Title: Tenants rights and estate redevelopment
1Tenants rights and estate redevelopment
- Presentation to the Shelter NSW seminar Renewing
the Estate June 2003 - Tenants Union of NSW
2Three ways of thinking about tenants rights and
- 1. Rights under the Residential Tenancies Act
- 2. Expectations under housing policy
- 3. Community commitments made by the Department
of Housing
3 and one question
- How does the Department of Housing address these
rights and expectations?
41. Rights under the Residential Tenancies Act
- Rights for all tenants (public and private
tenants alike) - repairs (including urgent repairs)
- quiet enjoyment (including access by landlord)
- termination process
- one exception
- Public housing tenants paying rebated rents
cannot get s 47 rent reductions
51. Rights under the Residential Tenancies Act
- How does the Department address rights under the
Residential Tenancies Act? - Tenants can hold the Department accountable in
the CTTT - Some special issues for the Department
- the scale of redevelopments (much larger than
private sector redevelopments) - misconceptions about landlords duties
62. Expectations under housing policy
- The Department has obligations
- as a landlord
- as a government agency
- Additional obligations to individual clients
under administrative law
72. Expectations under housing policy
- Legitimate expectations
- Government agency must act according to natural
justice (procedural fairness) where a decision
affects an individuals legitimate expectations
82. Expectations under housing policy
- Public housing tenants legitimate expectations
- the CSHA
- The aim of this agreement is to provide
appropriate, affordable and secure housing
assistance for those who most need it, for the
duration of their need (CSHA 1999, Recital C) - the published policies of the Department
92. Expectations under housing policy
- For public housing tenants
- a legitimate expectation of continuing
assistance - a stake in housing beyond just their current
102. Expectations under housing policy
- How does the Department address these
expectations? - Published policies Relocating tenants
- same type of tenancy
- same rate of rent rebate
- When policy not followed, advocacy needed
112. Expectations under housing policy
- How does the Department address these
expectations? - Vague policy
- process for offers of rehousing
- A problem for both tenants and Department staff
122. Expectations under housing policy
- How does the Department address these
expectations? - Insensitive interactions with tenants
- loaded interviews
- decanting tenants
133. Community commitments
- Community interests and social interests - the
big picture issues - whether to redevelop in the first place
- social mix (how much public housing?)
- amenities (what the redevelopment provides)
143. Community commitments
- Whether to redevelop in the first place?
- no consultations on this - just an announcement
- Erskineville tenants themselves made this the
issueunsupported by the Department
153. Community commitments
- Social mix - how much public housing?
- no consultation on this
- Minto 70 per cent private housing but what is
the basis for this?
163. Community commitments
- What amenities are to be provided?
- Department does consult (masterplan)
- but
- no resources for informed consultation
- why should tenants not coming back be bothered?
17Redevelopment policies and procedures
- Back to the drawing board
- resources for advocacy and consultation
- a comprehensive redevelopment policy document
- consultation on all aspects of redevelopment