efficient
    use of energy
  • Extending monitoring and evaluation tools for
    energy efficiency such as ODYSSEE
    ( and MURE
    ( to New Member States (partially
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