Title: Proton Form Factor Measurements with Polarization Method
1Proton Form Factor Measurements with Polarization
L.Pentchev The College of William and Mary For
the GEp-2g and GEp-III collaborations
JLab , June 8-10, 2009
- GEp-III (E04-108) and GEp-2g (E04-019)
experiments - Polarization transfer method, experimental
set-up, kinematics - Elastic/background separation
- Spin transport in HMS
- GEp-2g experiment precise (1) measurement of
two polarization quantities test of the limits
of Born approximation in polarization method - 2g exchange theoretical calculations
- Longitudinal transferred polarization
(preliminary results), beam polarization
measurements - e-dependence of the form factor ratio
(preliminary results) - Reconstruction of the real part of the ep elastic
amplitudes - GEp-III measurement of the proton form factor at
high Q2 - Preliminary results
- Comparison with theoretical calculation,
asymptotic behavior - Summary
3 Polarization Method
In Born (one-photon exchange) approximation
- Form Factor ratio can be obtained without knowing
analyzing power, Ay, and beam helicity, h, (both
cancel out in the ratio), and without measuring
cross-section. - Systematic uncertainty dominated by the spin
transport from the polarimeter to the target.
A.I.Akhiezer and M.P.Rekalo, Sov.J.Part.Nucl. 3,
277 (1974) R.Arnold, C.Carlson, and F.Gross,
Phys. Rev. C 23, 363 (1981)
4GEP-3 and GEP-2gamma experimental set-up in Hall
Big E.M. Calorimeter
High Momentum Spectrometer Double Focal Plane
1.87- 5.71 GeV beam 80-100 mA beam current 80-85
pol. 20cm LH target
- Changes in standard HMS detector package
- Focal Plane Polarimeter with Double Analyzer
- -gt 70 increased efficiency (30 for FOM)
- Scintillator plane S0 in front of drift chambers
- -gt deteriorates angular resolution but
needed for triggering
- 1744 channel E.M. Calorimeter (BigCal)
- from (due to radiation
damage) needed for triggering - beter than 10 mm position resolution most
important parameter for elastic separation
6Goal of The Experiments
- GEp-2gamma e dependence of R at 2.5 GeV2
- same spin transport
- same analyzing power
Two polarization observables are measured Pt/Pl
and Pl separately
precision limited only by statistics ( 1),
very small p.t.p systematics Ay , h cancel out
in the Pt/Pl ratio Q2 fixed, Pp fixed, spin
precession fixed
- GEp-3 high Q2 measurements
- 5.2 GeV2 point overlapping with GEp-II (4.0 and
5.6 GeV2) - two higher Q2 points
7Data analyses elastic separation
All triggers Elastics after BigCal-HMS
correlations Estimated background Range used in
2.5 GeV2 e0.15
8.5 GeV2 e0.24
Background contribution 13 Absolute
correction to mR 0.10
Background contribution 0.5 Correction to mR
- (PCAL-PHMS)/P0 gives better resolution then
(Pqp-PHMS)/P0, because of worse HMS angular
resolution - Background estimated by interpolation, dominated
by g p -gt p0 p - Polarization of the background measured below
the elastic peak looking at events with hits at
the calorimeter outside expected position of the
elastic electron (p0 -gt gg)
8Spin transport in HMS
QQQD type spectrometer rotations are additive in
the quads and total precession is sum of
dispersive (main) and non-dispersive precession
Dispersive precession
Non-dispersive precession
Allows to use simple geometrical model, giving
results very similar to COSY calculations used
for the results presented here
- Non-dispersive precession the dominant source
of systematics, because it mixes the two
polarization components in the reaction plane - Requires very good knowledge of non-dispersive
bend angle Df - uncertainty of Df used for the preliminary
analyses of 1mrad - using dedicated optical studies, we expect to
reduce the uncertainty by factor of 3
2.5 GeV2 e0.15
9GEp/GMp Crisis discrepancy in the data
- The discrepancy is a serious problem as it
generates confusion and doubt about the whole
methodology of lepton scattering experiments - P.A.M. Guichon and
- M.Vanderhaeghen
10GEp-2g Beyond Born Approximation
Mo and Tsai, and others
- prescriptions for radiative corrections commonly
used - two-photon exchange (e), (f) only with one
soft photon, neglecting proton structure
11Generalized Form Factors (ep elastic amplitudes)
this experiment
e/e- x-section ratio Rosenbluth non-linearity
Born Approximation
Beyond Born Approximation
P.A.M. Guichon and M.Vanderhaeghen,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 91, 142303 (2003) M.P. Rekalo and
E. Tomasi-Gustafsson, E.P.J. A 22, 331 (2004)
12Two-Photon Exchange theoretical predictions
- Hadronic calculations
- P.Blunden et al., Phys.Rev.C72 034612 (2005)
elastic (at the figure) - S.Kondratyuk et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 172503
(2005) including Delta reduces the effect - S.Kondratyuk et al., nucl-th/0701003 (2007)
including 1/2 and 3/2 resonances no effect
GPD A.Afanasev et al., Phys.Rev.D72013008
(2005) GPD models Gauss (figure), smaller
effect with Regge, or non-zero quark mass Valid
at high e region (vertical line at figure)
LO pQCD N. Kivel and M. Vanderhaeghen
arXiv0905.0282 hep-ph LO pQCD using two
different distribution amplitude models BLW
(good agreement with lattice QCD!) and COZ Valid
in high e region (vertical line at figure)
Both theories describe Rosenbluth data but have
opposite predictions for mGE/GM
13Longitudinal transferred polarization stability
of the measurements
Beam polarization dominant source of systematic
error for PL measurements
- open circles this experiment
- (hAyPl)meas/(Plborn Ay(q))
- filled circles Moller measurements of beam
polarization (h) - open boxes (connected with line) beam
polarization predicted from quantum efficiency
measurements (Dave Gaskell, private comm.) - 1.873 GeV beam energy, e0.15
- 2.846 GeV e0.64
- 3.549 GeV e0.78
- 3.680 GeV e0.79
14Longitudinal transferred polarization stability
of the measurements
- open circles this experiment
- (hAyPl)meas/(Plborn Ay(q))
- filled circles Moller measurements of beam
polarization (h) - open boxes (connected with line) beam
polazrization predicted from quantum efficiency
measurements (Dave Gaskell, private comm.) - 1.873 GeV beam energy, e0.15
- 2.846 GeV e0.64
- 3.549 GeV e0.78
- 3.680 GeV e0.79
15Preliminary results longitudinal polarization
(Afanasev et.al, Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 113009)
Uncertainties in the overall normalization of the
data due to uncertainties in Ay
Beam polarization p.t.p. systematics 0.5
16Preliminary results form factor ratio
Narrow acc. matching all kinematics
Wide acc. matching e0.64 and e0.79
Theoretical predictions are with respect to the
Born approximation
(Afanasev et.al, Phys.Rev. D64 (2001) 113009)
17 GEP3 preliminary results FF ratio
- Results at 2.5 and 5.2 GeV2 agree (within one
sigma) with previous Hall A results - No zero crossing slower decrease with Q2
18 GEP3 results
- No evidence for the Q2 F2/F1 scaling
- Modified (logarithmic) scaling still holds
evidence for effects beyond Born approximation at
2 level in the polarization data at Q2 of 2.5
GeV2 - Slight deviations from Born approximation at
two sigma level both of longitudinal polarization
and of form factor ratio require further
investigations possible standard radiative
corrections, not applied yet - The preliminary results do not exclude with high
confidence any of existing 2g-exchange
theoretical models yet high-e data favor GPD and
pQCD models. Expected reduction of systematic
error and especially, knowledge of Born FF ratio
(from e/e- experiments) will greatly help in
constraining theoretical predictions. - Measuring two polarization observables for a
fixed Q2 in a wide kinematical range with 1
precision allows to constrain the real parts of
both, ratio of the generalized electric to
magnetic form factors, and the third non-Born
amplitude contribution Y2g, without model
assumptions. - GEp-III First high Q2 proton FF ratio
measurements outside Hall A confirm previous
results at one sigma level, though Hall C data
possibly slightly higher - New FF ratio data up to 8.5 GeV2 exhibit slower
decrease with Q2 (favoring existing VMD, GPD
models) still consistent with modified
(logarithmic) scaling of F2/F1 no zero crossing
yet - Measurements above 8.5 GeV2 with 12 GeV machine
are certainly very important
21Elastic amplitude reconstruction
- Three observables measured at 2.5 GeV2
- Pt/Pl
- AyPl
- ds
Important note Elastic amplitude reconstruction
is different from full Born / non-Born
separation need e/e- data and triple
polarization observables (M.P.Rekalo and E.
Tomasi-Gustafsson Nucl.Phys.A740271-286,2004)
Still here one can constrain the contribution
from the third non-Born amplitude Y2g.
Three amplitudes (Re parts) RmRe(GE)/Re(GM),
Y2g, Re(GM) and Ay unknown Plotted Re(GM)
(ds, Pt/Pl,R), Y2g(Pt/Pl,R),
22 Background corrections
23Two-Photon Exchange theoretical predictions
- Hadronic calculations
- P.Blunden et al., Phys.Rev.C72 034612 (2005)
elastic (Figure) - S.Kondratyuk et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 172503
(2005) including Delta reduces the effect - S.Kondratyuk et al., nucl-th/0701003 (2007)
including 1/2 and 3/2 resonances no effect
- Yu. Bystricky, E.A.Kuraev, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson
Phys. Rev. C75, 015207 (2007) structure function
method 2g effects small, higher orders change
Rosenbluth slope (Figure) - D.Borisuyk, A.Kobushkin arXiv0804.4128 proton
off-shell form factors are not needed to
calculate TPE amplitudes
24Two-Photon Exchange theoretical predictions
GPD calculations
- Absolute correction to FF ratio mGe/Gm
- slow Q2 variation, strong effects at low e
- valid for high Q2 or high e
- A.Afanasev et al., Phys.Rev.D72013008 (2005)
GPD models Gauss on Fig., smaller effect with
Regge, or non-zero quark mass
25(No Transcript)
26Analyzing Power
27 Polarization Method Spin Transport
Non-dispersive precession
Dispersive precession
to Reaction Plane
Reaction Plane
Longitudinal and transverse polarizations Pt and
Pl are helicity dependent (transferred) Normal
polarization Pn is helicity independent zero in
Born approximation
28GEp/GMp Crisis asymptotic behavior
Dirac and Pauli form factors
29 Polarization Method Systematics
Relate the evolution of the velocity (trajectory)
to the evolution of the spin
COSY Geom. Approx.
Geometrical Approx.
30High Q2 Measurements